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About Probabilitydragon

  • Birthday 07/11/1975

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    Espoo, Finland

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  1. Wow, thanks, my little program is glad to be out here in the internet, not just confined to a floppy disk on my shelf!
  2. In the first two parts, the original has the chords Cm G7, while my version uses C Bbm. The last part, after the improvisation, has the chords Fm C7 and Bbm.
  3. It’s based on the Säkkijärven Polkka, which was recorded and released in the 30’s by the legendary accordion player Vili Vesterinen. It’s an accordion classic, based on polkas from around Säkkijärvi which was then Finland, now Russia. But I was being cheeky with the tune, flipping the scale from C minor to a scale you could describe as oriental sounding - C Db E F G Ab Bb. Doing a bit of improvisation based on that scale, too. In the last part, the scale is the same as in the original. For that part, the original tune transposes to F minor, which uses the same notes as the scale C Db E F G Ab Bb Also, my own accordion is being repaired at the moment, and I borrowed this cute little cherrywood Pigini accordion from the workshop, I kinda like it.
  4. Not what you asked for but here’s my program listing, no typos I hope - 10 BASE=226 15 REM C=226 C#=212 D=401 Eb=377 20 POKE 53768,80:REM BIG MEGAHERTZ 30 POKE 53761,160:REM 1 OFF 40 POKE 53763,200:REM 2 ON $C 50 LASKURI=0 100 LASKURI=LASKURI+1 110 K=(INT(RND(0)*20))+1 115 SARO=192 116 IF K<4 THEN SARO=128:REM RANDOM SNARE 117 IF LASKURI=4 THEN K=1:SARO=128:LASKURI=0:POKE 710,LO:POKE 709,HI:REM SNARE AND COLOR FLASH 120 AANI=(BASE*K)-7 130 HI=INT(AANI/256) 140 LO=AANI-(HI*256) 150 POKE 53760,LO 160 POKE 53762,HI 170 FOR HIT=15 TO 2 STEP -2:REM VARY THIS LINE FOR TEMPO 180 POKE 53763,SARO+HIT 190 NEXT HIT 220 GOTO 100
  5. Well, gotta dance with the devil... I would upload it here but I assume there is no way to host videos natively here on atariage. I suppose youtube is satan's domain, too ... although that would come with an embed if shared here? Might give it a go.
  6. thanks! I can, if someone gives me an instruction of how to. I have an AVG cart with a partition I am using for BASIC saves, although with this one I was using my 1050. Anyway I would be happy to just type it, too - when I find the right moment for that.
  7. The algorithm is like crack - it can feed your video to hundreds, thousands or hundreds of thousands of people who are not subscribed to you. I only got as far as around 16K views for my most viewed video - but it can be an easy way to get your music / material out to the people. I have reserved tiktok for "goofy" videos such as this one, the more official music releases can be found on my youtube channels @kiurelisammallahti8066 and @suomibhangra
  8. Just having fun with my squeeze box and a simple BASIC routine on my Atari. I hope you enjoy. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJoDT3YH/ or, if you prefer instagram over tiktok - https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzUBEWUNaxn/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  9. Thanks for the info and sorry for going off topic I think the image is actually 160x192, it somehow gave me the impression of 320x192 which I think would be something of an impossibility with that colour palette...
  10. I have been following the Rasta thread occasionally. But my know how is still mostly from the 80's and I'm not really familiar with the technical side of how to make such images. Must be something else to it than gr.8 with P/M and interrupts right?
  11. After a bit of a hiatus, I'm back playing Scorch! Amazing work! A question - how does one achieve 320 x 192 with so many colors in the splash screen?
  12. ah yeah - I do recall the laser being somewhat unpredictable back in the days of playing Scorch on a PC, and there was a chance of it kinda hitting back to you. I _presume_ I was shooting a direct hit at my dear daughter's tank yesterday, as we were pretty much on the same level and my turret was at angle 0 - but instead of blowing up her tank, I was destroyed.
  13. hey, just discovered the glory of the full version & played it with my kids. Thanks for the release, was lots of fun! Haven't yet tried the novelties, so there's still an element of discovery in upcoming games regarding bouncy castle et cetera... Biggest deviation from the original is that parachutes can't be active with shields, you have to make a choice which ones to use. Could be seen an improvement from the original, depending on your strategic point of view Also, the only instance I used laser it backfired on me... I think that's something which happens in the original, too - but I never figured out what was the logic! I think in the original it may have had something to do with force shields?
  14. lots of stuff to learn there - I like the look of that bus noise
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