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Everything posted by apc

  1. What a long file names! 🙂 To handle them in WebUI, I've increased buffer size for encoded and html escaped file names. The change is in repository now. Thanks for reporting! -jan
  2. Nice, thank you! I will add, build instructions on fujinet-pc project page can help with installing dependencies, software and libraries needed for build: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc?tab=readme-ov-file#building These instructions should be included soon into main documentation/wiki. I'm sorry for inconvenience. AFAIK Platformio is not needed to build fujinet-pc, it is used to build firmware for hardware. Please let me know if you get any missing platformio/pio related errors when trying to build fujinet-pc without platformio being installed. -jan
  3. The problem with Galaxian and other games from Fandal's site is with warm reset being called when starting the game (similar to pressing Reset button) with COLDST (580/$244) flag still set. With non zero in COLDST the reset goes to cold reset (entering boot loop). Boot loader used in SDrive is handling that (sboot.xa) : As pointed out by @xxl in referenced topic, I'm not sure we want to do this (prevent boot after reset) in bootloader for every loaded xex/com file. I'm thinking to make an option for user to load xex/com with an alternate boot loader from FujiNet CONFIG program. By default use picoboot, use SDrive loader or modified picoboot as an alternative (or some other xex loader). Not sure yet how the alternate loader should be selected, maybe Shift+Option or Select+Option to mount and boot with alternate loader. Seems modified picoboot.bin prepared by @Wrathchild was close to work, just 0 must be placed into COLDST, not 1.
  4. As of access to files on SD card, it is being prepared! Protocol adapter SD:// was added into code: Additionally, working on PCLink device/protocol emulation. Here PCL1: device used to access SD card:
  5. For now, I would say, with Altirra use PCLink provided by Altirra (it will be faster than external solution). If you want to use PCLink from FujiNet with Altirra, you need to deactivate Altirra's PCLink (same for any other SIO device, like D1: P: etc.). The idea is to add network file systems support into FujiNet's PCLink in a future, more work needed here. To summarize the topic - there is work in progress on: a) SD protocol adapter (N: device will be able to point files/dirs on SD card) b) PCLink (enable FN-PC code on FN, add network file system support)
  6. I was working on it in a past, but was not satisfied with the result, so it was not added into main code. wasn't reliable and I wasn't patient enough to solve the issues in a chain: [FN+NetSIO] <-WiFi/UDP-> [NetSIO hub / Altirra Device Server] <-localhost/TCP-> [netsio.atdev] <-custom device-> [Altirra] That does not mean I will not try again in a future. If you are interested to help with it: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-emulator-bridge https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-platformio/tree/master/lib/bus/sio/siocom and the best part at https://discord.gg/fbpVXhTfuAZ But if you really want some experiment ... there is serial port mode added into NetSIO hub ... then with 1050-2-PC cable one can connect physical SIO device to PC and use it with Altirra. From netsiohub help: --serial SERIAL Switch to serial port mode. Specify serial port (device) to use for communication with peripherals. --command {RTS,DTR} Specify how is COMMAND signal connected, value can be RTS (default) or DTR --proceed {CTS,DSR} Specify how is PROCEED signal connected, value can be CTS (default) or DSR Example: python -m netsiohub --serial /dev/ttyUSB1 --command DTR NetSIO HUB v0.14 Serial port: /dev/ttyUSB1 DTR -> COMMAND CTS <- PROCEED Altirra Custom Device Server v0.8 Waiting for localhost connection from emulator on port 9996 -- Ctrl+Break to stop You may end up with something like this on you desk: - SIO port using 1050-2-PC/USB for communication with Altirra - USB port for firmware upload and debug console Here is the netsiohub with serial mode in action with 1050 floppy: (video has very low audio, you need volume up, sorry) Disclaimer: Just for fun not for serious use, don't use to make backup of your floppies! -Jan
  7. Yes, partially. Initial support for PCLINK protocol was added into FujiNet-PC (only) (Altirra does support its own PCLINK, i.e. FN-PC does not bring new feature when used with Altirra). Current implementation is hard-coded to PCL1: => FujieNet-PC's "SD" folder. I would like to extend the idea to make PCL# => FujeNet's host slot # to support not only SD card (and to re-use existing utilities for changing target behind PCL#). At the moment we are busy with merging FujiNet-PC and FujiNet into single code base as it is crucial for future development (huge task). Once done, it will be much easier to add and share features on both platforms (and I can focus on unfinished bits). Stay tuned
  8. Any suspect in logs? Altirra -> Debug -> Enable Debugger FN-PC Launcher -> right click -> Show log
