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  1. One small thing. You don't have to use THEN GOTO...you can just use THEN. For instance: Instead of: 90 IF GUESS<LOW THEN GOTO 2 You could just: 90 IF GUESS<LOW THEN 2
  2. I would have went with the XEGS...but that's me. Always dug the look of the XEGS even when others didn't. (I also really love the look of the Atari 800 as well).
  3. I noticed one of the authors of that book is Brian Harvey. He created UCBLogo an open source version of Logo for modern systems. He also wrote the Computer Science Logo Style books which are a great examples of the stuff Logo can do.
  4. As far as adding Speech to Adventure Ponies...no...I think I crammed in as much in that game as I could. I ran into other issues when I tried to start working on it again...so it was a rabbit hole
  5. Here is a list of the error codes Error Codes: 0 None 1 File Error 2 Command/Syntax Error 3 Out of Memory 4 Out of Databank IDs 5 Attribute/Syntax Error 6 Value Error 7 Format Errors 8 Overrun margin bottom (#MB)
  6. You can use any extension you want for compiled documents, just not ADF.
  7. OK...I've updated NEON to support dynamic ADF files. It will all be handled from the NEON program on the Atari without needing a separate compiler on the webserver. Basically the way it works now, if you choose "R" to READ, and the file extension end with .ADF it will compile the file on the fly and display it, if the file extension is .DOC (or anything else) it assume it is a precompiled file and load it that way (as it did before). I don't have webserver, if anyone here has a webserver and would like to help test it out, that would be great. Please share the URL in this thread. Here is some sample ADF code to get you started: (I guess the only caveat for the file is it will have to be Atari formatted: specifically replace CRLF with the Atari CR (ATASCII 155) if that make sense). :head :page :text Server time is now 00:00:00 :fill I am attaching the the XEX file with new version of NEON....and also ATR file that has NEON and the N-Device so ready to run out the box on your Fuji enabled Atari. neon-ndevice.atr neon.xex
  8. Actually you are partially correct. Originally the NEON application read the ADF markup language and created the output in real time, like a web browser. However I never released this version, because it was pretty slow. The way the released NEON application works is that compiles the markup language to a binary format. (Not like an executable....think of it more as all the data and display list/DLI are all in a chunk of memory...And then as you navigate the pages, it jumps from one Display List pointer, to another). I haven't worked on NEON for a while...I did convert the NEON Make (compiler) part to run in C# so it could be run from a webserver and generate the documents dynamically. Then I started to try and convert from the Atari CC65 application to a modern C application...but then it ran into a bunch of issues and kind of burned myself out. I am thinking about taking another shot at it, if people are interested.
  9. I tried most of those links and they appear to be deprecated and don't work anymore. I was able to get the URL you listed to work.
  10. Awesome job on this...I'm glad you included the map.
  11. I agree...I like to use LOGO (mostly FMSLogo) to quickly prototype ideas. There are probably better languages..but I like how you can immediately test ideas in Logo without having to build or compile a whole program.
  12. Thanks with your help with this. I'll try the changes and see if I can get it working, but if it seems like I am going down a rabbit hole, I may just try using the older version of CC65 I found.
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