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Everything posted by myriadcs

  1. I have removed directory completely, downloaded zip https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-platformio/archive/v0.1.ccbb292f.zip unpacked, added platformio.ini as in earlier post and run build. No errors =========================================================================== [SUCCESS] Took 273.02 seconds =========================================================================== Environment Status Duration ------------- -------- ------------ fujinet-wroom SUCCESS 00:04:33.019 but boot_app0.bin is not there $ find . -name "*.bin" ./.pio/build/fujinet-wroom/partitions.bin ./.pio/build/fujinet-wroom/CMakeFiles/3.16.4/CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_CXX.bin ./.pio/build/fujinet-wroom/CMakeFiles/3.16.4/CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_C.bin ./.pio/build/fujinet-wroom/bootloader.bin ./.pio/build/fujinet-wroom/firmware.bin ./.pio/build/fujinet-wroom/bootloader/CMakeFiles/3.16.4/CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_CXX.bin ./.pio/build/fujinet-wroom/bootloader/CMakeFiles/3.16.4/CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_C.bin ./data/850handler.bin ./data/picoboot.bin ./data/850relocator.bin but also no spiffs.bin this time so I guess something must be missing in my setup.
  2. my platformio.ini looks ok I think $ cat platformio.ini ;FujiNet PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; ; Build options: build flags, source filter ; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags ; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages ; Advanced options: extra scripting ; ; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples ; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html [platformio] description = FujiNet Atari to ESP32 WiFi Multifunction Firmware ; Change this to target the device you use from the list of [env:xxx] sections below default_envs = fujinet-wroom [env] ; Common settings for all enivornments platform = espressif32 framework = espidf extra_scripts = pre:build_version.py lib_ldf_mode = deep+ ;upload_port = COM1 ; Windows upload_port = /dev/ttyUSB0 ; Linux upload_speed = 921600 ;monitor_port = COM1 ; Windows monitor_port = /dev/ttyUSB0 ; Linux monitor_speed = 921600 monitor_filters = time ; ESP32 WROOM [env:fujinet-wroom] board = fujinet-wroom build_type = debug build_flags = ;-D JTAG -D DEBUG_SPEED=921600 -D BLUETOOTH_SUPPORT ;-D FN_HISPEED_INDEX=0 ;-D VERBOSE_SIO ;-D VERBOSE_TNFS ;-D VERBOSE_DISK ;-D VERBOSE_ATX Only thing I can think of is boot_app0.bin which was not produced in build and I had to take it from current one. Maybe it has references to PSRAM? what that binary is responsible for?
  3. My board definition looks like: $ cat boards/fujinet-wroom.json { "build": { "arduino":{ "ldscript": "esp32_out.ld" }, "core": "esp32", "extra_flags": "-DARDUINO_ESP32_DEV", "f_cpu": "240000000L", "f_flash": "40000000L", "flash_mode": "dio", "mcu": "esp32", "variant": "esp32", "partitions": "fujinet_partitions_4MB.csv" }, "connectivity": [ "wifi", "bluetooth", "ethernet", "can" ], "debug": { "openocd_board": "esp-wroom-32.cfg" }, "frameworks": [ "arduino", "espidf" ], "name": "#FujiNet WROOM", "upload": { "flash_size": "4MB", "maximum_ram_size": 327680, "maximum_size": 4194304, "protocols": [ "esptool", "espota", "ftdi" ], "require_upload_port": true, "speed": 460800 }, "url": "https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/atariwifi", "vendor": "FujiNet Project" } I can see that defined for other boards: $ grep BOARD_HAS_PSRAM * -R boards/fujinet-v1.json: "extra_flags": "-DARDUINO_ESP32_DEV -DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM", boards/fujinet-v1-4mb.json: "extra_flags": "-DARDUINO_ESP32_DEV -DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM", Is my board definition ok? I do not mention BOARD_HAS_PSRAM in flags, or it's defined somewhere else?
  4. I have used that code https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-platformio/releases/tag/v0.1.ccbb292f I can switch to commit you mentioned and test it.
