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Everything posted by SkyPilot

  1. Is @sparkdrummer still with us? It's been three months since his last visit.
  2. President of a dead company, real claim to fame.
  3. Don't have a 3D printer yet, but I am playing with software. Adding feet to the model should not be difficult.
  4. I didn't notice. I messaged him about it. He got right back to me with a sorry and told me the STL was now available.
  5. Except the CRT never displayed images so sharp. 😉
  6. Jupiter, being a gas giant, cannot be landed on.🧐 Good job.
  7. My F18 console with FG acts up sometimes too. After the unit heats up,good to go. I read something similar before and about the FG might require more power than a regular cartridge so clean contacts are a must to make up for any gunk that could have a power reducing insulating effect. Arcadeshopper made a good observation about 32K expansion do you have one onboard?
  8. Didn't someone once say the P-Box would make a great urn?
  9. @wierd_w designed a case a too. It's near the end of the last page of this thread.
  10. Picked up a TI at a garage sale for $5.00, missing keys. Do you have files for new keys? I'm getting a 3D printer next week.
  11. @sikotik Nice! Will you be taking orders?
  12. Was December 2022 the last issue?
  13. How long has the F18A been available? With market saturation and support, I see no need to endlessly wait for the MK2 which promises little extra.
  14. If you're curious about what drove him to do whatever he did to get banned, go to that other forum and ask him. There is usually a reason people go nuclear. Whatever it was, he can't defend himself here.
  15. Disappointment, having to buy a separate coffee cup warmer because the rumored one in the 4A didn't keep my coffee warm.
  16. Never considered TiPI. LoRa has a one mile range in dense urban environments, more with direct line of sight with elevation opens up intriguing ideas.
  17. Wasn't there a cartridge that worked with Bluetooth? Could it work with a LoRa unlicensed 915Mhz device like the https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832780913987.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.44ba6e61rM8zeN&algo_pvid=d186f9ad-8026-4293-81c5-70e947cce538&algo_exp_id=d186f9ad-8026-4293-81c5-70e947cce538-8&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000024775893095"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!USD!39.98!39.98!!!!!%400b0a187b16667407399078108e2e9b!12000024775893095!sea&curPageLogUid=CR3zNkh8TLHz making an off-grid TI network? What possibilities?
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