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Everything posted by MrFSL

  1. I would subscribe to that.... but I wonder what you mean by "limited tools" ---- a rock and a pointy stick? If so I would definitely subscribe ---- maybe, if your repairs were successful I'd even support you on Patreon.
  2. Quick! Get into rehab. I'm quite sure that what makes my hobby rewarding is not getting enough of it. --- Like an old car you are taking years to fix up... the point is not to have all the work done. It seems that the COVID shutdowns gave a lot of people more time with their hobby and I am seeing more and more people taking time away. This might be gaming, mod-ing, programming, learning, etc. Personally, my family and I moved in November of last year. In the new home I was to have a permanent place to setup and keep all my Atari related stuff. I thought how wonderful it would be not to drag it out and put it away. --- Can you see where I am going with this? --- Turns out its nice to have it handy, but it was awesome and exciting "finding the time" and never having quite enough. A few months ago I went wild and bought a bunch of Atari things I wanted... it was great, but now less rewarding. I've capped my spending intentionally to force myself to draw this out. Its a flaw in my personality. Sometimes I might consume too much of a good thing until it makes me sick.
  3. And may I say that to that extent it really is working wonderful. I got a chance last night spend about an hour working in that environment and it was stable really seem to work well.
  4. NLOGIN crashes my system(s). To reproduce: boot to SDX type D1:NDEV type D1:NLOGIN N1: username password The result is a crash and an all white screen --- usually with some black artifacts on the left hand side. If using the IDE+, the onboard SDX cart gets disabled. To workaround: boot to SDX type D1:NDEV type D1:FCONFIG type D1:NLOGIN N1: username password Odd I know. But running FCONFIG prior allows NLOGIN to work. I have tested on 3 800xls and 1 130xe. I have tested with stock hardware, SYSCHECK memory upgrade, Antonia memory upgrade, AVG memory upgrade. I have tested with 3 different versions of fujinet hardware including the latest. I have tested with several versions of SDX running from Uno Cart, AVG Cart, IDE+ I have tested at just about all SIO speeds I have tested with old Fujinet firmware
  5. and I'm just a forum troll with neither hardware nor software to show to the community.... just a bunch of opinions. I think, one day when I retire I might take some courses in hardware.
  6. If you build it.... they will probably bu ya copy if you build it for them. (Me included )
  7. I understand. I just think that... 3.1 a connection to the device in 3.) is made by the device in 2) serves three types of programs - programs not asking for intelligence - programs asking for intelligence - programs using 3.) ...I believe is an odd representation. Everything is open. Not only is the goal not to be a small group --- but group members literally encourage (offer, ask, beg, facilitate, support, train, advertise, promote, etc) others to do work here. But, alas.... I don't really care because I would like the W5100 solution too.
  8. ....and some people learn languages from text books and some people prefer to be thrown into a place where only that language is spoken.... some folks like those common phrase books. I guess it depends on their needs, their wants, etc. I think it works best if they do what they want the way they want - maybe fall flat on their face - then go read the manual. In my son's studies, I recommend he reads the homework questions first and then does the reading. It allows him to quickly identify relevant information from the reading. Familiarity, I feel, makes for greater benefit on the reading. I think this is the reason that the typical programming language textbook starts with a "Hello World" as soon as possible. Imagine if it started with a diatribe about variable types and linked libraries.... I think you would find yourself having to read the same thing more than once as you learned. There is my official 2 cents.
  9. And without an OS that supports multitasking I care because....? I must be missing something. No I am talking about using Perl on a PC (PI no different.) I think what you are missing is that the Fujinet provides an interface for communicating on TCP. --- It's not all tnfs and disk images. So I can write something in PERL, Python, (whatever) on the PI and it can listen on a TCP port and I can send/receive data to that port using the Fujinet and then this application/script I wrote can go off and do something cool on the internet and bring stuff back to the end user. There are lots of youtube videos and documentation and posts here about the N: handler, Fujinet with BASIC, etc. that you might want to read up on. No. If you are talking about raw protocol support like TCP then definitely, no. The Fujinet project has brought forth interfaces (such as the CIO N: interface) that you can access from BASIC or whatever else on the Atari. The Fujinet folks have also provided Atari binaries and sample code to assist. I am sure this is what you are describing. Look into it... its super cool.
  10. Well, it is way frustrating when there is no documentation, and way more frustrating when there is and folks dont read it... but there is also some room in the middle. I dont read the manual for my new car before I drive it, for instance. I want the sales guy to sum things up and give me short answers. Understandably, the sales guy has a vested interest, folks here are more like volunteers.... appreciate all help and wisdom from all of them; as I do. I think some of the aforementioned links started out as quick-start guides but have grown to full manuals. You are looking for a quick start guide which i dont know where one exists myself.
