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Everything posted by ianoid

  1. Thanks for the suggestion. I cut both of the traces and then the mod worked fine. Ian
  2. Hi, I am installing this Console 5 no delay bios and having a little trouble. I followed these instructions: https://console5.com/wiki/Colecovision_BIOS_Replacement After completing the install, the picture has gotten badly distorted. I can tell even through a good deal of distortion to the picture that the No Delay works when I push a button at the title screen. Previously the unit worked with the original ROM. I actually took the unit apart to fix the power switch and decided to install the BIOS upgrade. Here are some pix, which show the two jumpers I installed (Blue) and the two cut traces as per the install. In fact, the traces on the bottom of the board at were already cut and had been bridged with some wire. I removed the bridging wire (which looked like some through hole leg pieces). Oddly, this unit came to me with a ROM socket and the red jumper wires already in place. The ROM installed was smaller than the socket. Any suggestions to get the picture back without giving up on the No Delay ROM?
  3. It does require a Mac. The developer is not anti-Windows, but forking the development and updates would slow development substantially, especially since the software is constantly under development. I'm sure he would be happy if someone wanted to deal with the Windows side of it, but so far nobody has stepped up. "I haven’t heard any issues with it. But most are using Sierra instead of El Capitan. Need to be sure to allocate 2 or more cores to the VM." That is what the developer of Applesauce said. If you do try and have feedback, I'd love to hear it and I'll pass it along.
  4. You can copy unprotected WOZ images as complete disks from devices that can read files, which includes the wDrive and the FloppyEmu. Many emulators support the WOZ spec as well. I have not used CiderPress at all to write images, but it’s a popular means to do so. If you have an Applesauce you can write WOZ images, as well as .DSK, .PO and .2MG files. The Applesauce device requires a MacOS device and a Disk ][ floppy drive to image and write disks. Or an Apple 3.5” drive (and the deluxe version of the Applesauce device) if you want to deal with 3.5” disks. If you want to check out how slick the software is, you can download the Applesauce client for free. Open up an unprotected WOZ to see how the software can parse files. Download any A2R file and open it to see how the disk analyzer works. At this time, the WOZ spec does not include all the information needed to write all Apple II disks with an Applesauce device with protection intact. Some protection schemes are supported, but most complex schemes are not. So you can mainly only write unprotected or deprotected WOZ files. Future functionality of the Applesauce device is intended to include writing disks using flux images (A2R format or another format to be developed that includes all the necessary information) with protection intact, but that is under development. It is possible that certain arcane protection schemes which were originally written to disks using proprietary hardware may never be supported, but these are considered rare, probably non-existent on systems other than the Apple II. Currently I am not aware of support from Applesauce for writing flux or other images from non-Apple II or non-Mac formats. Support for non-Apple II 5.25” formats is ongoing, with current basic (“Fast Imager”) support for unprotected C64, Atari and single sided only IBM PC software along with most other single density formats you can throw at it. Flux imaging (including protection, verification and file parsing) of non-Apple formats is under development. If you have a compatible Apple 3.5” drive or SuperDrive you can image Apple 3.5” formats as well as many unprotected disks from other formats. I have imaged numerous disk formats using the device, including Apple II 5.25”, Apple IIgs 3.5”, Mac 400K, Mac 800K, Mac 1.44mb, PC 720K (current build has issues, but already fixed for next update), PC 1.44mb, C64 (unprotected), Atari 8-bit (unprotected), Kaypro, NEC PC-8001, CoCo and TRS-80 (single density only). Non Apple II images can be saved using appropriate file types for their platform, like .IMG or .D64. The Disk ][ drive only supports 36 tracks, so you can use third party Apple II drives to reach 40 tracks, which is supported by the client and allows for the 40 track non-Apple II formats. Double Density, Double Sided and High Density 5.25” disks or drives are not anticipated to be supported. The device is available occasionally but usually sells out within a few weeks. Get yourself on the waiting list for the next batch if you are interested. The website is applesaucefdc.com I can explain more if you guys have specific questions. I’m not the developer, but I am involved in testing.
