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Everything posted by zbyti

  1. Action! cannot perform mathematical operations on constants during compilation, all such operations take place in runtime. If you know that you need 257 don't write it down as a math operation.
  2. my SYSTEM OFF need: 1. use Sublime Text (or VSC) to develop (don't use Atari memory for code) 2. don't use Action! runtime (include your own) 3. compile on Atari from file on H6 4. write OBJ to H1 5. turn off Action! cartridge (software) if you run code from memory (right after compiling) then you can use $A000, $B000 and so on for SCREEN memory or other dynamic things because you turn off BASIC and KERNEL.
  3. see to the machine code that Action! compile and then you will know what it is: bug or feature
  4. current discussion start here and because @Dracon ask me don't make another thread we still are here
  5. it depends on how many people work on it this big carbon footprint is
  6. @DjayBee how did you come up with it?! I'm not forcing anyone to open his project. if for someone it is mainly a job, not a hobby, let him take care of his interests as best as he can. I say to hobbyists that there are more advantages when they make their sources available, even if they license them in such a way that you can only get acquainted with the idea of the project. simply if retro-computing is our hobby, it would develop and new ones could take up in the place where we left it, it would be nice to have the lowest entry point possible. I'm just talking about giving the opportunity, I don't assume that the anyone will take advantage of it. do you prefer a variant in which VinsCool decompile RMT so that it could develop it further because Raster did not predict his death? everyone should do what they think is his best interest, but some here confuse a hobby with a job, or worse they confuse the concepts.
  7. I just checked the software on my system and 98% is open-source. FujiNet is also open-source and following the logic of some, the FujiNet dev must be ignorant or stupid. I suspect that most of the disapproving open-source developers use a huge amount of open-source tools. One closed-source explanation in this case is easier to have a closed project than to sue those who break its license. The ironic fact is that, in the end, someone have threatened someone with lawyers anyway.
  8. No one force you to open your projects. I talked mostly about retro things. I use Eclipse (open source), Java (open source variant), Apache (open source), PHP (open source), JS (open source) and so on. I like Mega65 project (open source), Commander X16 (open source). ARM company make ARM chips open-source and so on. By such wise people as you who are not ignorant and not stupid to this day there is no 100% accurate SID replacement and the 6502 had to be cut into pieces many times to do reverse engineering. Like I said - you mixing thins, even if you open your project you do not have to cooperate with anyone, you are not obliged to accept PR, etc. Once again - open sorce not have to be freeware and it's not obligatory but helps develop, abandoned project can be continued, even in such unfortunate cases as with Raster, someone could develop RMT without unnecessary work, but you don't see it because you don't understand what hobby is and money close your mind. ps.1 or maybe you are a demoscene programmer and keep the source closed to have an advantage over others? ps.2 anyway, there is an opinion why demoscene did not develop in the USA, because you do not understand the idea of coding for fun
  9. @Tillek you are mixing things, but hey I'm not open source evangelist, if you don't grasp this simple idea "share the knowledge" already I can't help.
  10. and I appreciate @bocianu, @ilmenit, @tebe and others for his open source projects. open source means "we share the knowledge", close sorce means for me: "I want profit in the first place" (nothing wrong but not help retro heritage much). @Dracon see? I don't make appropriate thread because I respect you
  11. FJC wrote about @t0ri but @t0ri is well known as music card designer for A8 and as far as I remember he public his work for everyone.
  12. Because open source (but not freeware) is interesting topic and this thread don't indicate this subject
  13. I propose new thread about that, inflation, whatever - message of this thread was received. For now collaboration was ended, new co-op is work in progress :]
  14. it's not about censorship, close this, not delete it, so as not to pile up comments when the gentlemen will get along in a week, etc. and what did you know? @lotharek treading peoples his lawyers, instead of looking for a better solution? @candle called a fool, will not wait 3 days, but takes his toys right away and make this public? yes, those guys are short tempered
  15. "some useful insights"? how immature retro guys can be?
  16. if cooperation was ended then this thread should by closed. if you start cooperate again with @lotharek (or someone new) do another one to inform future buyers.
  17. but in 2022 graphic looks old on my new NVIDIA monster we need better engine and more polished textures :]
  18. I played PoP on SAM Coupé and been aware port on PC98001, on YT you are not the only one who covers PoP ports in one video.
  19. @popmilo no more old games in XXI
  20. I would put my money on R-Type but by lack of my imagination (or skills) I can't see this game on A8
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