  11. Well.... yeah.... but the tnfs bits are mostly about mounting disk images right? Which is why it makes sense on SIO? I like the fujinet (or any other device) on PBI, ECI... but probably less for the tnfs specific bits.... though the more protocals the better I say!
  12. Gotcha! Sounds like you need a networking co-processor to help handle some of this TLS/SSL. I mean, you can proxy all your network connections requesting TLS if you want to run it on external hardware. That's trivial.
  13. Sure. Missing something here. Its a protocol. What makes it a custom protocol? The community is full of folks that keep ancient hardware running. Is the concern that the "new" hardware will eventually be outpaced by the network technology? I'm sure it will but I'm not sure why its relevant. What is known as "the cloud" today will not be anyone's "final solution." If by cloud you mean software / compute resources served up on someone else's hardware in someone else's datacenter. --- But network connectivity is provided either way. Not sure why this would be a problem. Revocation management for clients or servers? Either way a CRL file can be dropped onto a web server and any http... neh... tcp client can pull it for processing. There is enough compute power here for that. Depending on "user updatable" I thought Tom actually had a ssh client library working? Also not sure a CUPS stack would be necessary - especially for network printers which seem to be the norm... more so when talking networking/networking devices/etc. I think a PI is a great piece of hardware that works for a great amount of things --- especially in the Atari community. You can connect to it in multiple ways to include serial, bluetooth, ethernet, wifi, etc.... Awesome! Who you calling ugly? lol! ....this is starting to seem rather subjective... all sounds very interesting. Not sure why the "event" being tcp socket activity is different then listening to any other type of event. Serial hack vs TCP hack? But there are a lot of people making chat programs, news programs, web browsers, weather applications, software repositories, terminal applications, etc. using the interfaces made available via the Fujinet. Some of them require Atari programs interfacing with computer servers (wikipedia viewer for instance.) ANYWAYS... you have the technologies that you are comfortable with and I am really interested in trying the same. I just wonder if you have worked much with the Fujinet lately? I am using the netcat.xex application to kick at server ports written in perl to trigger stuff - not unlike what you are doing in Python I guess?, I successfully SSH'd to my laptop (mind blowing), I'm downloading files using not just tnfs, but also http, https, ftp, and more, I am connecting from network to network while in DOS.... Getting back on point. I am not campaigning for any solution. I am definitely interested in this project.
  14. ....and that is a very valid point.
  15. Interesting take and I understand where it comes from. --- The Fujinet project has a CP/M component where (from what I understand I haven't tried it) fully runs this emulation on the ESP32 and the Atari just acts like a terminal. In this case I wouldn't consider this running CP/M on the Atari (thought I would consider it a really cool project.) As far as the networking bits got though, I don't know.... I think I feel differently. Whether its accomplished in hardware or software or a a combination doesn't matter too much to me. For me it still seems like the Fujinet (with the clever SIO translations, growing list of Atari applications, CIO device, etc)... is a modern day hardware peripheral for the Atari and not just a terminal. Of course we all might feel differently. I remember reading that the Commadore disk drives had their own 6502...
  16. FANTASTIC! --- Even works with the broken 130XE! LOL! --- And now we know! Has this always said "Quitter" ??? ---- Because if it has, and I never noticed it, it makes the above post funny..... and if it HAS NOT, and it has been changed, it is even MORE FUNNY! This all looks fantastic. Thank you for your time and support and everyone for helping educate. Now if only the Fujinet provided a sensible SDX driver for clock via the network... (or if only I had the skills to build it myself.) --- I have a feeling we might see it in the future.
  17. Many people learn differently. Many people like to dive in first and then pick together what they are missing. I highly suggest that you prowl the documentation when it exists... even if its here and there. To jump start your enjoyment, however, here is a bunch of stuff you might be interested in. XEX/EXE (Binary files) and CART Images work the best on the UNO cart. Here are two huge Game Repositories: http://mushca.com/f/atari/index.php?dl=FAI http://a8.fandal.cz/files/a8_fandal_cz_april_2022.zip Both these links include XEX files as well as "Disk images" such as files with "ATR" extensions. Some disk images might play but most of those disk image files will probably give you problems. They are really meant to be loaded over the SIO bus and not from CART. There is lots to dig through here: http://ftp.pigwa.net/stuff/collections/ and here: https://www.atarionline.pl/v01/index.php?ct=nowinki&ucat=1&subaction=showfull&id=1651855349 and here: http://www.atarimania.com/atari-400-800-xl-xe.html There is a decent collection of different types of CART files here: https://avgcart.tmp.sk/files/atari/avgcart-car.rar Which... if you don't do the reading but prefer (through extensive trial and error) you might see what works and what doesn't for loading CART images on the UNO. And if you want to tool around with the most advanced MS-DOS style DOS that exists there is SPARTADOSX. https://sdx.atari8.info/index.php?show=en_download_release The MAXFLASH1 image will run just fine on the UNO cart.
