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Everything posted by koolaidpickle

  1. By the way, it would awesome if you gave us some insight instead of being vague/ambiguous to solely just help promote the device.
  2. Im guessing FreeBSD or some Linux Distro such as Ubuntu or Android. I just hope the SDK doesnt suck and you could something with ease thats similar to the feel of Pygame or Love2D or Pyglet. Fuck Unity.
  3. I have been emailing the creators over and over and they never respond. On their kickstarter page they have 20+ people asking for what they are owed. Anyone able to sell me a copy?
  4. How do I find out the limitations for my game so that I can plan my game out accordingly? For example, how many sprites can I have on the screen at once, or how many pixels wide/tall is the screen?
  5. If a person wanted to put his homebrew game onto a cart how could this be done? The case could be 3D printed or someone may have blank shells/cases, but I am lost on how to do the chip/flast/rom part. Is there a place you can get the chips/flash and then load your game onto it and them assemble it with the case?
  6. Hello, I am glad I was told about Batari Basic as it seems to be the only retro console that allows high-level language programming (please correct me if wrong as I would love to know) I am currently making a cross platform game which uses the LOVE framework, its using Lua + SDL and here is an example of what I have https://gist.github.com/anonymous/66a485aeedaaf8f89d8c Does Batari Basic resemble any of this as far as how easy it is to draw a sprite (guess you cant do that) or text? How about the game loop? If I had to guess its going to be a lot more complicated... Example code: love.window.setMode(640, 700, {vsync = false}) -- global vars screen_width = love.graphics.getWidth() screen_height = love.graphics.getHeight() stage = 0 dt_mark = 0 set_mark = 1 boss_bullet_mark = 1 dt_boss_bullet_mark = 0 -- Creating tables Level_One = {} Player = {} StartScreen = {} Bullet = {} Boss = {} Boss_Bullet = {} -- Boss function Boss.init() local self = {} self.x = 100 self.y = 100 self.direction = 1 self.hit = {255, 0, 0} self.safe = {41, 128, 185} self.color = self.safe self.bullets = {} self.image = love.graphics.newImage("img/ellison_rect.png") self.hit_sound = love.audio.newSource("sounds/hit.wav") self.width = self.image:getWidth() self.height = self.image:getHeight() function self:draw() --love.graphics.setColor(self.color) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) love.graphics.draw(self.image, self.x, self.y) --love.graphics.rectangle("fill", self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) end function self:update(dt) if boss_bullet_mark == 1 then dt_boss_bullet_mark = love.timer.getTime() boss_bullet_mark = 0 end if love.timer.getTime() > dt_boss_bullet_mark + 0.5 then spawn_boss_bullet(self.x + self.width/2, self.y + self.height, player.x, player.y, self.bullets) boss_bullet_mark = 1 end if self.direction == 1 then self.x = self.x + 50 * dt else self.x = self.x - 50 * dt end if self.x > screen_width - self.width then self.direction = 0 elseif self.x < 0 then self.direction = 1 end end return self end -- Boss Bullet function Boss_Bullet.init(boss_x, boss_y, dx, dy) local self = {} self.width = 5 self.height = 5 self.x = boss_x self.y = boss_y self.dx = dx self.dy = dy self.player_x = player_x self.player_y = player_y function self:draw() love.graphics.setColor(241, 196, 15) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) end function self:update(dt) self.x = self.x + (self.dx * dt) self.y = self.y + (self.dy * dt) --self.y = self.y + 200 * dt end return self end -- Update the position of the bullets function update_boss_bullets(boss_bullets, dt) for i=#boss_bullets, 1, -1 do bb = boss_bullets[i] bb:update(dt) if bb.y > screen_height then table.remove(boss_bullets, i) end end end -- Draw all the bullets to the screen function draw_boss_bullets(boss_bullets) for i=#boss_bullets, 1, -1 do bb = boss_bullets[i] bb:draw() end end function spawn_boss_bullet(boss_x, boss_y, player_x, player_y, boss_bullets) local angle = math.atan2((player_y - boss_y), (player_x - boss_x)) local dx = 100 * math.cos(angle) local dy = 100 * math.sin(angle) bb = Boss_Bullet.init(boss_x, boss_y, dx, dy) table.insert (boss_bullets, bb) end -- Level One function Level_One.init() local self = {} self.music = love.audio.newSource("sounds/hold_me_back_end.mp3") function self:draw() love.graphics.setColor(0, 0 , 0) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, screen_width, screen_height) --love.graphics.setColor(246, 