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  1. Under the DVR board they'll find... THE TELL-TALE HEART OF A MAN THAT WAS MURDERED!
  2. Man, this story gets more fascinatingly disastrous with each day that passes. Now the team's got the company that owns the Coleco name breathing down their necks.
  3. Good point! In my mind he'd probably do this: "And on the Coleco Chameleon these words appear: "My name is Mike Kennedy, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains: round the decay Of that 'prototype' console, boundless and bare, The lone and level games stretch far away." - "Mike Kennedy" poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1818)
  4. Collector's New Zealand prototype edition, set to cost 300.00 USD:
  5. Okay, in all seriousness, I do wonder why Mike's been so... silent lately in the wake of all this drama.
  6. I've heard that a white Ford Bronco HAS been making its way to Mexico recently from Mike's last known location, but the guy in the back of the car is NOT Mike Kennedy - It's some unrelated guy named Ydennek Ekim, which is totally 100% not him. Here's a picture:
  7. If this documentary gets made, it could be the retro gaming version of Heart of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse or Lost in La Mancha.
  8. I'm just amazed that Mike thought he could get away with this, and that the picture wouldn't get immediately exposed as a fake by these forums. Personally, I can't wait for StopDrop&Retro's next video (and the possible feature-length documentuary). Next to Pat and Ian, he's probably been the best at covering this farce of an idea.
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