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Galactic Chase conversion


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Hi all!


I'm trying to convert Galactic Chase from A8 to 5200 as you might know... Everything was going pretty fine. I created source code of A8 version, changed HW registers for GTIA and Pokey, set up new DLI a VBI vectors, changed shadow registers for Antic, fixed joystick control and couple of another problems. The game plays fine now (under emulator) but I got stuck on keypad controls. This is my very first A8->5200 conversion and I need your help now!! I have no idea how to check keys properly. I'm only able to check if some key was pressed but I need to know if no key is pressed as well. How to do that?! Why am I asking? I'm checking if "start" key was pressed and then I start the game. But KBCODE still holds last pressed key and the game starts again and again and again and again... I'm lost! Please help!



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; KBCodeVector
; This is our Keypad continuation vector routine. The default Keyboard IRQ
; vector reads the KBCODE and converts the value for us but only
; stores this value in the accumulator.
; The default Keypad continuation vector just pops the stack and returns from
; the interrupt so the key press value is lost unless we store it somewhere.
; Debounce logic here: rwl 8/08/03
; on entry A=key just pressed
STA CH;sample had "KEY"				  



You need to debounce the keys via interrupt, see above example.

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Hi all!


I'm trying to convert Galactic Chase from A8 to 5200 as you might know... Everything was going pretty fine. I created source code of A8 version, changed HW registers for GTIA and Pokey, set up new DLI a VBI vectors, changed shadow registers for Antic, fixed joystick control and couple of another problems. The game plays fine now (under emulator) but I got stuck on keypad controls. This is my very first A8->5200 conversion and I need your help now!! I have no idea how to check keys properly. I'm only able to check if some key was pressed but I need to know if no key is pressed as well. How to do that?! Why am I asking? I'm checking if "start" key was pressed and then I start the game. But KBCODE still holds last pressed key and the game starts again and again and again and again... I'm lost! Please help!



I vary the code a little bit in my various conversions depending on need, etc, but this one is from one of my conversion. It looks like I check SKSTAT to check if a key is actually pressed.


STIMER   =   $E809
SKCTL	=   $E80F

and #4
bne ret7
and #$0F<<1
cmp #$01<<1
beq ret5
cmp #$03<<1
beq ret3
cmp #$0c<<1
beq ret6
cmp #$04<<1
bne ret7
jmp resetkey
;	cmp #$04<<1
;	beq reset
lda #7
lda #3
lda #5
lda #6


Also going from memory I think anywhere a 3 is stored to SKCTL you need to store a 2 instead. If you don't do this it will probably work under emulation but not on the real thing.

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Thank you very much for your help guys!


It seems I've done it!


Please check it on real HW as I don't have it...





Can you convert that file to a .bin? That way I can load it onto my Atarimax flashcart and try it out on an actual 5200.


This a .bin file (8192 bytes). Just rename it if you need it.



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Thank you very much for your help guys!


It seems I've done it!


Please check it on real HW as I don't have it...





Can you convert that file to a .bin? That way I can load it onto my Atarimax flashcart and try it out on an actual 5200.


This a .bin file (8192 bytes). Just rename it if you need it.





Well, I renamed it and although it still registered as a cartridge image I was still able to load it onto the flashcart by selecting "all files". The game boots up to the rainbow Fuji symbol the the attract mode and then starts when the Start button is depressed. Unfortunately the ship immediately moves to the far right and remains there no matter what position you place the controller in. It will fire though with the two lower side buttons. Pause and Reset have no effect. I pressed all of the keypad buttons in order to see what effect they had and afterwards the ship would no longer fire. After pressing Start it commenced a new game, the ship moved to the far right again and you could fire once more at will. The graphics are perfect with no distortions. Sounds is present as well.

I'm using the stock 5200 controller.

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Oh my, damned 5200 controllers. It's weird. I took joystick position detection routine from another 5200 game.


I use this piece of code:



txa ; X = player 0 or 1

asl @


lda ZP_11,x


sbc #$70

bcs joystick_right

eor #$FF

adc #$01

cmp #$10

bcc no_movement

jmp L_3286 ; joystick left


jmp L_32A2


cmp #$10

bcc no_movement

jmp L_3260 ; joystick right


What's wrong with this?