  5. I managed to compile that firmware. I could not use GUI flasher as it's configured for bigger boards. After compilation, in .pio/build/fujinet-wroom/ I had 4 files: bootloader.bin partitions.bin spiffs.bin firmware.bin boot_app0.bin was taken from https://fujinet.online/firmware-dl/ Is that version ok for WROOM? I've used esptool with following offsets: esptool.py write_flash 0x1000 ./bootloader.bin 0x8000 ./partitions.bin 0xE000 ./boot_app0.bin 0x10000 ./firmware.bin 0x200000 ./spiffs.bin I had to play w bit with these offsets to fit. Command output look ok: esptool.py v2.6 Found 1 serial ports Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 Connecting........_____....._____.. Detecting chip type... ESP32 Chip is ESP32D0WDQ5 (revision 1) Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, Coding Scheme None MAC: 30:30:30:30:30:30 Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Configuring flash size... Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB Compressed 26960 bytes to 16219... Wrote 26960 bytes (16219 compressed) at 0x00001000 in 1.4 seconds (effective 150.4 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified. Compressed 3072 bytes to 119... Wrote 3072 bytes (119 compressed) at 0x00008000 in 0.0 seconds (effective 1544.3 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified. Compressed 8192 bytes to 47... Wrote 8192 bytes (47 compressed) at 0x0000e000 in 0.0 seconds (effective 7258.3 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified. Compressed 1960832 bytes to 1137946... Wrote 1960832 bytes (1137946 compressed) at 0x00010000 in 101.3 seconds (effective 154.9 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified. Compressed 1769472 bytes to 339295... Wrote 1769472 bytes (339295 compressed) at 0x00200000 in 30.2 seconds (effective 469.1 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified. Leaving... Hard resetting via RTS pin... It flashed but something is not ok, here is debug output: rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:2 load:0x3fff0030,len:4 load:0x3fff0034,len:5532 load:0x40078000,len:16488 load:0x40080400,len:4840 entry 0x400806a4 E (657) spiram: SPI RAM enabled but initialization failed. Bailing out. E (666) uart: uart_write_bytes(1111): uart driver error E (666) uart: uart_write_bytes(1111): uart driver error E (666) uart: uart_write_bytes(1111): uart driver error E (670) uart: uart_write_bytes(1111): uart driver error E (675) uart: uart_write_bytes(1111): uart driver error E (680) uart: uart_write_bytes(1111): uart driver error E (685) uart: _����垠8�(����R��`D0` @`��̀��<@$��$$"�Dz�ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57 rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:2 load:0x3fff0030,len:4 load:0x3fff0034,len:5532 load:0x40078000,len:16488 load:0x40080400,len:4840 entry 0x400806a4 I have tried with different offsets as well esptool.py write_flash 0x0000 ./bootloader.bin 0x8000 ./partitions.bin 0xE000 ./boot_app0.bin 0x10000 ./firmware.bin 0x250000 ./spiffs.bin But it also failed, different error this time. rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) flash read err, 1000 ets_main.c 371 ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57 I guess some of the offsets are not ok. Any idea which one?
  6. Ok, thanks anyway for pointers, I will find spare moment and dive into that
  7. Sure, I can build that, will be good experience Just wanted to confirm that my command line switches are ok, and it will work once I will recompile that. One thing worries me that It just stuck in CLI, without any information what is happening and no errors indicated. Is there a verbose mode so it's easier to trouble shoot? GUI seems be better as it marked error and stopped, CLI didn't.
  8. I decided to build one using spare ESP-Wroom that I had. Last year I built with ESP8266 so this time Wroom. I know, current status is Wrover but some things should work still on that board. I downloaded flasher (I'm using Linux) but it fails to flash using GUI. Here is output. Using '/dev/ttyUSB0' as serial port. Using latest firmware from fujinet.online.. Connecting........_ Detecting chip type... ESP32 Connecting........_ Chip Info: - Chip Family: ESP32 - Chip Model: ESP32D0WDQ5 (revision 1) - Number of Cores: 2 - Max CPU Frequency: 80MHz - Has Bluetooth: YES - Has Embedded Flash: NO - Has Factory-Calibrated ADC: NO - MAC Address: 30:AE:A4:97:F7:C0 Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Changing baud rate to 460800 Changed. - Flash Size: 4MB - Firware path: Latest from fujinet.online - Flash Mode: dio - Flash Frequency: 40MHz Erasing flash (this may take a while)... Chip erase completed successfully in 9.1s Unexpected error: '_io.BytesIO' object has no attribute 'name' I believe that error is because latest firmware does not support WROOM anymore. I also tried command line version with files downloaded from https://fujinet.online/firmware-dl/ $ sudo ./FujiNet-Flasher -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --esp32 --bootloader bootloader.bin --partitions partitions.bin --spiffs spiffs.bin --show-logs firmware.bin Using '/dev/ttyUSB0' as serial port. Showing logs: But it sits like that, nothing more shows up. `ps` shows that it forked additional processes but that's all $ ps aux| grep Fuji root 89851 0.1 0.1 11452 4460 pts/1 S+ 12:39 0:00 sudo ./FujiNet-Flasher -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --esp32 --bootloader bootloader.bin --partitions partitions.bin --spiffs spiffs.bin --show-logs firmware.bin root 89852 13.9 0.4 19480 18288 pts/1 S+ 12:39 0:02 ./FujiNet-Flasher -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --esp32 --bootloader bootloader.bin --partitions partitions.bin --spiffs spiffs.bin --show-logs firmware.bin root 89854 4.2 0.4 47816 16236 pts/1 S+ 12:39 0:00 ./FujiNet-Flasher -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --esp32 --bootloader bootloader.bin --partitions partitions.bin --spiffs spiffs.bin --show-logs firmware.bin What is the process to flash latest WROOM version?
