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Everything posted by makary

  1. Yeah, Galaga or Galaga-like game is a good shout! It might be interesting to make music dependent somehow on the amount of enemies, how far or close they are, etc. Exactly @mono. That's what worried me slightly. It sounds more like a mosquito than a bumblebee
  2. This one started with finding a weird POKEY sound. And it called for something like Rimsky-Korsakov's piece BUMBLE.xex
  3. Yeah, sure! Use please the attached version of RMT. dire guitar.rmt Rmtpatch.exe
  4. I was curious about a guitar-like sound. It's a quite interesting feature of Patch 8. Just a short example: guitar.xex
  5. Yes, exactly. I've done some hack of RMT for 15kHz. It uses a bit different tuning. Sometimes it works better than regular RMT but still melodic lines are the weakest point in this 15kHz mode. Rmt15kHz_v1.exe
  6. Thanks for that! I've refered to some midi file of the song. I've rewritten the score into RMT too carelessly I think I'm going to see how it sounds when using the points you made.
  7. Yes. Using 15 kHz gives reasonable bass sounds but melodic lines are not very good then. High sounds when using A distortion go quickly out of tune in 15kHz. Some workaround for getting high sounds is using 1.79 mode. I was struggling with that creating this cover and I couldn't get anything better: neonlicht.xex
  8. I made a fork of RMT with alternative tuning dedicated to 15kHz. And yes, you can run the tunes on real hardware. No postprocessing. Thanks @MrFish This so-called POKEY 'filter' works like this I believe: Each edge from voice 1 inverts the signal. Each edge from voice 2 sends it low. As you can imagine trying to control this and use musically is pain in the neck
  9. Doing this demo soundtrack years ago I wanted to see to what extend the pulse width / 'filter' / sweeps can be controlled. I got some results but I think @VinsCool has found more interesting ideas and results regarding these 'filter' mysteries.
  10. I know what you mean ;). Well, I'm not undermining the idea of mod import. @rensoup has his good reasons to include the feature. I've tried to make use of it couple times and it just didn't work for me personally. I felt like you know, I can't make heads or tails out of the stuff I get after import. So usually I'm doing things like that from scratch, looking at the source mod file or midi files when available etc. Edit: typo
  11. Yeah. Fixing by transposition can be easily done from the instrument editor in RMT. The challenge is to determine which instruments need to be transposed and by how many semitones.
  12. Amiga musicians used any samples they have available. And the samples came from different sources. And they were often tuned in any imaginable way. As an example, you can have a bass sample in a mod and if you put C in a pattern it plays F# in fact. And have a lead sample in the same mod and if you put C in the pattern it plays C# in fact. So patterns say there are bass and lead playing both C at the same time but one is playing F# and the other C# in fact. When importing you can't trust the imported score (patterns) in many cases. First, I must figure out which instruments are tuned differently. And second, I need to figure out how many semitones up or down they need to be transposed to have them playing correctly within the imported song. Usually there's no information of this sort anywhere in the mod. I need to use my ears.
  13. It's a difference in traditions of notations. In some countries, like Poland for instance, H is used instead of B. Moreover, we use B too but it refers only to B-flat Anyway, the full story behind the difference has to do with some historical debates on scales.
  14. You need to go to View / Configuration / MIDI and set midi in device. The midi button starts to work then (on/off positions). Regarding a real device: not sure if I get the point, but I guess that virtual midi cables (like LoopMidi or LoopBe) might be helpful. DAWs, trackers etc. see those as real midi connections. So you can 'slave' RMT to Cubase or any other midi/sequencer software. No real device needed in this case.
  15. Can, Neu!, Faust and other avant garde bands from this period and this area are worth having a listen. @Probabilitydragon I keep my finger crossed for your ideas. I'm glad when something really creative is happening to Atari
  16. Ha ha! Yeah, getting through all the ads is a kind of challenge. Anyway, keep in mind that witamina C is of no less importance
  17. Yeah. It's a part of the public radio station Polskie Radio (Polish Radio). Czwórka (4) is oriented towards new music, young artists and the like discoveries. No longer in the air but very popular online. It's really cool to appear there IMHO.
  18. https://www.polskieradio.pl/10/3948/Artykul/2667165,Muzyczny-Lunch-26-stycznia-godz-1304 Starts at 52:46.
  19. That's rad! I'm curious. What brand of accordion is this? Big fan of accordion music here ;)
  20. Maybe you try to record something when there are no patterns to record in. Like in case of default setting/project when starting RMT. So creating patterns by writing some numbers to the song lines might solve the problem.
  21. Hey, I suppose you should switch off the "Prove mode" if you want to record midi notes to the pattern. It's that prohibition sign (?) button. When using midi channel 1 you can indicate with a mouse or cursor which pokey channel/track is going to be played with midi. But when using midi channels 2-5 you "tie" midi channel to a given pokey channel/track. Midi ch. 2 -> pokey ch. 1; 3->2, 4->3, 5->4. So for example, midi channel 2 is going to use pokey channel/track 1 no matter which pokey channel/track you're editing at the moment in RMT. I hope it helps.
  22. Hey Ivo, how about turning off the keyboard click / key stroke sound?
  23. Kawai K5000S was the most popular synth that was based on this approach (additive synthesis). I'd say great for ambient stuff, bell-like sounds, pads... You can find some sound demos on YT. Still... it's much easier to produce rich waveform and filter out some stuff to get something interesting than to add up sinewaves to get the same result.
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