I can post source code of the game here, if anobody with more 5200 experiences can fix it.



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Playing this on A800win, there seems to be control problems. At first you gotta press up and down to move right and left. Then it seemed to fix itself (?) -- right and left worked properly. Sometimes the button didn't work for me. I've never run into these problems with other 5200 games so I am thinking there are bugs in the control routines.


If you really want anyone to play this on 5200, allow us to hold in the fire button for auto-fire. 5200 button presses can cramp one's hands easier than using the standard Atari 2600/A8 joysticks.

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Playing this on A800win, there seems to be control problems. At first you gotta press up and down to move right and left. Then it seemed to fix itself (?) -- right and left worked properly. Sometimes the button didn't work for me. I've never run into these problems with other 5200 games so I am thinking there are bugs in the control routines.


If you really want anyone to play this on 5200, allow us to hold in the fire button for auto-fire. 5200 button presses can cramp one's hands easier than using the standard Atari 2600/A8 joysticks.

This is kinda ugly but this was what I had for the joystick routines in some of my conversions. I think this was running in the VBI, it would fill in STICK0, STICK1 and SPORTA so it was kinda usable by games that read the shadow registers or the hardware PIA register. I never built in any calibration and I may have tweaked the limits on different games.

   lda $E802
cmp #114+50
rol stickval
cmp #114-50
rol stickval
lda $E803
cmp #114+50
rol stickval
cmp #114-50
rol stickval
lda $E800
cmp #114+50
rol stickval
cmp #114-50
rol stickval
lda $E801
cmp #114+50
rol stickval
cmp #114-50
rol stickval
lda stickval
eor #2+8+32+128
and #$0F
sta STICK0
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a

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First make sure you are setting your interrupts/registers ..


; initialize stuff:
lda  #$02   ; Bit 0 must be 0 for keypad scan!
lda #$04	; Enables POT read, otherwise, can't access joystick											  
cli		; Enable interrupts
lda	#$40	; Set POKMSK and IRQEN to #$40
sta	POKMSK	; to enable the "other key" interrupt

lda	 #$00		   ;Set Display list pointer
sta	 sDLISTL
lda	 #$10
sta	 sDLISTH
lda	 #$f8		   ;Set Charcter Set Base
lda	 #$22		   ;Enable DMA
sta	 sDMACTL
lda	#$C0		   ; Enable NMI												 
sta	 NMIEN


Here are my routines for horizontal and vertical movement .. see if you can spot anything that can help. My main loop jsr's horizmove, then jsr's vertmove:


	lda SPOT0
; Check the value of POT0 to see if the joystick is centered.  
; use value of 120 for centered stick:
	lsr			   ;divide by 2 to prevent overflow
	cmp #$1A   ; stick pulled left
	bmi  mvleft
	cmp #$50   ; stick pulled right
	bpl mvright												

	sbc	#$78	; Subtract 120 from the POT0 value
	bmi	mvleft	; If this value is negative then the
		; user is pushing to the left
lda #$00
sta ATRACT	;turn off attract mode when there is joystick input
cpx	#$C8	; If the player is at the right most (used to be $CA)
		; side of the playfield then don't
bne	mvright1; move right
	lda	 leftright												  
	sta	 PrevDir		; save off previous direction faced, for middle animation
	lda	 #$01		   ; this code means draw right-facing helicoper
	sta	 leftright
	inx					; Move 1 pixels to the right
lda #$00
sta ATRACT	;turn off attract mode when there is joystick input
cpx	#$30	; If the player is at the left most (used to be $40)
		; side of the playfield then don't
bne	mvleft1	; move left.
	lda	 leftright												  
	sta	 PrevDir		; save off previous direction faced, for middle animation
lda	 #$00		   ; this code means draw right-facing helicoper
	sta	 leftright
	dex					; Move 1 pixels to the left

	lda	SPOT1
;added on 10/27/01 per debro:
	lsr;divide by 2 to prevent overflow
	cmp #$1A ; stick pulled up
	bmi  mvup
	cmp #$50 ; stick pulled down
	bpl mvdown												
	lda	 $20  ; rwltst
cmp	lowbound
bne	mvdown1