  9. If you are interested in other retro magazines, you can buy something else so shipping will be smaller part. I bought AF#1 from here https://amiga.net.pl/index.php?lng=pl&kwt=10010&tms=575 There is also https://amiga.net.pl/index.php?kwt=4027&lng=pl and (not Atari but still...) https://amiga.net.pl/index.php?kwt=4068&lng=pl
  10. Sorry, more details then 130XE PAL, S-Video connected to Viewsonic 2060w-1e No jail bars present (now or in the past). I guess it's monitor/tv thing then. I don't have any other device that can test S-Video so it's only my theory. On the other hand, can't complain, maybe i'm just lucky (most likely )
  11. Just to add my 2c, my Hercules cable just arrived. On my setup I can't see any difference, both Lotharek and Hercules cable give same good quality image
  12. this is very unique, congrats Gorgh for fresh idea
  13. Great game but won't work on my machine so have to pass
  14. Interesting read. BTW. Link to your page is broken, it displays your blog address but links to this page
  15. It should work easily. For my few automation projects I just expose HTTP API so you can turn on/off devices, FujiNET can do that as it's regular HTTP Call. For Bigger project you can set up some centralized device (RPI for example) running https://www.home-assistant.io/ and you can control multiple devices via REST API https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/api/rest/ that FujiNet will be capable of doing as long as you can make such calls. Of course for more advanced stuff you may need to write some code but it's all doable and should not be that difficult.
  16. https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-platformio/blob/dcdc1e75ab5423fb731bf03dc28b874da4a584a7/lib/printer-emulator/svg_plotter.cpp#L219-L222 0 Black 1 Blue 2 Green 3 Red
  17. Thank You! All your work (on all your projects) is really appreciated!
  18. Hmm, don't think so. In U1MB I have D1: Redirect: Disabled using SIO2PC / aspeqt allows me to boot from D1
  19. Thanks for working on this, It's great idea! After fighting with my set up for some time, finally I got something more or less working for initial testing. I've tried tnfsBoot test and it was failing until I changed https://github.com/tschak909/atariwifi/blob/master/tests/tnfsBoot/tnfsBoot.ino#L17 from GPIO2 to GPIO3. I see all debug messages and it seems be booting ESP8266 ok. What difference does it make? Can it stay with 3? When connected to Atari, I see a lot messages but computer is not booting up image, I have following in Debug Log Seek requested to offset: 16 Req packet: 67 45 2 25 0 0 10 0 0 0 Resp packet: 67 45 2 25 0 Successful. Reading from File descriptor: 0 Req Packet: 67 45 3 21 0 80 0 Resp packet: 67 45 3 21 0 80 0 0 3 0 7 40 15 4C 14 7 3 3 0 7C 1A 1 BF 1 7D CB 7 AC E 7 F0 36 AD 12 7 85 43 8D 4 3 AD 13 7 85 44 8D 5 3 A D 10 7 AC F 7 18 AE E 7 20 6C 7 30 17 AC 11 7 B1 43 29 3 48 C8 11 43 F0 E B1 43 A8 20 57 7 68 4C 2F 7 A9 C0 D0 1 68 A A8 60 18 A5 43 6D 11 7 8D 4 3 85 43 A5 44 69 0 8D 5 3 85 44 60 8D B 3 8C A 3 A9 52 A0 40 90 4 A9 50 A0 80 8D 2 3 8C SIO READ OFFSET: 16 - 144 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 SIO CMD TIMEOUT: 0 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 SIO CMD TIMEOUT: 0 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 32 CMD DEVC: 31 CMD CMND: 3F CMD DEVC: 31 CMD CMND: 3F CMD DEVC: 31 CMD CMND: 3F CMD DEVC: 31 CMD CMND: 3F CMD DEVC: 31 CMD CMND: 3F CMD DEVC: 31 CMD CMND: 3F CMD DEVC: 31 CMD CMND: 3F CMD DEVC: 31 CMD CMND: 3F CMD DEVC: 31 What may be wrong with this? Am I missing something? Any reason why it's timing out?
  20. There is also new UltraSatan Mini which plugs directly to port so no cables
  21. sorry for missing this help ? I've tested higher speeds and 2400 is stable, 4800 and 9600 are giving some problems, especially with graphics drawing
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