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  1. Hello, i am the creator of the Gruniożerca port for the Atari 2600 and i see that my nick has been misspelled.
  2. But how can i make the code shorter? Is there a way to make my code use less clock cycles?
  3. Hello, i'm trying to make a 4 digit playfield score. I know it's probably not the best way to do this, but it's more difficult for me to make it as player sprite. While my code works, it looks like the every second line on playfield is missing, i tried to fix this myself, but i can't do that. So i decided to ask here if somebody can help me. This is my score rendering loop code: ldx #8 ScoreLoop: txa pha pha pha .DrawScoreOnes: adc Digit1Offset tay lda DigitsReversed,y and #$F0 sta temp .DrawScoreHund: pla adc Digit3Offset tay lda Digits,y and #$0F sta temp2 .DrawScoreThous: pla adc Digit4Offset tay lda Digits,y and #$F0 ora temp2 sta WSYNC sta PF1 .DrawScoreTens: pla adc Digit2Offset tay lda DigitsReversed,y and #$0F ora temp sta PF2 sleep 20 lda #0 sta PF1 sta PF2 dex bne ScoreLoop
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