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TIP Animator

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I got some problem on get working TIPANM. I have 27 frames 0001.tip to 0027.tip

When I use command TIPANM 1 27 I got the message ERROR H=0, I don't know whay means.

Other side when I use command TIPANM 0001.tip 0027.tip I got a dwwin.exe windows error.


Is there some problems or conditions?, I tried with less frames, but still fails.

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Dwhyte - if you will get results... send me or TeBe! I'm sure TeBe is interesting in his tool improvements and all related stuff, so share your ideas, observations and movies with us :).


Got some free time this week-end and this is all I've come up with, as I've been trying to figure out the TIP graphics format. The graphics are pretty lame so don't be expecting to much when you open that .zip...


No complaints on TeBe's tool so far. I haven't run into any problems with it yet other than Mads not recognizing the .zpvar directive. Was another assembler other than Mads used?... On an NTSC system the frame rate seems to drop significantly using the source included. I'll be checking into that next week-end hopefully...


Now I have to upgrade the RAM on my 130XE for bigger videos... :D


Edited by dwhyte
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i like the animation... :)


Thanks Heaven... coming from you that means a lot to me as you're one of the coders on the forums I look up to... I just be a novice... well... maybe intermediately advanced... :D



Um... I was playing around with tipamn.exe again tonight and... There seems to be a bit of a problem in the conversion to the dic?.dat files. I've viewed my .TIP frames in other TIP viewers and the palette is fine. After conversion though, the palette seems to be messed up and/or there's garbage on the screen...


Here's the results that I've been playing around with for the past few hours (seems silly as it's only 5 frames). The TIP files seem fine when viewed on their own, however the animation has garbage on the screen, other times the palette is off by quite a bit (reds are greens and that sort of thing)... I'm at a loss...


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i like the animation... :)


Thanks Heaven... coming from you that means a lot to me as you're one of the coders on the forums I look up to... I just be a novice... well... maybe intermediately advanced... :D



;) I am honoured but I am a novice, too... compared to Tebe, Kaz, Fox, Eru, Bryan, Rybags etc and many more...

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Nice stuff.


I'd really be interested to see how such a technique would go with some of the other modes like CIN or APAC.


CIN + PMGs might be interesting too. Double the resolution, but with only 5 luma values available instead of TIP's 8/16.


Also, is it easily usable e.g. with a narrow-screen shorter display?


I'm thinking here that with some concessions on window size, it should be quite possible to do waveform audio as well - similar to the HDD based ones like Spongebob and Matrix, except running from RAM (and, obviously somewhat shorter too).

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after watching the TIP animations, I got some ideas...


1) I have some Gr. 15 animations (mostly single pictures plus a *.BAS program for the animation), namely:

Smurf, Smurfette, TG-Strip, Alien, Max Headroom and others which I do not remember right now. Maybe the TIP animator can be enhanced for other graphic modes (like Gr.7, Gr.8, Gr.9, Gr. 15, Apac/Apac-2, RGB, CIN, INP, etc.), so one can produce nice animations in these gfx modes also... and someone can then convert the mentioned Gr. 15 animations into standalone *.XEX files...


2) I remember Mad Team`s "X-Demo", since you TeBe were a member of them, maybe you still have the sources and can create stand-alone files of each animation. I know these animations don`t use TIP format, but maybe you can convert them into TIP format (or enhance the animator for Gr.9 and other formats as I wrote above)...


Well, as already said, just some ideas... I can upload the Gr. 15 multi-file animations (MIC-62 sector and PIC-compressed format, plus some Basic loader), if requested...


-Andreas Koch.

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1) I have some Gr. 15 animations (mostly single pictures plus a *.BAS program for the animation), namely:

Smurf, Smurfette, TG-Strip, Alien, Max Headroom and others which I do not remember right now. Maybe the TIP animator can be enhanced for other graphic modes (like Gr.7, Gr.8, Gr.9, Gr. 15, Apac/Apac-2, RGB, CIN, INP, etc.), so one can produce nice animations in these gfx modes also... and someone can then convert the mentioned Gr. 15 animations into standalone *.XEX files...


use G2F, EDIT MAPS (ALT+M) -> Export as animation

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Well... here's my latest one. I have no way to test this on a real machine so it was tested in an emulator. I must admit that I'm happy with the changes I've made to my tip converter in regards to the palette (might release, might not... It's up in the air right now), but I'm not sure if the slow horizontal drawing of the frames later in the animation is because of the emulator. I haven't seen this in any of my other animations I've made with TeBe's TIP Animator...


Can someone test this on a real machine? You need at least a 576K machine though... lol...



I think my next project may be to see if I can set up streaming of the TIP frames somehow off an HD... Maybe not fullscreen either...



/dreams of making a 256 color TIP animated maze for that game I was supposed to finish last year...


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