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  1. This is a hard vote this year! So many amazing games last year.
  2. Well a few thousand were sold. But they did a recall for a full refund. At the time who wouldn't take the offer?
  3. Thanks a ton! You're more helpful then the Portland transit website!
  4. Hi AL thank you! See you there! Shawn Olson "Intvfun" Valparaiso IN
  5. Texas Instruments part number 2213524-0047, Qume part number 90742-01; For a DS990 printer. Found this board in with other boards for another device. See attached Pictures. I found this document with info on this board. https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_ti990ds990Dec81_64346117/page/n729/mode/2up?q="90742-01"&view=theater Check page 704 then page 726 even shows a picture. Screenshots are of the pages in the document from the link above.
  6. No! Cause I'm #8 haha!!!!! Well now you can have it I'm now #6 Lol!
  7. Yeah the one for 15,000 had been listed 10 plus years, the one for 8,000 about two years. The 8,000 was on auction at one time it was bidded up just over 1500 but didn't hit his reserve. Both didn't sell but auctions were pulled by the sellers.
  8. Very nice Steve! Love these designs and your work!
  9. That's why I never go after sealed games. It could be a piece of wood in the box.
  10. The Rarest game I opened was Fathom. One problem with 40 year old shrink-wrap games it keeps shrinking and eventually crushes the box.
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