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Everything posted by obschan

  1. Oh, you would still be allowed to publish it for free without the license ?!
  2. I see, where are you going? I'd feel safer nearly anywhere in SEA than in a big west EU or NA city though.
  3. Why would you lose it more than your phone or anything else?
  4. You also have those in cc65 https://bitbucket.org/atarilynx/lynx/src/master/tools/cc65/libsrc/runtime/stkchk.s
  5. You can give a try to https://github.com/LLeny/VkHandybug It's not perfect by it does the basics for comlynx. It helped me enough to make some progress on my project.
  6. There isn't a definitive answer but you could for example: Define an ASSETS segment starting a $0000. ASSETS: file = %O, define = yes, start = $0000, size = __ASSETS_SIZE__; ASSETS_RODATA:load = ASSETS, type = ro, define = yes; Then include your binary assets in an asm source file, export their location in the segment: .setcpu "65C02" .smart on .case on .debuginfo off .export _ryu_wait .export _ryu_hit .export _blanka_wait .export _blanka_hit .SEGMENT "ASSETS_RODATA" _ryu_wait: .incbin "ryu_wait.bin" _ryu_hit: .incbin "ryu_hit.bin" _blanka_wait: .incbin "blanka_wait.bin" _blanka_hit: .incbin "blanka_hit.bin" Then use cc65 openn function to open the ASSETS segment, then lseek_cur to the asset address, and finally read, to copy the data from the cart to wherever you want in memory.
  7. Sage, we're always eager for new exciting tools! 😛
  8. Yes, I will be happy to see if I can fit it. It will for sure be more reliable than anything I will come up with.
  9. Would you remember how you were managing the traffic in game; errors, flow control, etc. ? I am investigating the different possibilities to have something fast and reliable enough. I am currently using a very basic round robin, it's fast enough but very far from being reliable.
  10. Side note, I am not convinced that the analogue pocket will be be that, a FPGA is not a silver bullet solving every unknown, did they get more detailed information on Suzy/Mikey than what's currently public? It sounds like it'll be a fancy Handy at this point...
  11. Hi, As part of a personal project I am looking for a creative composer to write the music tracks and SFX of my game project. I use TailChao's HandyMusic driver. If you are interested please contact me with a few composition examples and your desired fees so we can exchange further.
  12. Was it that one ? : https://bitbuilt.net/forums/index.php?threads/atari-lynx-scan.5265/
  13. Would you have the 3d models and willing to publish them ?
  14. Oh that's great, thanks ! Would you mind making a PR with the #ifdef needed ?
  15. Yes that was my original motivation. Most of the emulators frontends achieve accuracy by synchronizing on display, audio frames. I don't think multiple comlynx running instance can be stable in that case, except with robust flow control. I was hoping to get at least opcode (not tick) timing synchronization. Redeye is still flaky, but I think handy timer issues need to be fixed first.
  16. Oh I see, this menu should be populated when you have sessions (handy instance) opened, it'll list the sessions and the shortcut to open/close the different widgets.
  17. Hmm, the recently used list ? You're on windows, linux ? It's only that list or none of the settings are saved (like theme, lynxboot file, session settings, ... )? Nothing "out of the ordinary" in your path ? Right, I'll add that to todo. I haven't looked at the engine much yet, but I actually took it from your github repo. Any patches that I could add ? Thank you for your feedback.
  18. Over the last few months I grew frustrated by the original handybug and decided to improve the existing debugging tools, at least to something that would fit my needs, I originally wanted to debug my comlynx code. I've published it there : https://github.com/LLeny/VkHandybug I had it to run on Linux compiled with gcc 12.1 and Windows with Visual studio 2022, anyone with some Mac hardware/knowledge to give it a try ? I took my inspiration from a bit of everything around, the original handybug, Felix. This is not a Handy frontend, this is not made to run, render games with accurate timing, the threading model is very naive at this point. My original plan was to be able to run multiple debugging "synchronized" sessions concurrently to be able to debug comlynx. It's still very rough around the edges but it could be useful to someone else than me.
  19. The shell and quality look pretty good actually. Would be nice to have cart reader on such thing though. But yeah there's no proper details, the guy's answers in the comments are all evading the questions.
  20. I believe you have libretro and retroarch running on PSP.
  21. there : ca65 -t lynx -I /usr/local/lib/cc65/asminc -o directory.o directory.s
  22. Just a guess, the structure of the directory has changed. Check your entry macro. it should be something like that now: .macro entry old_off, old_len, new_off, new_block, new_len, new_size, new_addr new_off=old_off+old_len new_block=new_off/__BLOCKSIZE__ new_len=new_size .word new_block .word (new_off & (__BLOCKSIZE__ - 1)) .word new_addr .word new_len .endmacro
  23. I would also be interested in something like that, my Lynx I shell has stripped screw holes. Are there any 3d models of the shells somewhere ?
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