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Everything posted by 4300

  1. A little cheaper than they normally go for. I'm guessing Christmas shopping is taking priority over bidding on video games for a lot of people.
  2. Yep. Atari 2600/7800: a visual compendium https://www.amazon.com/dp/1999353382/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_S3QTQ68E05AGV7FCKJMW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  3. Series S is actually pretty plentiful right now, in stores and online. The Series X is a little tougher to get, but obtainable. If you follow the people on Twitter who post restocks, you'll have a decent chance. As far as the S not having a disc drive...90% of the game is a download these days and usually not finished at launch. If you get into gamepass(which I recommend), the drive is even less necessary. The internal storage is pretty pathetic though, so if you're looking to have more than a handful of games on the system, you'll need extra storage. The X looks amazing. Forza 5 is just about photo realistic. That being said, if you want the most out of the X, you'll need to upgrade to a 4k/hdr/Dolby vision/hdmi 2.1 compatible tv. So, yes, I would recommend a new xbox. Gamepass alone makes it a great option, with a library of games going back to the original xbox up to new releases.
  4. Picked up a couple empty console boxes and a few 7800 games, getting me a little closer to a complete ntsc set...
  5. I found they're a little easier to buy if you buy the odyssey with the voice module included and then sell off the extra odyssey. The module alone was starting to get a little ridiculous whenever one would pop up.
  6. I'll check it out once the 17 cables I ordered to hook this thing up arrive.
  7. I hate myself for paying almost market value for this turd. 5 years ago, I would've turned my nose up at paying 15 bucks for one.
  8. 4300


    Try price charting
  9. The planets finally aligned over West Virginia...
  10. Ah, limited run and your 8 month turn around time. I forgot I ordered this.
  11. Guess since this was bumped, I should post some new pictures... Unfortunately, I never did get the basement finished. With the recent hike in lumber and supplies, it wasn't doable. Hopefully I'll get on it over the winter now that prices are dropping.
  12. Yeah, misread your post the first time around.
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