  5. I'm in Texas, so being sort of nearby would help with shipping. I just need a working console, nothing else. It doesn't have to be pretty. Needs to be NTSC/US. It's for an archival project (reading GD-ROM betas). I would love to trade for it as have a variety of classic stuff to trade, but usually it's just simpler for me to pay for things. My console for playing Dreamcast has the GDEMU so I can't read discs with it.
  6. Black Belt by Earthware supposedly has Mockingboard and Speech support. I tried it in Virtual ][ but it's mainly sound effects and I can't even tell if it's using the Mockingboard. I saw that there is Mockingboard support in a review in the The Book of Apple Software 1985.
  7. Belongs in the wanted forum
  8. $500 minimum Actually I don’t see this as some kind of incredible windfall. It’s not clear if it’s true NTSC output or 110v. That makes a difference. If it’s PAL, it’s probably something like $25-$50. If it’s NTSC a reasonable price would be $75-$125. For me personally, I would offer you $100 if it’s NTSC and 110V if it has the battery cover and manual, which weren’t pictured. I would be closer to $75 without those things. If someone wants to pay a lot more than that, you should accept it.
  9. Love to see this stuff, although not in the market. I’m looking for Creative Computing issues if anyone comes across those in good shape.
  10. It sounds like the Expandovision cart has been dumped. Unless it is really needed, I'll hold off on more attempts to dump the Expando cart. So I guess I should try that 4 ROM board on Colecovision. I didn't realize the boards had the same size card edge.
  11. Neither works on the 800XL. They both get to the title screen, and Diagonostics asks for a date, but after that, it gets nowhere. It’s possible they are looking for a peripheral, or it’s possible they are corrupt. If someone wants to look at the program data, it might be possible to determine what they are doing after the title screen. That’s out of my league though.
  12. Do any of these work for Vectrex? EU only? Boo.
  13. Haven't tested it yet. It was the title I only got the startup screen from, and it was a different screen/font than the others. If you tell me the title, I can try it out.
  14. Here are some Atari diagnostic and other dumps. I didn't photograph all of them. The Expandovision cart I tried multiple dumps just in case. It would not start with Altierra and I think it did the same on real hardware. Perhaps it's waiting for a handshake from the Expandovision device. It has no label. In fact, I can't be certain what exactly it is. The unknown board has 4 eproms. I believe I couldn't get it working on real hardware (tested on an 800xl only). I included multiple dumps, I was trying everything I could. Enjoy. @Rom Hunter A8 - 810 disc field exerciser 16K.bin A8 - Atari 1200 Super Salt Rev A.02.bin A8 - CPS Super Salt Master Rev. A.bin A8 - Direct Access Program Cartridge 800XL 16K.bin A8 - Disk Diagnostic Test Cartridge.bin A8 - Expandovision 8K.bin A8 - Expandovision 16K.bin A8 - SALT Tune FST Paddle Jitter Test16K.bin A8 - unknown 32K.bin A8 - unknown 64K.bin A8 - unknown.bin
  15. Figured out that drag and drop wasn't working for the pictures. So here they are.
  16. I bought this as a lot recently. Here are the dumps of all the carts. One of them didn't work in Altierra. I have attached photos of the carts, which for the most part are not very exciting. @Rom Hunter A8 - Computer Orthoptics - Therapeutics.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Auditory Visual Orientation.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Computer Pegboard.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Directionality Visualization.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Perceptual Speed.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Peripheral Awareness.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Spacial Orientation.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Tachistoscope.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Visual Closure.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Visual Coding copy 2.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Visual Coding.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Visual Concentration.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Visual Diagnostics.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Visual Memory.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Visual Motor.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Visual Scan.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Visual Search.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Visual Sequential.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Visual Span.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Visual Thinking.bin A8 - Computerized Perceptual Therapy - Visual Tracing.bin
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