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Mallard Games

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Everything posted by Mallard Games

  1. Can you link to the NEW Toshiba FlashAir 8gb cards on Amazon please? Thanks for the info.
  2. Sadly there are no brand new cards available, especially 8gb FlashAir. ?
  3. True, but it says "like new" which might mean it's simply open package but unused. Either way it's a huge $30 difference for a 24gb loss not that it matters cause more than likely it will not work.
  4. Here is the 8gb variant of the same card I linked to above. Toshiba wireless LAN-enabled SDHC memory card FlashAir 8GB Class10 SD-WE008G https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UMTNB2S/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_8cNuDb199X3NX. The 32gb is $31.34 while the 8gb one is $67.27.
  5. Will there be a Atari Flashback Portable 2019? Will it use Stella 6 instead of the God awful custom emulation?
  6. Also does anyone know what the maximum size SD card the At Games Atari Flashback Portable will accept?
  7. Hey, Sorry for the silence, but I tried using the Medevil Mayhem macros to get bankswitching to work sith no success. What's weird is Stella detects it as a non-bankswitched game and not a F6 bankswitched one. Anyways I am post the latest code here to see if anyone can figure out what's going on. Source Bankswitch Macro List File Binrary
  8. The issue with that is I don't remember if I had enough space for my title screen since most of the space was taken by the playfield data that the title screen is made up of.
  9. Ok assuming I was you, what bankswitching scheme would I use? ?
  10. The only other option is to waste space by duplicating the subroutines every bank which defeats the purpose of having the extra space in the first place. @Andrew Davie weren't you a programmer back in the day? @Nukey Shay We're a bit stumped on how to proceed and need your godly advice.
  11. Well I've made some progress at least. The issue I'm having now is trying to figure out how the #^*_ I'm supposed to get back to the correct respective display bank. I figured out how to get to the subroutine bank to perform the subroutines but, now how to get back! ??? Source
  12. I'm using the standard Atari F6 bankswitching scheme.
  13. Alright I'll pretent I'm the world famous Andrew Davie who's disassembling yet another game. ? Ok, this is strange to me: L101f .byte a0 ;ldy ;2-6 That is this bit of code: sta Random ; use it to seed the random number generator Next line: L1020 jsr L101F ;6 That should be this this: jsr VerticalSync ; perform vertical sync but instead it's jumping back to our sta Random code, very weird. Anyways: 1029 jmp L1020 ;3 This should be jumping to the top of our loop, but instead it's jumping back to our vertical sync routine..... and then to top it all off it jumps back to sta Random instead of the top of the title screen loop. Update: All my subroutines and "logic" live in Bank 2. Bank 3 is reserved for sound effects and music. So I have to add a sta $FFF8 ; bank into subroutines every time I want to call a subroutine? That can amount to dozens of repetitions of the above code.
  14. Hi again, Did a bit of restructuring and now it seems to go to the correct bank on power up. The issue I think is right after that it jumps into no man's land a.k.a RAM and never returns which results in a black screen with a brown messed up playfield and a horrible death sound. ? The strange part is bank 0 is so small it is latterly only a few bytes in size with only a few calls to the required syncing subroutine, and then the title screen kernel which draws the title screen using the playfield and yes all the graphics are in the same bank. Links Source Listing Binary
  15. How far did you get, don't want to impede your work by drawing attention away from your project to mine.
  16. I'm thinking of getting a Toshiba FlashAir W-04 32 GB SDHC Class 10 Memory Card. I tried looking for a 8gig one but it was 3 times more expensive and an older version as well. Will this one work with the harmony/harmony encore?
  17. Hi, I want to know what you guys think about the current title screen layout. Out of 5, 1 being terrible and 5 being excellent vote in the poll above and let me know what you think. I know it's basic with a single color but, I'm not good at making insane title screens like you guys. Also this is must a rough draft then the final build. I may add colors latter.
  18. Fixed the origin being reverse indexed and the draw score routine being in the wrong bank. Now i'm greeted with a purple screen and nothing else. Scanlines are way off at 350, but that can't be right cause I've comment out the draw score routine in it's proper bank. Source: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uvbmq07rqallmtg/source.asm?dl=1 Binary: https://www.dropbox.com/s/treunfvfc0pdtl6/duckgame.bin?dl=1 Listing: https://www.dropbox.com/s/opvq2p7ag8i0v2u/duckgame.txt?dl=1
  19. Actually the only thing difference between your scheme and mine is the way I define the vectors compared to yours. Other that that the org, rorg memory locations are all largely the same.
