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Everything posted by marss

  1. marss

    Yars Rising

  2. marss

    Burger Tom

    It is a combo cart😁
  3. Oceo needs a coder to finish it 😁
  4. Always do our best 😁
  5. Did you discover the trick to play with lady Uwol?
  6. Seems that the Europeans are not impacted 😁
  7. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2376270/Lunar_Lander_Beyond/
  8. Official Berzerk: Recharged Atari Page/URL https://atari.com/products/berzerk-recharged
  9. marss

    Burger Tom

    Kal... who sent you it?
  10. marss

    Burger Tom

    The fate is in the hands of the coder and I know he is doing his best
  11. marss

    Burger Tom

    3 games on 1 cart with a screen selector
  12. marss

    Burger Tom

    burger.mp4 Kong.mp4 xmas.mp4
  13. Official Atari page is here: https://atari.com/products/days-of-doom
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