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Everything posted by ColecoJoe

  1. HEY!!! Leave @Spriggy alone, he can't help himself ... he's from Australia for god's sake!!!
  2. What's wrong with @The Atari Creep? He loves atari more than you!
  3. Due to the mismanagement probably where Coleco is right now after "their" debacle ... nowhere.
  4. That’s one of my best memes ever. I really thought Tommy would find it funny and laugh but he was such a miserable sour puss he couldn’t find the humor in it
  5. And you're making assumptions they have, amongst a whole set of other assumptions.
  6. It all leads to somebody was in somebody's pocket or something like that ... ENOUGH!!!!
  7. I haven’t even read the Bible and so far I haven’t committed any fraud
  8. What about that sweet picture outside the Ellen show studio???
  9. There's also beach curfews and shit oh and HB cops are not the nicest
  10. yeah it was something tommy posted about Gamestop pre-orders so the assumption was made that IE pre-orders must also be in escrow
  11. Nice non-defense going on there. Wouldn't they have to re-certify the console if they are still working on it? I would assume if it's not finished, most of the certs they did get are not valid anymore? Disclaimer, I know nothing of the details about what goes into certification of electronic equipment.
  12. That's like saying "I'm certain I would have gotten an A on my midterms if I would have just gone to class that day"
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