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  1. I getting a new electric guitar for Christmas. But my tinnitus is so bad I cannot play it. Funny I know and sad too.  

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. BydoEmpire


      Sorry, I meant how long have you had the Tinnitus?  Has it been getting progressively worse?  Mine was stable for many, many years until I went to a particular concert without hearing protection and stood *right* under the PA.  That kicked it up a notch and it never went back.  Fortunately it's still not that bad.  My high-end hearing is shot, though.

    3. Tickled_Pink


      My tinnitus was caused by constant ear infections. I can listen to music as loud as I want and it doesn't make it immediately worse. Like Bydo, mine first started a long time ago - when I was about 6 or 7 probably. I remember getting severe earache as a kid. I'm now 50 and still have to have maintenance at the hospital every 6 months to clear my ears out to prevent further infections. Had my 8th and (hopefully) final corrective op 15 years ago. No infections since.

      Sounds to me that you have severe damage to the hairs in your inner ear for it to get worse while playing.

    4. Elvis


      Yep certain noises makes it worse. And louder.  

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