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Everything posted by bocianu

  1. Nothing has happened for a while, but we have a new version of the editor, numbered 1.1.9. https://bocianu.gitlab.io/spred/ what's new? - several sprite layout templates in the options - improved export options and export to new data formats - minor bug fixes
  2. It still has a chance to win FujiCup contest It is already on the list of nominated games: https://fujicup.pl/lista
  3. same here. I finished demo the day it was released and waiting for more
  4. oh, sorry. The sheet has been slightly amended following suggestions from the community and the final versions can be found there: https://mimuma.pl/opcodes/opcodesA4_final.pdf
  5. not really - vector graphics are transparent, so probably it will work on any light shade of any color. For dark mugs you probably need some color inverted version - if you need that, I can prepare it for you.
  6. I thought they were illegal and didn't want to expose myself
  7. On the atari.org.pl forum, an idea arose to print mugs with 6502 processor opcodes - such a gadget for extreme nerds. For the purpose of this project I prepared graphics, which I think you may also find useful: Source design in html format: https://mimuma.pl/opcodes/ mug print design: https://mimuma.pl/opcodes/opcodes.pdf A4 printout of the cheat sheet: https://mimuma.pl/opcodes/opcodesA4.pdf and the original thread on the Polish forum: http://www.atari.org.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?id=19031 I hope that someone finds this useful.
  8. project is not dead, but progressing very slowly. 100% of scenario is done, most of the graphics are ready, but half of them are not digitized yet (Greb is painting it by the hand and then converting to bitmaps afterwards) no in-game music yet, be patient and you will be rewarded sorry that it takes so long
  9. I also just managed to finish this fantastic game. It took me about 2-3 hours of pure fun. Great title - highly recommended to everyone. Graphically and musically a masterpiece. The story is also great - nothing to complain about. thank you to all the authors
  10. I've released the sources for my latest production at Silly Venture, which by some miracle took first place in the INTRO 16K category. ac23inv.xex Maybe the source will be useful to someone: https://gitlab.com/bocianu/atasciicompo3 Of particular note is the unique scripting language for describing the presentation itself, which was created for this production. It makes use of the MADS assembler macros: https://gitlab.com/bocianu/atasciicompo3/-/blob/main/script.asm
  11. @ZeroPage Homebrew congratulations on beating my highscore! It's been a lot of fun watching you play my game, and have a good time I see a few bugs to be fixed, attract mode to be disabled, but I'm glad you had so much fun with it.
  12. Hi! Here is another simple game written in Mad-Pascal. This game was written in 36 hours on Game Jam event called Grawitacja 2022. In a limited time, you must collect as many coins as possible. The longer you hold down the fire button, the higher the cart will jump. My highest score is 49, can you beat it? Sources are avaliable here: https://gitlab.com/bocianu/cartfall cartfall.xex
  13. Any particular place you wish me to explain in details? I think that most of the code is self explanatory. I tried to use comprehensible variable and function names: headPos - contains snake head position, tail - array containing snake's tail positions DrawSnake - draws snakes new position, ClearTail - clears Tail chars if it gets too long (based on tailLength), and so on... All screen positions are stored as direct video memory addresses, so if you poke at headPos it draws directly on screen, if you peek position you get charCode at that position. To move the snake, the direction variable is added to headPos, to get new position of snake's head on screen. That's why direction variable valid values are -1 (move one column left) 1 (one column right) -40 (one row up) 40 (one row down) just ask what is unclear, I will try to explain it
