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Everything posted by mozzwald

  1. I have copies at https://tnfs.fujinet.online/
  2. I've had a board with USB-C port on it instead of MicroUSB in the works for a quite some time. I dunno when it'll be done.
  3. https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-platformio/wiki/Setting-Up-TNFS-On-Windows-10
  4. Wikipedia has a JSON api that could work well with the FujiNet JSON parser Search query: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&origin=*&format=json&generator=search&gsrnamespace=0&gsrlimit=5&gsrsearch='united_states' Get article intro in plain text by pageid: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=json&action=query&prop=extracts&explaintext&exintro&redirects=1&pageids=3434750 Get article content in plain text by pageid: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=json&action=query&prop=extracts&explaintext&redirects=1&pageids=3434750 Mediawiki API Docs: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Tutorial
  5. A new firmware update is available from https://fujinet.online/download "version": "0.5.393a4d49", "version_date": "2022-10-04 01:39:52", "build_date": "2022-10-04 01:39:52", "description": "RunCPM upgrade to 5.8, direct Console I/O Read under CP/M now works, fnjson fixes", "git_commit": "393a4d49", RunCPM Upgraded from 4.8 to 5.8 Direct Console I/O Read under CP/M now works correctly. (This makes the Vezza Z-Machine work correctly) fnJSON fixes, thanks DaBaDa79 Please do not respond to this thread. If you have an issue, start a new post in the FujiNet subforum, open an issue on the github tracker or ask for assistance in Discord chat.
  6. I have a couple left at https://fujinet.online/shop/appleii/fujiapple-rev-0/ New design or the Rev 0 board?
  7. Are you running the modified SIO2BT OS on your Atari which is required?
  8. Can you test with a couple of the older SIO2BT firmware versions to rule out an issue with the current one? I don't have a way of actually booting anything but when I get a moment can try pairing and see if that works. I don't recall if theres a pairing PIN, but I think probably not
  9. I have not heard of any issues with it. You just need to remember Fujinet always has it's Config disk as D1 when it's reset or powered on. You can configure that from the FujiNet webui to disable Config disk if you want.
  10. I've updated the SIO2BT build which is now current with the post above. It's 2nd in the list of firmware available. "version": "2022-09-06 0.5.f3905ead-SIO2BT", "version_date": "2022-09-06 18:35:12", "build_date": "2022-09-06 18:35:12", "description": "Latest SIO2BT build, up to date with 383dcb20", "git_commit": "f3905ead", Please do not respond to this thread. If you have an issue, start a new post in the FujiNet subforum, open an issue on the github tracker or ask for assistance in Discord chat.
  11. The actual board should be tested working. Just because the schematic is right, doesn't mean the board works
  12. If someone confirms it works and submits a pull request with proper readme, we can add it
  13. If the drivers are installed correctly, the device should appear as a com port in Windows. You could try booting off a Linux USB disk and flash from there, or try it on another computer. I've got no other ideas.
  14. @8BIT 1337 If you've tried multiple SD cards and have them properly formatted, you might have a hardware issue. Contact your vendor
  15. Check Device Manager and see if the CP2102 shows up under USB or Serial Ports (not sure where it should be). Did you try a different cable?
  16. Power failure of the server. Should be back up after a few hours per @bocianu
  17. This is a firmware issue and I've just pushed an update:
  18. A new firmware update is available from https://fujinet.online/download "version": "2022-08-28 0.5.383dcb20", "version_date": "2022-08-28 17:02:02", "build_date": "2022-08-28 17:02:02", "description": "Increase HTTP Timeout", "git_commit": "383dcb20", "url": "https://fujinet.online/firmware/releases_atari/fujinet-ATARI-0.5.383dcb20.zip", "sha256": "4cd16599b431e6ecae69d87b92330471cdf96f82042af683e33e63beef7738a4" Increase HTTP Timeout, fixes FujiNews Reader FujiNet-Flasher now shows the date before version number in dropdown list Please do not respond to this thread. If you have an issue, start a new post in the FujiNet subforum, open an issue on the github tracker or ask for assistance in Discord chat.
  19. I've got no idea how the FujiNet firmware would effect the keyboard. I'm guessing this has the TKII thingy in it. Maybe @mytek has a clue? The CONFIG program did not change b/w those 2 firmware versions. This looks good and the scan results showed. Maybe you had a bad fnconfig.ini on the sd cards.
  20. If you are building/flashing the firmware yourself with platformio, make sure you also 'Upload filesystem Image'. If you are using fujinet-flasher, remove your SD card from the FujiNet and do a fresh flash. Leave the SD card out and try again. Also, please capture the FujiNet startup messages. Plug in the USB cable to FujiNet and the computer, start the capture on the computer, press reset on FujiNet to see it's startup log.
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