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Biff Burgertime

+AtariAge Subscriber
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Everything posted by Biff Burgertime

  1. Were these always just scans of the game boxes? It's definitely cool how well they've preserved the boxart front + back, they look far clearer than anything printed on cardboard could be. I'm just curious if they ever featured unique art (besides the added borders and such, of course).
  2. All I've got at the moment is a Dreamcast Arcade Stick + RaphNet USB Adapter. This DC stick is great for controlling 3D games of its era like Soul Calibur, but doesn't work well at all for games with 2D gameplay. The joystick itself is a bit too "loose" with each direction having too much travel for precise 2D movements. It's even worse for games with 4-directions in mind like Pac-Man. For now I'm digging around in RetroPie's settings to see if I can improve playability with this stick via software, but I doubt tweaking settings will make enough of a difference. Playing arcade games in RetroPie is more a novelty though, not something I do regularly. So if I decide to buy a new arcade stick for this purpose, I wouldn't want to spend too much. I'm not at all familiar with what's out there or if it's possible to go the budget route without tossing money at a piece of crap I won't want to use anyway... so I'm hoping by asking here I can gain some knowledge. Are there any USB joysticks you'd recommend for playing 80s/90s arcade games via RetroPie? Anything under ~$50? Is this the type of thing where going the cheap route will end up costing more in the long run? Any general info/tips to be aware of? (brands to avoid, build quality, maintenance, etc)
  3. Making legally-distinct versions of popular songs is a true artform, and it's rampant in pro wrestling. Nobody does it better than Jimmy Hart, who wrote a few songs for the WWF but is best known for cranking out tunes for WCW in the 90s. The funniest thing about it is, these songs are owned by the lead musician and/or the company that commissioned it. So when a wrestler leaves and joins a different company, the new company's music guy makes a legally-distinct cover of a legally-distinct cover! Here's a YT playlist of 2 of the most egregious examples coming to mind, DDP & Shane Douglas. I'd imagine most will recognize the songs being ripped off immediately but if not, click the spoiler: When a riff is consists of just 4 power chords, they'll rearrange them in different orders until they run out of options haha. Sometimes they'd also license production music for certain wrestlers, generally for the undercard guys but sometimes the stars too- Chris Jericho's WCW theme comes to mind. My brother had a book on music law many years ago when I was a young teen insomniac with no internet in my room. I spent a lot of time reading it to better understand how the law attempts to interpret a subjective thing like "how similar is too similar?" in an objective way. But unfortunately it's one of those things were too much time has passed, I don't recall any of it... but I'm still amused by this topic!
  4. Never fear. Whenever I'm in an international chat/forum, it's super easy to tell where my fellow American native-speakers are at. Their English is usually worst of all! I feel ya though, I could never run a site like yours. I tried keeping up with a health/illness-related blog for a while, but found that the level of content I wanted to produce really wasn't working for me. I can type out my thoughts freeform all day long, no sweat. It's the proofreading/editing phase afterwards that my brain's not equipped to deal with, I'm just out of energy by then. I can get it done, it just takes a looong time. So I eventually recognized that and scaled back. A little self-awareness goes a long way. Semi-related: I remember when even game magazines would call 1v1 fighters "Beat 'em Ups" in the 90s. Thankfully that died out rather quickly and everyone sorted out what the proper terminology was.
  5. Whoa, hang on a minute... are you guys regarding in here without me?
  6. Opinions are like assholes... I've got a million of 'em. wait what
  7. Bubsy can't get any better, that's imPAWsible!!!
  8. Whoaaa... it started off like TV static, then morphed into a lava lamp. Cool stuff dude.
  9. Super Mario Bros. CD Is A New ROM Hack Inspired By A Console That Doesn't Exist A certain someone out there must be pleased to see this! That aside, the graphics look a bit shit for a SNES game (in part due to the Mode 0 I assume) but it looks cool nonetheless. That kind of parallax aesthetic has some appeal even if ugly. From the "if this were an official SNES-CD Mario game" perspective, I can't imagine Nintendo would ever put out something like this. The graphics look 8-bit, they wouldn't have rewound the clock for their shiny new hardware like that (and the music sounds like demoscene stuff). I'd imagine they'd have gone the Sega CD route, but with better colors (Road Blaser probably would've looked cool).
  10. He does a poor job of that, too. Maybe I could help him out a bit...
  11. I was wondering why this thing has a thumbstick, but after taking a closer look via YouTube I see that it's a spinner (duh, d'oh!).
  12. Unrelated to the video but my first reaction to this was "wtf is pizza.tux?" so I immediately clicked the About tab. I gotta say, that hard left turn at the end totally caught me off-guard haha.
  13. I've been reading the Jaguar subforum since 2017, plus countless threads from prior to that - whatever looked semi-interesting. In that time I've learned who knows their stuff, who's full of shit, the truths and the myths... yet I'd never make a video like this. Why? Because if I was going to speak as an authority on a certain machine with an interest in being accurate, I'd feel like that would require tinkering with the hardware, writing code for it, or otherwise getting more intimately-acquainted with it (giggity). There are some things you'll only get to learn that way. Despite all the Jag content I've consumed, the last time I spoke of a technical detail I wound up parroting something incorrect I must've read somewhere. Thankfully (yet embarrassingly) I was immediately set straight, breaking the chain of misinformation. Unfortunately, that's not the case most of the time. That list of proposed changes is funny though. Basically "fix all the shit that sucks?"
  14. Oh cool, an update not locked behind a paywall.
  15. According to an old friend I caught up with last year, she once told me "I love you" to which I responded "Thank you." I guess she had a huge crush on me at the time so my choice of reply was devastating (I don't even remember the interaction, heh). If she was following this fiasco, she'd now realize it could've been worse!
  16. "I love you Tommy!" -Mike Mullis Now you've got the quote without needing to see his face as he spit out that awkwardness! Lucky you. I always thought he only said it that one time at the end of his long one-on-one stream with Tommy, but no... not just once... and Tommy never responds, in fact he's looking off in some other direction. I've heard people talk about secondhand-embarrassment before but never knew what they meant until now. If I toss a warm comment at somebody and they don't reciprocate - hell, don't even respond - I feel silly and back off. He straight up hits Tommy with the L-word, meanwhile Tommy's just waiting until he can start talking again. Edit: My original post loads the clip as audio despite showing me video when I posted it. Just Google the guy's name + "I love you Tommy" if you care to witness multiple instances of one-sided affection for some reason, I'm not gonna go out of my way to further embarrass the dude here.
  17. In a way, spending the remainder of your days lying to a small group of randoms on the internet - many of which are only following to see the clown show - about a single game from 30 years ago, is a fitting punishment on its own.
  18. See, I've come across those vids several times over the years but they're just too tedious to get through - and I love that kind of stuff! I can tell there's some interesting content within, but the narrator's delivery is just too slow/dry for my attention span. I'd rather hit up Google to find the same topics explained in text form. For something similar that's got a bit more personality, I recommend Displaced Gamers.
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