  20. It's not working for me, it gives me the error: Source: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uifsayrasmyh5h3/source.asm?dl=1
  21. Hi, Quick question, right now I have a 8k game using the standard F8 bankswitching scheme. Say I wanted to upgrade it to a 16k game via F6, how would I go about doing that? Do I just add the extra needed banks or is there a more precise procedure required?
  22. Hi, I am working on getting the score to display, but am having an issue.? I just added the following code to my main loop: GameLoop jsr VerticalSync ; perform vertical sync jsr CheckJoystick ; check for joystick input jsr ClampObjects ; move and clamp objects jsr PositionObjects ; position the objects jsr GetDigitPointers ; New jsr DrawDigits ; New ; ******************************** ; Experimental (Is this correct?) ; ******************************** jmp Jump_Display_Bank Return_Display_Bank jsr OverScan ; (3 13) jump to OverScan Routine jmp GameLoop However when i test the game the score isn't being displayed at all. ? Here is the code for those 2 functions: GetDigitPointers ldx #0 ; leftmost bitmap ldy #2 ; start from most-sigificant BCD value .DigitPointerLoop lda Score,y ; get BCD value of players score and #$f0 ; isolate high nibble (* 16) lsr ; shift right 1 bit (* 8) sta Digit0,x ; store pointer lo byte lda #>DigitsFont sta Digit0+1,x ; store pointer hi byte inx inx ; next bitmap pointer lda Score,y ; get BCD value (again) and #$f ; isolate low nibble asl asl asl ; * 8 sta Digit0,x ; store pointer lo byte lda #>DigitsFont sta Digit0+1,x ; store pointer hi byte inx inx ; next bitmap pointer dey ; next BCD value bpl .DigitPointerLoop ; repeat until < 0 rts ; Display the resulting 48x8 bitmap ; using the Digit0-5 pointers. DrawDigits lda #%00000011 sta NUSIZ0 ; player0 three copies - close sta NUSIZ1 ; player1 three copies - close sta WSYNC ; wait for sync lda #7 sta DrawDigitsLoopCounter .DrawDigitsLoop ; Cycles Pixel GRP0 GRP0A GRP1 GRP1A ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ldy DrawDigitsLoopCounter ; +3 64 192 lda (Digit0),y ; +5 69 207 sta GRP0 ; +3 72 216 D1 -- -- -- sta WSYNC ; +3 75 225 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- lda (Digit0+2),y ; +5 5 15 sta GRP1 ; +3 8 24 D1 D1 D2 -- lda (Digit0+4),y ; +5 13 39 sta GRP0 ; +3 16 48 D3 D1 D2 D2 lda (Digit0+6),y ; +5 21 63 sta Temp ; +3 24 72 lda (Digit0+8),y ; +5 29 87 tax ; +2 31 93 lda (Digit0+10),y ; +5 36 108 tay ; +2 38 114 lda Temp ; +3 41 123 ! sta GRP1 ; +3 44 132 D3 D3 D4 D2! stx GRP0 ; +3 47 141 D5 D3! D4 D4 sty GRP1 ; +3 50 150 D5 D5 D6 D4! sta GRP0 ; +3 53 159 D4* D5! D6 D6 dec DrawDigitsLoopCounter ; +5 58 174 ! bpl .DrawDigitsLoop ; +3 61 183 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; At the *, the value written to GRP0 does not matter. What does matter is ; that this write triggers GRP1A to receive new contents from GRP1. A "!" ; indicates that that register is being used for displaying at that moment. lda #0 ; clear the sprite registers sta GRP0 ; clear player0 sprite sta GRP1 ; clear player1 sprite sta GRP0 sta GRP1 lda #%00000000 sta NUSIZ0 ; player0 one copy sta NUSIZ1 ; player1 one copy rts Source: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3fgdex1wvhj183z/source.asm?dl=1 Binary: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vyakffargbdi8ap/duckgame.bin?dl=1
  23. Someone already did this and I can vouch for the quality of the content. In fact I actually ended up using some parts of the code for my own game.
  24. Sorry, didn't know if you had forgotten or were busy like the rest of us and was reminding you.
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