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Everything posted by alucardX

  1. It gives me strange Wonka vibes. Will sub-zero be working in the chocolate factory?
  2. Great work! It looks really awesome.
  3. Don't forget to watch Star Trek Generations while you do this.
  4. I have not played that game but I like your recreation here. The notebook backdrop is what really sells it for me.
  5. I have a Jag2HD(thanks to @Doomy Doomer for creating and selling it) adapter and and HDMI capture device I've never used...I could see about trying this out though IrataNonGrata did do some on u*tube.
  6. This is really awesome and I'm looking forward to seeing the things you do to address the minor shortcomings of interfacing with a PC through original arcade hardware.
  7. There are levels to which scaling it back just won't work, this is true. There are examples of games scaled back a lot that really feel like the original counterparts. One such conversion I can think of would be SNES Killer Instinct.
  8. I'd prefer it over a speak hat, I can tell you that much. Next up, Skylar remix record! Wha-wha-wha-wha-where-where did you learn to fly? Green face printed on the vinyl.
  9. That's the way I use my record player! Maybe the next accessory should be a Jag Vinyl VLM!!! Where's Minter? Get him on that one! On that thought, I'd really enjoy having the option to purchase the T2K Soundtrack on vinyl in a collectors edition with special vinyl coloring of some type.
  10. You've got quite the collection @RockLobster. This does bring a question to mind though. What is everyone using to connect all these AV devices to their TV? I haven't looked too hard but is there a really good AV switch product out there that people are using to have all these consoles connected and not have to move cables around every time you switch systems?
  11. Here's a video: https://invidio.us/watch?v=hAWxhRgXDKY&list=PLTYsLUSfI7z7xS0_WGWVsU2ifFZ3Vuj_5&index=2 Seeing it in motion tells a whole different story than those stills. If you just wanted the game play, something could be done similar to how Blue Lightning was done. Maybe some voxel terrain could be used instead of polygons and then do sprite scaling for the objects. The player's plane could be pre-rendered.
  12. I see you also have a couple of other lovely consoles to the left. Hello Dreamcast and Saturn! Glad you got it working too!!
  13. Best community building accessory there is for the Jag. Now that you can play and test home brew on it when releases are made it really keeps the community active with developers.
  14. Couldn't he just do something to limit contacts in the connector to those points on the board?
  15. I think if you did very basic polygons and used sprites in clever ways you could make something similar at least in terms of how it plays. Since you're just going in one direction the whole time it should simplify the 3D math and might allow for more to be done. Someone more knowledgeable check me on that though.
  16. Congratulations on that amazing score @agradeneu!!! Shall we call you James T. Kirk?
  17. Low poly low-res textured ass at that!
  18. Someone vote on my behalf, I'm not a used of ex-twitter.
  19. Here is the best I could do this weekend.
  20. I agree with you @cubanismo Maybe a wiki would be a better solution than a PDF or word document? I know there is wiki software out there that will output a nice PDF file for export (or other formats too) I just think that maintaining something in a format other than a word processor or a "digital paper" (pdf - have you seen the markup code for a pdf? The shit wasn't meant to be edited) would be far more malleable and better for everyone in the community. I'm still willing to look at trying to convert that document into a plaintext file. I've not use LateX myself but have heard that once you understand it, it's very flexible for layout.
  21. If he wants to put the docx up I'll take a stab at converting to a plain text format so that version control can be more effective.
  22. I think version control makes the most sense for something like this. Though a text version would be easier to manage under version control because then small changes get tracked very effectively just like in source code files. Changes are not made simultaneously on the same document in something like git but rather in your own private branch. If the change is worth adding to the main branch then a pull request is made and the person running the project can choose to include it or not to. I think we should look at what it would take to get that manual into a plain text format which can then be converted into any format from there. It would be nice to have the ability to build an epub document out of that for example.
  23. It looks like Pandoc can go from docx to plain text, that may be an option. I didn't know about ASCIIDOCTOR so I'll check into that as well. Thanks for pointing that one out.
  24. I don't find a PDF editing solution to be a great ultimate solution and word is slightly better. There are two really good solutions that could be ultimately useful: 1) An OpenDocument format. Libreoffice allows you to export a PDF with the original document embedded. You open the PDF in LibreOffice Writer, make the changes to the original document then export it again making sure to embed the updated ODF in the PDF again. This is usable as a main solution but not as flexible as one would like. This would be better used at the end of a workflow for solution 2. 2) Text and markup which is then converted to other formats automatically using pandoc. In this way the workflow would be to update the text, then offer the converted text in other formats. This would allow a git repository to very easily track all changes since it is plain text. I think this would be very useful for the community to have the updated document handled in this way.
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