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Everything posted by Redmiller

  1. I seem to do better overall on the Faster Game : 532 Game 1: 1099
  2. Game 1: 663 Game 2: 372 I kind of stink at this game. Will have to practice more this week.
  3. Joust: 20050 Long stretch here, Fantastic Voyage. Space Ship has Wings.
  4. I dont know how you all do it, I have never been good at Defender, so equally bad here 12750
  5. Thanks for the link, Loved reading about it all.
  6. Some of my PacMan items. Love the game and all the memories. Thanks for making the first week of High Score Season this game.
  7. Love these two games, Will enjoy this week. Lots of Childhood Memories with these. 3469 - Pacman 18770 - Ms. Pacman
  8. Since we are all mostly Liked into our homes now, how about a Short run of the High Score Call it Corona Virus Competition? or something catchy. Maybe Pick Half a dozen games and run it for 1 Month time? Some Main Run Games, Nothing Home Brew or rare that someone might not have. Anyway, Just thought I would throw that out there.
  9. I understand there is other ways to play, but I am not that technologically minded, and I love playing it old School. Brings back the memories from childhood. So unless I can play it on the actually 2600 with a actual Cartridge, I dont play it. I do collect, and have over 300 different Atari games, but never fails that there is something I dont have that we end up playing. Seems like this Season has been full of them (not just the Homebrews)
  10. I just have to say, HOMEBREW weeks, are not good for anyone that doesn't have them. It took 3 weeks and 1 day for me to receive the order I placed with Atari Age in order to get the games. And then they didn't even have one of them. So, after this 3 week set of games i am sure I will not make the cut. So, my suggestion, announce the Homebrew games weeks before we ever will play them, so those that want to try and acquire them, can.
  11. Anyone know where I can buy a Copy of the PACMAN4K? None in the ATARi Age Store. nor Ebay
  12. 9394. Can’t get photo to upload. Too much snow I guess messing with my signal
  13. EMporer Palpatine is my Man! Met him 2 years ago at Star Wars Celebration! Great Guy!
  14. Well, Forgot all about playing this week, and last and the last and now I am out of town til Monday night, sooo Posting my Thunder score I did on the first day 3 weeks ago, ughhh!!
  15. 19321. Ran out of time to try and do better
  16. Not only do I not have these two games, but Only 1 copy of Frank for sale on Ebay, none of Halloween, must be fairly rare.
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