  14. Hi. Yesterday I wrote simple snake game in text mode. Just for fun. It has less than 130 lines of code, and maybe my example will be useful for you to learn something. program snake; uses atari, crt, joystick; const BOARD_SIZE = 24 * 40; TAIL_MAX = 1023; BORDER = ord(' '*~); FOOD = ord('+'~); BODY = ord('O'~); DEAD = ord('@'~); var tail: array [0..TAIL_MAX] of integer; headPos, headPtr, clearPtr, tailLength:word; b, speed, field, input:byte; dir: shortInt; gameover: boolean; procedure DrawSnake; begin b := BODY; if gameover then b := DEAD; Poke(headPos,b); end; procedure PutFood; var foodPos: word; begin repeat foodPos := savmsc + Random(BOARD_SIZE); until Peek(foodPos) = 0; Poke(foodPos, FOOD); end; procedure ClearTail; var offset: word; begin offset := 0; headPtr := (headPtr + 1) and TAIL_MAX; tail[headPtr] := headPos; if headPtr < clearPtr then offset := TAIL_MAX + 1; if headPtr + offset - clearPtr >= tailLength then begin if tail[clearPtr] <> tail[headPtr] then Poke(tail[clearPtr],0); clearPtr := (clearPtr + 1) and TAIL_MAX; end; end; procedure DrawBorder;inline; begin for b:=0 to 39 do begin poke(savmsc + b, BORDER); poke(savmsc + 23*40 + b, BORDER); if b<23 then begin poke(savmsc + b * 40, BORDER); poke(savmsc + b * 40 + 39, BORDER); end; end; end; procedure InitSnake;inline; begin headPos := savmsc + 20 + (12 * 40); // initial position mid screen (20,12) dir := 0; headPtr := 0; clearPtr := 0; tailLength := 5; speed := 8; tail[0] := headPos; gameover := false; end; procedure InitGame;inline; begin Randomize; InitSnake; CursorOff; ClrScr; DrawBorder; DrawSnake; PutFood; end; function GetInput:byte; begin result := joy_none; for b := 0 to speed do begin if stick0 <> joy_none then result := stick0; Pause; end; end; begin repeat InitGame; repeat input := GetInput until input <> joy_none; // wait for joy input to start repeat if (input = joy_left) and (dir <> 1) then dir := -1; if (input = joy_right) and (dir <> -1) then dir := 1; if (input = joy_up) and (dir <> 40) then dir := -40; if (input = joy_down) and (dir <> -40) then dir := 40; headPos := headPos + dir; ClearTail; field := Peek(headPos); case (field) of FOOD: begin // hit food PutFood; Inc(tailLength); end; 0: // empty field - do nothing ; else gameover := true; // hit antyhing else end; DrawSnake; input := GetInput; until gameover; Readkey; // wait for any key to restart until false; end. snake.xex
  15. Yup. Like reading random register. Without it, when you read it couple times in a row, optimization algorithm would optimize it, and you get just one value.
  16. You can paint using only first color C0, and it mimics single sprite mode. During export second sprite is just a set of zeroes to be dropped out. Yes, set options like that: and you have 40 pixels wide sprite - made of all the players and missiles: This little thingy: when is active and OR colors are selected, lets you draw on all players at once. To exlude missiles, use other mode and adjust distances (gaps):
  17. long awaited volatile and inline ! Thanks @tebe. You're breathtaking ;)
  18. Hi! Work on the game was suspended for a while, but the subject has returned (to be more precise, the graphic designer has returned) and we have resumed work on the project. For the past few weeks, dozens of new graphics have been created, we have completed the inventory of all locations and all the ending paths. There is still a lot of work to do, but I am pleased to say that if, after almost three years I'm still excited about this project, it means it can work I'll report back on how the progress is going. keep your fingers crossed
  19. One central file repository is a very good idea. It could then be encapsulated with some sort of 'store application' that can run apps and mount images from it. Of course with full search, sorting etc. It would also be important to have some simple method of adding files with metadata. I would be happy to help you with such a tool.
  20. Ok! I found a bug on my side Thank you for your patience, but you helped me a lot and I managed to fix it. You should be able to register now.
  21. Ok, I have added some debug dump on "production" server try to register now, but use also the latest client software from: https://fujinet.pl/tnfs/networking/fujitalk.xex
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