36, 89) --love.graphics.print("Current FPS: "..tostring(love.timer.getFPS( )), 10, 10) end return self end -- Player function Player.init() local self = {} self.width = 25 self.height = 25 self.x = (screen_width/2) - (self.width/2) self.y = (screen_height) - (self.height * 2) self.bullets = {} self.gun_sound = love.audio.newSource("sounds/shot.wav") self.bullet_x = self.x - self.width/2 self.bullet_y = self.y self.score = 0 self.hit_sound = love.audio.newSource("sounds/player_hit.wav") self.alive = true self.score_font = love.graphics.newFont("font/PressStart2P.ttf", 20) self.score_text = "SCORE:" function self:draw() love.graphics.setColor(127, 140, 141) love.graphics.setFont(self.score_font) love.graphics.print(self.score_text..tostring(self.score), 10, 10) if self.alive == true then love.graphics.setColor(46, 204, 113) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) end end function self:shoot() self.bullet_x = (self.x + self.width/2) - (2.5) self.bullet_y = self.y b = Bullet.init(self.bullet_x, self.bullet_y) table.insert (self.bullets, b) end function self:update(dt) if self.x > screen_width - self.width then self.x = screen_width - self.width end if self.x < 0 then self.x = 0 end if self.y < 0 then self.y = 0 end if self.y > screen_height - self.height then self.y = screen_height - self.height end if love.keyboard.isDown( "up" ) then self.y = self.y - 200 * dt end if love.keyboard.isDown( "down" ) then self.y = self.y + 200 * dt end if love.keyboard.isDown( "right" ) then self.x = self.x + 200 * dt end if love.keyboard.isDown( "left" ) then self.x = self.x - 200 * dt end if love.keyboard.isDown( "lctrl" ) then if set_mark == 1 then dt_mark = love.timer.getTime() set_mark = 0 end if love.timer.getTime() > dt_mark + 0.2 then self:shoot(dt) self.gun_sound:play() set_mark = 1 end end end return self end -- Bullet function Bullet.init(x, y) local self = {} self.width = 5 self.height = 5 self.x = x self.y = y function self:draw() love.graphics.setColor(231, 76, 60) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) end function self:update(dt) self.y = self.y - 500 * dt end return self end -- Update the position of the bullets function update_bullets(players_bullets, dt) for i=#players_bullets, 1, -1 do bullet = players_bullets[i] bullet:update(dt) if bullet.y < -10 then table.remove(players_bullets, i) end end end -- Draw all the bullets to the screen function draw_bullets(players_bullets) for i=#players_bullets, 1, -1 do bullet = players_bullets[i] bullet:draw() end end -- Check collisions function check_collision(player, players_bullets, enemy) enemy.color = enemy.safe for i=#players_bullets, 1, -1 do bullet = players_bullets[i] if (bullet.y >= enemy.y and bullet.y <= (enemy.y + enemy.height) and bullet.x >= enemy.x and bullet.x <= (enemy.x + enemy.width)) then table.remove(players_bullets, i) enemy.color = enemy.hit enemy.hit_sound:play() player.score = player.score + 1 end end end -- Check boss bullet collisions function check_boss_bullet_collision(player, boss_bullets) if player.alive == true then for i=#boss_bullets, 1, -1 do bb = boss_bullets[i] if (bb.y >= player.y and bb.y <= (player.y + player.height) and bb.x >= player.x and bb.x <= (player.x + player.width)) then table.remove(boss_bullets, i) player.hit_sound:play() player.alive = false end end end end -- Check for game over function check_game_over(player) if player.alive == false then game_over_font = love.graphics.newFont("font/PressStart2P.ttf", 40) game_over_text = "GAME OVER" love.graphics.setColor(231, 76, 60) love.graphics.setFont(game_over_font) love.graphics.print(game_over_text, (screen_width/2) - (game_over_font:getWidth(game_over_text)/2), (screen_height/2) - (game_over_font:getHeight(game_over_text)/2)) end end -- Start Screen function StartScreen.init() local self = {} self.music = love.audio.newSource("sounds/hold_me_back_start.mp3") self.start_text = "Tap to Start!" self.title_text = "FINAL BOSS" self.credit_text = "© 2014 Super Mega Turbo" self.screen_font = love.graphics.newFont("font/PressStart2P.ttf", 20) self.title_font = love.graphics.newFont("font/PressStart2P.ttf", 40) self.credit_font = love.graphics.newFont("font/PressStart2P.ttf", 12) self.start_text_width = self.screen_font:getWidth(self.start_text) self.start_text_height = self.screen_font:getHeight(self.start_text) self.title_text_width = self.title_font:getWidth(self.title_text) self.credit_text_width = self.credit_font:getWidth(self.credit_text) self.title_text_height = self.title_font:getHeight(self.title_text) self.blink = true self.dt = 0 function self:draw() love.graphics.setFont(self.title_font) love.graphics.setColor(155, 89, 182) love.graphics.print(self.title_text, (screen_width/2) - (self.title_text_width/2), 200) love.graphics.setFont(self.credit_font) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) love.graphics.print(self.credit_text, (screen_width/2) - (self.credit_text_width/2), (screen_height - 200)) love.graphics.setFont(self.screen_font) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) if self.blink == true then love.graphics.print(self.start_text, (screen_width/2) - (self.start_text_width/2), (screen_height/2) - (self.start_text_height/2)) end end function self:update(dt) self.music:play() self.dt = self.dt + dt if self.dt > 0.5 then self.blink = not self.blink self.dt = self.dt - 0.5 end end return self end -- Creating instances start_screen = StartScreen.init() level_one = Level_One.init() player = Player.init() boss = Boss.init() -- Love game loop function love.load() love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(0,0,0) end function love.draw() if stage == 0 then start_screen:draw() elseif stage == 1 then level_one:draw() player:draw() boss:draw() draw_bullets(player.bullets) draw_boss_bullets(boss.bullets) check_game_over(player) end end function love.update(dt) if love.keyboard.isDown( "return" ) then stage = 1 end if stage == 0 then start_screen:update(dt) elseif stage == 1 then start_screen.music:stop() level_one.music:play() level_one.music:setVolume(0.4); player:update(dt) boss:update(dt) update_bullets(player.bullets, dt) update_boss_bullets(boss.bullets, dt) check_collision(player, player.bullets, boss) check_boss_bullet_collision(player, boss.bullets) end end
  7. Definately wouldnt mind using BASIC. Do you got an example of some code that demonstrates drawing an image to the screen and the game loop? I edited my post but this is the current game I am working on, im wondering in Batari Basic can be as easy? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/66a485aeedaaf8f89d8c
  8. Is there any tools available where you can use a high-level language to program for the 2600? I started making games with pygame (python+SDL) and was wondering if its possible to do this with any Atari system? If not, is it even possible for any retro system at all? It seems Dreamcast maybe but damnit...I dont want to do any low-level programming....Is there anything that resembles this set up which I have for my current game: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/66a485aeedaaf8f89d8c
  9. Whats the average amount of days it takes to get it once you placed your order in USA?
  10. also, do you have pictures? is the unit in good condition and it comes with (2) joysticks?
  11. Also, what games could you throw in? Do you got Donkey Kong?
  12. I may end up considering this soon. Does your version come with 2 controllers? I dont have any games so that would be cool ^ . Also, do you know how long the power and rf cables are? If I need to hook this up to my modern TV via coaxial I am guessing, what do I need to buy from Radioshack in order for it to work?
  13. Darn, I forgot to mention im looking for the version that has the brown/wood look.
  14. Looking to buy the whole set up. I am in USA. I am interested in the version that has brown/wood look.
  15. I have a modern LCD TV and I plan on getting an Atari 2600. The problem is that I dont know what accessories I need to get in order to get it hooked up to the tv. The 2nd issue is that my sofa is about 10 ft from the tv. I would ideally like to place the console on the coffee table and play from there, but I dont know what cables I would need to extend to the tv. I did some research and it seems I need to get a basic power extension cable, and a "RF extender". When I googled RF extender, it came up with results that are $80 dollar RF wifi extenders from Radioshack and Walmart. Can anyone help link me something I could get local that is not that expensive? Thanks!
  16. Hello, If I have an Atari 2600 (does it matter which version?) and I want to be able to download all the Atari games and put them onto a cart to play, would the used Harmony cartridge suffice? I want to get the cheapest version and I dont mind if its used. Also, do I need anything additional, eg. a memory card? If so, which type of card do I need? And finally, how long does it take usually to get the package in the mail if you are in the south, in USA?
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