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  1. Thanks so much again. I didn’t see that connector first. But then digging on the Internet I saw that and also some solutions using ultraSatan cases ( https://lotharek.pl/productdetail.php?id=48) I guess this could be interesting. Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions.
  2. Thanks so much for that thoroughly explanation!!! How would you then attach such external drive to the st? Would you have to open the st to achieve this? Or will you connect it to the floppy disk connector somehow?
  3. Sorry, My mistake. Actually it was a 130xe. And from what I’ve read it was able to play cartridges from atari 400 and 800. So now I am wondering if the 520st did also have some games produced as cartridges or no one used this way os distributing games for that machine? I am about to buy a 520st and I’m interested on the easiest way to get games and other programs for that machine. How would I transfert any game from the internet to a floppy disk?
  4. Hello, I am new to the forum, when I was a kid I had an Atari 130st and I remember that I could use the Atari 2600 cartridges on it to play those games. is it the same with the Atari 520st? Or those aren’t compatible?
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