  18. I'd be interested in this. --- Again... if it did not hog the PCI port.
  19. Cool! I think I could handle that... but since you are still looking into it, I will probably hold off. even with the SIDE enabled on the AVG? I mean --- from the IDE+ I can load the SIDE.SYS and it works. ---- I'm guessing booting from a CART image on the AVG somehow changes this setting then? Quitter! Wonderful! ==================== So let me see.... I had three questions and now I think I have 3 complete answers: My 130XE which checked out fine for EXT RAM very recently, has even more recently had a failure of EXT RAM which is the likely cause of this odd behavior. I would need to find a hardware guy to replace the broken RAM and perhaps add some sockets which unfortunately probably won't happen for a long time. SIDE.SYS cannot house the CONFIG.SYS or SPARTA.DOS file/directory because of "chicken v egg." There is this nifty MERGE command that I might have been able to use but it turns out I need a special SDX image so probably take FJC up on his offer to build me a custom CAR if I want to play with it. For now... wait for tmp to finish. The AVG EXTMEM doesn't work if the SDX image is too large. In the case of the special SD2SDX image, there is some AVG "behind the scenes offset loading magic" that is more than likely causing it to behave the way it does and @tmp is going to look at it at sometime in the future (when actually conscious.) Beyond that I also learned the difference between USE BANKED and DEVICE SPARTA BANKED and a bit about the SDX memory auto-detection. Wow! All in all that sounds like a fantastic amount of information. Thanks everyone!
  20. So.... the MAXFLASH1 and the sdx128 images work! (Hoorah) without any modification of the CONFIG.SYS: Now my next question --- what cart type is FJC's sd2sdx.car image? My emulator does seem to understand the format and I don't see it here: https://github.com/atari800/atari800/blob/master/DOC/cart.txt ....and I guess.... how do I go about creating one? Or should I just modify the maxflash1 image --- toss in the SIDE2 driver, and use the https://github.com/robinhedwards/UltimateCart/blob/master/RomToCar.html web file to save it off? Sorry I am new to this. Thanks again everyone for the help!!
  21. Does the same go with the "SIDE emulation" SDX provided by FJC? Is it also too large? ---- Will try tonight... but first must feed the gremlins that live in the house with me.
  22. As stated above --- it will automatically switch to BANKED with the configuration in the MAXFLASH8 image: For instance here it is --- same MAXFLASH8 on AVG with the SYSCHECK memory expansion: --- and here same MAXFLASH8 on AVG with the Antonia memory expansion: However --- on the AVG with AVG EXTMEM: And just to be complete: Using the (USE BANKED) SD2SDX image with AVG and AVG EXTMEM: Thats the problem It will still show "BANKED" which is all I was looking for. Neither do I. Its a "control" to compare against the sd2sdx image provided from the above URL, as detailed on John's website, and linked to in the DeReAVG documentation. What would be a better CART image to test and compare on the AVG? I will --- but at that point how will this differ from the SD2SDX image from FJC site? --- And wouldn't we reasonably expect the memory expansion to work like the other two I have demonstrated above --- and if not, why do we think that is? As the manual says: I think this behavior is well demonstrated in the above screenshots. Thanks everyone! I greatly enjoy the participation and support!
  23. https://sdx.atari8.info/index.php?show=en_download_release Maxflash8 and https://atari8.co.uk/firmware/avg/ SIDESDX When using the two above SDX images I do not have extended RAM I do, however, have extended RAM if I launch, say, an extended RAM tester, Systems Info Tool, Or Demo from the AVG
  24. Alright.... so I have 2 different problems. The 130XE was a new purchase. As soon as I received it I check RAM, Extended RAM and it all passed. I just checked both again and while the first 64 passed, extended RAM failed! I think this is the problem with the "USE BANKED" issue I was describing. This is a giant bummer as I have no solder skills and no sockets on this Atari. The second problem is specific to the AVG. The AVG has an extended memory that you can utilize if you have the appropriate ECI or PBI cable. It doesn't seem to work with SDX. Neither the above linked images nor the MAXFLASH cart images etc. Not on any of my 3 800XLs nor this 130XE.
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