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  1. if you have >128kb RAM for game, write the disk I/O routines for the target os and have a 3-5x faster CPU than in the ZX Spectrum 128k it could work.
  2. if you have >128kb RAM for game, write the disk I/O routines for your atari target machine and have a 3-5x faster CPU than in the ZX Spectrum 128k it could work.
  3. thanx Shanti ! did you see that the recompiled code gets twice as big as the original one ? Does your project fit in the atari computer at all ?
  4. Your Sourcecode differs from the original Pentagram. You have a newer Recompiler ? look: 9161 DJNZ @@9 9161 DJNZ @@9 B05A: DJNZ @@2 910E AND 11 B02B: AND A The whitespaces differs between Opcode and Parameters for example...
  5. Hello Mariuszw,

    I found your z80 recompiler and get it to run but need a suitable disassembly file of one of my mame binaries.

    it is possible that you could release your Disassembler for the z80recompiler please ? or just disassemble a file for me that I can put in the recompiler please ?




  6. ah thank you. I missed the line. ok I will check this skoolish. last night I tried to recompile the attached pg_disassembly and this will have trouble too. For instance a simple " LD reg, Val" creates an error... But slowly I get a feeling about that tool.... best willl be a sourcecode transformer to "mariuszdasm" format ;Start XOR A ;AF88: OUT (FE),A ;AF8A: LD HL,ScratchMem ;AF8D: LD BC,0726 ;AF90: CALL ClrMem ;LAF93 LD HL,LA70E ;AF96: LD BC,0721 ;AF99: CALL ClrMem ;AF9C: CALL ClrScr ;AF9F: LD A,43 ;AFA1: CALL FillAttr ;AFA4: CALL LB29A ;AFA7: LD A,05 ;AFA9: LD (LA721),A ;AFAC: LD A,R ÷G lda #$00 ; XOR A ; Syntax Error: OUT (FE),A lda #<SCRATCHMEM ; LD HL,SCRATCHMEM sta z80_l lda #>SCRATCHMEM sta z80_h lda #<L0726CHMEM ; LD BC,0726 sta z80_c lda #>L0726CHMEM sta z80_b jsr CLRMEM ; CALL CLRMEM ÷G lda #<LA70E ; LD HL,LA70E sta z80_l lda #>LA70E sta z80_h lda #<L0721 ; LD BC,0721 sta z80_c lda #>L0721 sta z80_b jsr CLRMEM ; CALL CLRMEM jsr CLRSCR ; CALL CLRSCR ; Syntax Error: LD A,43 jsr FILLATTR ; CALL FILLATTR jsr LB29A ; CALL LB29A ; Syntax Error: LD A,05 sta LA721 ; LD (LA721),A; Warning: A read but not set by previous instruction ld_a_r ; LD A,R
  7. I tied z80dasm disassembler - no luck I tried Dos DASMz80 - no luck which disassembler is producing a correct file for this compiler ? here some official z80 disassembly from win32 z80dasm... cheers Markus l0266h: ld b,010h ld hl,06000h xor a l026ch: ld c,a l026dh: ld (hl),a inc hl dec c jr nz,l026dh djnz l026ch ld b,004h ld hl,07000h l0279h: ld c,a l027ah: ld (hl),a inc hl dec c jr nz,l027ah djnz l0279h ld b,004h ld a,010h ld hl,07400h l0288h: ld c,000h l028ah: ld (hl),a inc hl dec c jr nz,l028ah djnz l0288h ld hl,060c0h ld b,040h ld a,0ffh l0298h: ld (hl),a inc hl djnz l0298h ld a,0c0h ld (060b0h),a ld (060b1h),a xor a ld (07d83h),a ld (07d86h),a ld (07d87h),a inc a ld (07d82h),a ld sp,06c00h call sub_011ch ld a,001h ld (07d84h),a l02bdh:
  8. Sorry for warming up this old thread. I found this very fascinating and compiled this source yesterday. after some problems with visual studio 2019 I add the line: #include "stdafx.h" as first line in z80compiler and get the exe file finished. Now I´m wondering , which disassembly file I need to proceed ? How should the format going ? Label, opcode ? is there a sample Z80 disassembly for testing ? cheers Markus
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