  9. FujiNet-PC 2308.1 Fixed bug on Windows. Appkeys (FujiNet cookies) were corrupted on write. Thanks to Bocianu for finding and reporting that! Improved JSON parser. Fixed few memory leaks. Improved XEX loader (picoboot). Thanks to Fenrok! Included updated CONFIG with new feature to boot Game Lobby directly from it. Project: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc Downloads: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc/releases/tag/release-2308.1 FujiNet-PC Launcher 2308.1 All in one bundle with FujiNet-PC 2308.1, Launcher GUI and all necessary files to connect FujiNet-PC with Altirra emulator. Lightweight "scripts only" package with Launcher GUI script and necessary files to connect with Altirra (FN-PC binary not included). Updated netsio.atdevice file (Altirra custom device). Data sent to Atari is slowed down a bit to allow CONFIG program to work at HSIO index 0. Project: https://github.com/a8jan/fujinet-pc-launcher Downloads: https://github.com/a8jan/fujinet-pc-launcher/releases/tag/release-2308.1
  10. And updated launcher: https://github.com/a8jan/fujinet-pc-launcher/releases/tag/release-2307.1 - Bundle with Launcher and FujiNet-PC 2307.1
  11. FujiNet-PC 2307.1 Things which were fixed in FujiNet main project some time ago These were preventing fujinet-pc to work properly with new hot items on the scene (game lobby, multiplayer 5 card stud game, etc.) Fixed JSON validation bug causing fujinet-pc to crash Fixed End-of-Line translations, thank you, Thom! Added initial support for PCLink protocol "SD card" (i.e. "SD" folder in fujinet-pc) can be accessed as PCL1: from SDX Project: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc Downloads: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc/releases/tag/release-2307.1
  12. FujiNet-PC 2306.1 Windows XP build https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc/releases/tag/release-2306.1-winxp
  13. After winter sleep and spring awakening, a new release is here: FujiNet-PC 2306.1 Added serial port into Windows version It is possible to connect FujiNet-PC with Atari via SIO2PC cable (disable emulator connection in web interface and configure serial port) Known issue: CPU utilization can be high when serial port is enabled (will try to improve it) Changes in GitHub automated builds (some build environments are no longer available) macOS 10.15 build replaced by macOS 11 (should run on 11, 12, 13, Rosseta needed on M1/M2 Mac) Ubuntu 18.04 build replaced by Ubuntu 20.04 (Ubuntu builds can also work with other Linux distributions) Added Window x86 (32-bit) build (it uses UCRT Windows runtime, Windows 10 is needed) Changes to make Windows XP build possible - experimental For Windows XP and Windows 7 Made with old build environment, use of old libraries (implicates bugs, impacts security, affects crypto, ...) Manual build, no GitHub automation Project: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc Downloads: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc/releases/tag/release-2306.1 Enjoy! Jan
  14. I forgot to mention, an alternative to download via CONFIG program on Atari is to download the file in WebUI
  15. New releases: FujiNet-PC 2210.1 Changes: Following FujiNet main project: Support for High Score Enabled Games on Atari Improved directory navigation for N: (CD in NOS) Improved JSON parsing Host slot in CONFIG can point to FTP server (read-only, no writes) E.g host slot can be ftp://ftp.pigwa.net Fixed [C]opy file in CONFIG program from / to TNFS server Project: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc Downloads: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc/releases/tag/release-2210.1 FujiNet-PC Launcher 2210.1 Bundle with Launcher and updated FujiNet-PC Project: https://github.com/a8jan/fujinet-pc-launcher Downloads: https://github.com/a8jan/fujinet-pc-launcher/releases/tag/release-2210.1 Enjoy! Jan
  16. Fixed in repo (improved TNFS read and write calls to support larger sizes) https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc I will prepare new release soon.
  17. Currently FujiNet-PC is using only the signals available on serial port or virtual/USB serial port. Yes, on RPi with additional GPIO pins available it would be possible to add motor control, audio, etc.
  18. I am pleased to announce FujiNet-PC Launcher 2208.1 What's new: Automated Build and Release jobs using GitHub Actions Release variants All in one bundle - heavy package, system specific binary, everything is included, currently limited to Windows only Scripts - light package, no binaries, no Python included, only scripts and custom device file for Altirra Downloads: https://github.com/a8jan/fujinet-pc-launcher/releases/tag/release-2208.1 Project: https://github.com/a8jan/fujinet-pc-launcher FujiNet-PC 2208.1 What's new: Lot of code refactored following fujinet-platformio Updates taken from fujinet-platformio: Enable/disable modem and printer, updated Boot Settings, added JSON parser, many small improvements/fixes Added SMB protocol handler for N device (N:SMB://fileserver/share/path) Host slot can point to SMB Share (smb://fileserver/share), currently limited to anonymous read-only access Build and Release automation using GitHub Actions Downloads: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc/releases/tag/release-2208.1 Project: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc Demo: Booting game from SMB share (Windows share / Linux Samba / NAS device) Jan
  19. I will try to add JSON parser into FujiNet-PC
  20. Updated FN-PC (in bundle with launcher and emulator related stuff): https://github.com/a8jan/fujinet-pc-launcher/releases/download/20220509/FujiNet-PC-bundle-20220509_win-x64.zip Enjoy!
  21. Not sure if usable, the "build notes" for bundle are here: https://github.com/a8jan/fujinet-pc-launcher/blob/master/Build.md First, fujinet-pc needs an update for FCONFIG SIO call. If interested, you can check here. https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc I will try to get into it during weekend. Jan
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