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Space Invader

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  1. I played it new and quite enjoyed it, it was a repeat title for me. I remember outrun being kinda klunky and not as good. I was mostly into dungeon master and 3d stuff such as freescape titles and mercenary. Ports were for quick plays when bored. In 1988 or so when I got my Atari ST coming from the Atari 800 it seemed way better even if the sound chip had less channels.
  2. I don't know how true this was for most of the games back then, but I seem to recall that when someone got the rights to a coin-op conversation they went and purchased a machine and it was as low tech as recording all the games on videotape, and scanning in frames to get rough estimations of the sprites, or maybe it just to have a still frame to work off of on a CRT to make all the assets. Also considering that these things outputted RGB I assume the taping was literally a cam corder pointed at the crt. Point I am making is things were much harder back then no tools and definitely no assets from the original arcade developer.
  3. Still looking for a Falcon or TT
  4. I was looking at this but it is missing the cable https://www.ebay.com/itm/325496516846?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=7ATdF0V5RYq&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=7ATdF0V5RYq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Can you still use the transformer and other non gcr disks with this cart? Is the cable a standard floppy cable?
  5. I would glady purchase the whole kit as-is. Looks like a nice example of Atari's first ST. Goodwill usually will take them and throw them up on the auction to sell nation wide. You have all the original boxes it looks like so you could pretty much ship as is. Would just insure for a few hundred.
  6. Thanks, guess I was too slow!
  7. Sorry, thought I would get notifications. I am in North America but will pay to ship from wherever. Also I dont care if it is NA spec or UK spec systems.
  8. I have tracked down an STE, on to a falcon and TT! Thanks all!
  9. The internuts has said, that its the filtering of light via the windows that causes the yellowing, if you have direct sunlight with windows with UV coatings, you can have problems. The other issue I suppose is temperature, I know for a fact, I have had keyboards in storage in a sealed box, with no light I have taken out years later and they turned yellow. These were in my basement, so other than heat in the summer and freezing in the winter, not sure what caused that. I have also experiment with direct sunlight on Famicoms and 1050 drives, amiga keyboards, etc they all lost a vast amount of the yellow, but not 100%. There is risk of course of making the plastic brittle from heat, but that is why even now in the cooler weather, this works with nice bright sun like we had in New England today.
  10. Well if it makes you feel any better, I leave mine away from the windows, but they for sure are not covered up, just no direct sun.
  11. US or UK versions are fine. I won't lowball either, as long as it is a good clean unmolested system I will pay top dollar.
  12. I can imaging if this came out back in the day what an amazing achievment.
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