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Everything posted by tebe

  1. new version MP - SYSTEM: GetMem(a:size): pointer; - CRT_ATARI: TextBackground - OVERLOAD block allocation rewritten example using new features QRCLI (can be compiled using the FPC or MP) QRCLI.obx QRCLI.pas
  2. new version, fixed https://github.com/tebe6502/Mad-Pascal/issues/122 doc update https://mads.atari8.info/doc/en/types/#untyped
  3. https://www.indieretronews.com/2023/11/chaos-engine-on-c64-this-tribute.html
  4. https://demozoo.org/productions/334175/?fbclid=IwAR1NVI0B2otEwz0b054FZ3EG_C4I2nx_mDCXY96LftolUR2UnCRTKZa1bsI 30thzelx.zip
  5. Mr.Oger.and.Dr.Sharky.Hunting.the.Jaguar https://demozoo.org/graphics/334168/ {$r vga.rc} uses crt, vbxe; const pic = VBXE_OVRADR; var xdl: txdl absolute VBXE_XDLADR+VBXE_WINDOW; begin if VBXE.GraphResult <> VBXE.grOK then begin writeln('VBXE not detected'); halt; end; SetHorizontalRes(VBXE.VGAMed); VBXEMemoryBank($80); xdl.rptl_ := 0; xdl.rptl := 240; poke(559,0); repeat until keypressed; VBXEOff; end. vga.zip
  6. pass on real 6502 (fail on real Rapidus) fail on Altirra, fail on Atari800Win antic_blockednmi.s antic_blockednmi.xex
  7. 'dots_cross.pas' (plotter), cross compiled version (PC, Atari XE/XL) ; 'dots_v2.pas' optimized Atari XE/XL version dots_cross.exe dots_cross.obx dots_cross.pas dots_v2.obx dots_v2.pas
  8. update https://github.com/tebe6502/Mad-Pascal - {$UNITPATH filename} is equivalent {$LIBRARYPATH filename} - USES unit_name in 'filename' uses crt, vector in '..\3d\vector.pas';
  9. https://github.com/pmandes/atari-130xe-replica
  10. Graph2Font (G2F), Image -> Convert to ATASCII (Shift + A)
  11. instruction update {$link filename} https://mads.atari8.info/doc/en/asm/
  12. http://drac030.krap.pl/pl-kompatybilnosc.php
  13. How to generate 'realistic' bounce", by Bas van Gaalen bounce.obx bounce.pas
  14. draw_3d, works correctly on SINGLE type (Float) draw_3d.obx draw_3d.pas sierpinski_carpet.obx sierpinski_carpet.pas
  15. example of operations on an array with pointers to records (stars_ptr.pas) stars (Windows), stars_ptr (Atari XE/XL) stars.exe stars.pas stars_ptr.obx stars_ptr.pas
  16. Mad Assembler version https://github.com/tebe6502/Mad-Assembler/tree/master/examples/math/fastchip
  17. color cycle sample circle_cycle.obx circle_cycle.pas line_cycle.obx line_cycle.pas
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