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Posts posted by walker7

  1. Can someone clearly explain the bit pattern for TIA audio distortions 2 and 3? This is what I know so far:


    Distortion 2: 001010000111011->0100000000000000000100000000000 (465 bits long)
    Distortion 3: 001010000111011->0010110011111000110111010100001 (465 bits long)


    These are named "DIV31_POLY4" and "POLY5_POLY4" in the tiasound.c document.



    What exactly is going on here?



    Also, I noticed that distortion 11 is called "POLY5_POLY5", even though it makes no sound (same as distortion 0). Any reason that name was chosen? The only reason I can think of is that it matches up with distortions 2, 3, and 10:

    2 = "DIV31_POLY4"

    3 = "POLY5_POLY4"

    10 = "DIV31_POLY5"

    11 = "POLY5_POLY5"

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