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Everything posted by kenfused

  1. I second Satan's Hollow. The Satan's Hollow's Hollow binary I have looks like it was a cartrige so it is probably doable as long as it does not need more than 16K RAM The following criteria are important for easy convertion. Cartriges with 16K ROM requiring 16K RAM Games that load from disk or tape and require 16K RAM. Cartriges with 32K ROM if it happens to copy 16K ROM to $4000-$7FFF (probably unlikely to be any of these). More complex games would probably require 16K static RAM and/or bank switched ROM in the cartridge. Note: All of the conversion I have done are done by adding some support code and patching the originals. A complete disassembly/reassembly would be possible but would require a lot more work. Is there a good list of cartriges that were available for the 8-bit computers and not the 5200...my big fear is creating a game that already exists in a prototype somewhere. Also, would anybody be interested in any old magazine ML games some of which could probably have multiple games available on one cartridge.
  2. Probably the last one until until next week. please post any feedback. game4.zip
  3. Well you can try Preppie in the other thread...it only needs a 16K EPROM :-) It is a lot more complicated due to tight DLI timing, plus it uses POKEY timer interrupts and stuff DK and DK Jr do not. I am curious to see how Preppie works on a real system, so I can keep the framework for future conversions. Started reading the boards here only a couple months or so ago. Was suprised to see they were pretty active. I have done 6502 almost exclusively on the 8-bit computers 400 - 800XL. There are my first 5200 attrempts (and I currently do not even own a 5200 at the present time).
  4. I think I may have found the problem. Here a is new version... dkjr_v2.zip
  5. Does start, # or * work for anyone on a real 5200? Does it work ok on Donkey Kong?
  6. 5200 mystery game of the week #3. game03.zip
  7. The 8-bit computer version (and hence this one), seem a little choppyish since most of the moving items on the screen are character graphics and so they do not move smoothly. The 7800 version is much smoother in character movement.
  8. New version attached with some corrections from CPUWIZ. dkong5200c.zip
  9. I started working on it Monday or Tuesday evening putting a few hours (2-4) each night. I also spent a small amount of time (maybe an hour) getting a couple of 5200 documents.
  10. Here are offsets into the file in hex of the thresholds if someone want to try and patch it. They are read in the VBI where DK normally reads the sticks, and I set POTGO after reading for the next interation since the normal VBI routine will not be called I think: offset1, offset2 - currentval (two offset to change for two controllers) BC,D2 - A4 right C0,D6 - 40 or 41 left C7,DD - A4 down CB,E1 - 40 or 41 up I was assuming around 114 for center since that is about half the range. It is also possible maybe I am not doing something else run. Here is the routine called in the vbi where normally Donkey kong does a read from PORTA (PIA on the computers) GetStick: lda #0 sta stickval lda $E802 cmp #114+50 rol stickval cmp #115-50 rol stickval lda $E803 cmp #114+50 rol stickval cmp #114-50 rol stickval lda $E800 cmp #114+50 rol stickval cmp #115-50 rol stickval lda $E801 cmp #114+50 rol stickval cmp #114-50 rol stickval lda stickval eor #2+8+32+128 sta POTGO rts
  11. I had no way to test in on a real 5200, so I figured I would throw it out and see what people think. Any one have good POT values for left & right and up and down thresholds? I am currently using 114+/-40 for for horizonal and vertical? Do the correct joysticks seem to work for player 1 & 2 (especially the buttons). It seemed to on MESS,but I couldn't test that on Atari800Win which it plays pretty well on. Should it be given a more modern copyright date, or message. (I was considering using something like "2003 Atari 8-bit port", but I went for the more realistic look hoping at least some people might think it was original at first glace) Unfornately, the 8-bit version seems to use almost all the ROM, so I needed more space for some 5200 support routines. Getting it into 16K ROM would take a lot more work. Overall, probably the hardest thing to do was to display the * and # characters. So far I have only spent a few hours on it the last three or four days...including gathering 5200 docs.
  12. Did someone mention Donkey Kong? dkong52.zip
  13. Rather than dig up the floppys, I repatched them. Here is Mario Bros, Gremlins, and Moon Patrol with good sound w/o a translator. fixedgames.zip
  14. I found the XE version here: http://www.atari8bit-software.de/index_e.htm. Looks great on Atari800WinPlus. Have been trying to get a cartridge off ebay at a decent price for a long while just to see what it looked like. The older Mario Brothers I have mostly seen around is a 5200 conversion and it doesn't reset Pokey completely after the disk io (same for Gremlins, and Moon Patrol I have seen). I don't know the the 400/800 OS does something different on a load, or if the translator does? I have version around somewhere I had fixed.
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