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Everything posted by AtariSphinx

  1. Arcadia: 6,476 (2-1) Binary Parasite: completed Dark Keep: 0 gold Der Schranker: 1,100 Der Schranker 2: 630 Retro-dschump: 255
  2. Demons to Diamonds (1 B/B): 5292 Street Racer (15 B/B): 63 I first learned of Demons to Diamonds from "James and Mike Monday's" from the YouTube channel that has the Angry Video Game Nerd. This one was identified as a hidden gem in the 2600 library. Definitely a good game but no where the fun as a Super Breakout.
  3. Encounter at L5 (1 B/B): 3362 Night Driver (3 A/A): 50 Paddle weeks are my favorite. First time though playing Encounter at L5 which has elements of Astroblast.
  4. Name This Game (5 B/B): 13,530 MAD (1 B/B): 11,900 Entombed (1 B/B): 54 Improvements on all 3. Decent games. MAD plays similar to Atlantis but not with the same polish. Name This Game is interesting but does not fully pull your attention. Entombed is definitely the best of the three and only one I would play again after this week.
  5. Name This Game (5 B/B): 11,850 MAD (1 B/B): 10,400 Entombed (1 B/B): 46
  6. Clearly I need to improve on my timing. Won't have more time to retry but will sometime in the future. I do like the graphics and music in this one
  7. I have tried a few time but marshmallow man keeps taking my money. Watched a video today and see what I an doing wrong. Will see if can give this one another shot.
  8. Barnstorming (4 B/B): 1:11.43 Sky Jinxs (4 B/B): 2:20.04 Improvements!
  9. Freeway (8 B/B): 28 Barnstorming (4 B/B): 1:12.75 Sky Jinxs (4 B/B): 2:22.18 Several improvements.
  10. Freeway (8 B/B): 27 Sky Jinxs (4 B/B): 2:22.64 Improvements!
  11. Freeway (8 B/B): 26 Barnstorming (4 B/B): 1:14.65 Sky Jinxs (4 B/B): 2:24.03 Fishing Derby (1 B/B): 99-68
  12. Ghost Chaser: 7900 Gremlins: 508,315 (Night 99+; it stops counting) Probably could have rolled Gremlins but would take way too long.
  13. Star Raiders on the computer line is great and I play it often. I do play the 2600 version solely for the touchpad. Makes you feel like you are at the controls of a star ship. If a 7800 SR is made would at least want the touchpad as an optional controller. I think it was under utilized by Atari and would like to see more homebrews use it when it makes sense (or an option as I know not all like it).
  14. Gremlins (1 B/B): 195,340 Room of Doom (1 B/B): 28,325 Improvements! Of the 3 games Gremlins is the most fun followed by Alien. I do like the concept of Room of Doom but it needs another element to raise its fun factor.
  15. Alien (1 B/B): 48,108 Room of Doom (1 B/B): 23,525 Slight improvements on both.
  16. Ghost Chaser: 3600 Monster Smash: 309 Gremlins: 14576 OK games. The 2600 version of Gremlins is much more fun
  17. Gremlins (1 B/B): 146,280 Alien (1 B/B): 42,577 Room of Doom (1 B/B): 21,925 Improvements on all. Fun games that don't take too long per game to play. For Gremlins looks like if you reset/click the joystick button after a completed game you start at the last level rather than level 1. You have to manually game select level 1 again rather than just clicking the joystick button.
  18. Just noticed that the HSC record for centipede is 100k which Deteacher and myself beat. I would have thought the record would have been much higher than that
  19. Gremlins (1 B/B): 99,110 Alien (1 B/B): 31,017 Room of Doom (1 B/B): 15,375 Fun set of games though what's up with Alien? Pac-Man merged with an impossible version of Freeway and somehow related to Alien!
  20. Raft Rider (1 B/B): 32,924 Improvement .... on my score not my border level.
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