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jetpac port for a8


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Hi emkay,


Could you please rephrase the last post? I had difficulty following the technique you were describing here...


Are you running in Antic 4 (or raster mode $e)? or in Antic 2 (or raster mode $f)? It sounds like you are suggesting using maximum wide players under an inverted character/raster mask. If this is what you are doing, won't only players 2 and 3 be available at this level (since players 0 and 1 will overlay in prior 0 mode)?


Maybe you could post the G2F file (if that is what you have used) to make things more clear.




It's Antic f (or 2) -> hires (32 byte width)


The graphics are overlayed with simple PM in an object related shape. Perhaps "Inversion" was the wrong term here. It's technically more to keep the most part of the screen black.

Edited by emkay
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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry, someone could translate this?


to jest port i nie ma nic wspolnego z zxemulatorem. deasemblowalem jetpaca i po zmianach w kodzie aby

dostosowac go do modelu programowania mozliwego do implementacji na 6502 przepisalem na atari.

ciekawostka jest to ze jest to sposob w pewnym sensie powtarzalny - mozna go zastosowac do czesci

spectrumowych gier - ograniczeniem nie jest jak w przypadku zxemulatora 16kb pamieci tylko sposob

programowania na zx np. w miare prosty sposob mozna przeniesc ghost'n goblins lub jet set willy z zxspectrum

ale juz np. knight lore (nie ma to zwiazku z pseudo 3d) wymga innego podejscia i nie umial bym tego

szybko na atari napisac. wybor jetpaca byl zwiazany z portem tej gry na xboxa zreszta bedzie to slychac

gdy puszcze gre w siec.

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to jest port i nie ma nic wspolnego z zxemulatorem. deasemblowalem jetpaca i po zmianach w kodzie aby

dostosowac go do modelu programowania mozliwego do implementacji na 6502 przepisalem na atari.

ciekawostka jest to ze jest to sposob w pewnym sensie powtarzalny - mozna go zastosowac do czesci

spectrumowych gier - ograniczeniem nie jest jak w przypadku zxemulatora 16kb pamieci tylko sposob

programowania na zx np. w miare prosty sposob mozna przeniesc ghost'n goblins lub jet set willy z zxspectrum

ale juz np. knight lore (nie ma to zwiazku z pseudo 3d) wymga innego podejscia i nie umial bym tego

szybko na atari napisac. wybor jetpaca byl zwiazany z portem tej gry na xboxa zreszta bedzie to slychac

gdy puszcze gre w siec.

This is a port and it has nothing in common with ZX-emulator. I've disassembled the original game the rewritten it on Atari (after translating the code to 6502-assembler). The interresting fact is that this method seems to be repetitive and this is probably the way to convert more ZX titles to Atari. The limit isn't 16kB boundary (as it was in ZX-emulator) but the way of coding of particular game on ZX Spectrum (e.g. the titles like Ghost'n'Goblins or Jet Set Willy seem to be quite easy to convert, unlike Knight Lore which has to be converted using different method [not because of using 3D-graphics] and i wasn't be able to rewrite it in such a short time). I chose Jetpac because of X-Box port of it (you will recognize it after releasing the game).

Edited by miker
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This is very impressive work!


As others have said, it's really not necessary to mess with the game format. However, the additional features will stop the ridiculous problem with the Spectrum original, that you could just sit on one platform forever and watch the score rotate again and again...


If there are plans to release this conversion on cartridge, count me in!

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Well, xxl just said that the game will come only as .xex file, but if there will be enough interest then the next two ZX-ports (at least planned): Ghost'n'Goblins and Jet Set Willy may come as cartridge versions too (even 5200 version is possible).

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Wow - this rocks! Nice job! :cool:


Well, xxl just said that the game will come only as .xex file, but if there will be enough interest then the next two ZX-ports (at least planned): Ghost'n'Goblins and Jet Set Willy may come as cartridge versions too (even 5200 version is possible).

I'd love to see those two. :D

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WOW :-o that's really great work, recreating the Z80 code into 6502, I take my hat off to you, that's brilliant. Can't wait to see more titles converted. I would have loved to have seen them converted like that originally. The A8 scene is full of good stuff happening right now. I respect all the hard work put into it ;) Tezz

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I respect all the hard work put into it

I'd echo that!


What could be useful is a guide to mapping z80 'patterns' to 6502 equivalents,

although I appreciate there's a lot more to it than that ;)


One day (in the far distant future at this rate :roll:) I'd like to

have a go at a Pokemon style engine and Pokemon Yellow on

the GBC would probably be the reference.




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