;************ Erase Prior Bitmap image in Player's RAM memory **********
	ldy	 #$00
	lda	 erpm1,y		  ;Get data												  
	  sta	 ($20),y	; pl0
	sta	 ($22),y	; pl1													 
	cpy	 #$0B		   ;Copy 11 bytes
	bne	 eraseDwn
	inc	 $20		; pl0
	inc	 $22		; pl1
DwnOut	rts

	lda	 $20
  cmp #$2d; check if too high
bne	mvup1

;************ Erase Prior Bitmap image in Player's RAM memory **********
	ldy	 #$00
   lda	 erpm1,y		  ;Get data												  
	sta	 ($20),y  ;pl0
	sta	 ($22),y  ;pl1
	cpy	 #$0B		   ;Copy 11 bytes
	bne	 eraseUp

	dec	 $20  ;pl0
	dec	 $22  ;pl1

UpOut	rts


From another game's source code here is a sample from my VBIDeferred routine, for the upper triggers:


; *** 
; *** check bit 4 of SKCTL for upper fire buttons.
; *** debounce upper trigger:
lda UpperTrigCnt	;must init to $00!!!
beq CheckUpperTrig
dec UpperTrigCnt
jmp AfterUpperTrig
AND #$08
beq UpperFireButtonPressed		
; *** end debounce upper trigger
; also use CH
; commented out to get vbi timing to work again, 2/11/06:
AfterUpperTrig		;3/3/06 debounce upper trig
lda CH 
cmp #$06	
bne AfterCHChecks	;AfterCHCHCheckManip 9/6/06
UpperFireButtonPressed		;new 12/24/05
lda #$08
sta UpperTrigCnt

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First make sure you are setting your interrupts/registers ..


; initialize stuff:
lda  #$02  ; Bit 0 must be 0 for keypad scan!
lda #$04   ; Enables POT read, otherwise, can't access joystick											  
cli	   ; Enable interrupts
lda	#$40   ; Set POKMSK and IRQEN to #$40
sta	POKMSK   ; to enable the "other key" interrupt

lda	 #$00		  ;Set Display list pointer
sta	 sDLISTL
lda	 #$10
sta	 sDLISTH
lda	 #$f8		  ;Set Charcter Set Base
lda	 #$22		  ;Enable DMA
sta	 sDMACTL
lda	#$C0		  ; Enable NMI												 
sta	 NMIEN


It seems this is my problem on real HW. I'm not familiar with 5200 so I didn't know I must set SKCTL and CONSOLR registers...


Thanks a lot!



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Can the arcade version be ported to the 5200?

Okayyy.... you DO understand why porting an Atari 800 game to the 5200 is significantly easier than porting an arcade game... right?

No. I just thought i'd ask.

The 8-bit computers and the 5200 are about 98% the same. Anything else like arcade games, the 2600, the Colecovision, etc., are very different. The only programs you can convert to the 5200 are the atari 8-bit computer programs. And even among them you can only convert a small number of them.



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Can the arcade version be ported to the 5200?

Okayyy.... you DO understand why porting an Atari 800 game to the 5200 is significantly easier than porting an arcade game... right?

No. I just thought i'd ask.

The 8-bit computers and the 5200 are about 98% the same. Anything else like arcade games, the 2600, the Colecovision, etc., are very different. The only programs you can convert to the 5200 are the atari 8-bit computer programs. And even among them you can only convert a small number of them.



I didn't know how difficult it was for you guys to convert games to the 5200. I'm Sorry if i made anybody upset.

Edited by roadrunner
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Can the arcade version be ported to the 5200?

Okayyy.... you DO understand why porting an Atari 800 game to the 5200 is significantly easier than porting an arcade game... right?

No. I just thought i'd ask.

The 8-bit computers and the 5200 are about 98% the same. Anything else like arcade games, the 2600, the Colecovision, etc., are very different. The only programs you can convert to the 5200 are the atari 8-bit computer programs. And even among them you can only convert a small number of them.



I didn't know how difficult it was for you guys to convert games to the 5200. I'm Sorry if i made anybody upset.

No one was upset. Not everybody on Atariage is going to be an expert on everything Atari. That's what the board is here for. So that you can learn all about atari. Asking questions is how you learn things.



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OK. Another try. Please test it on real HW. Hopefully it will work much better than previous version.





I played about a half dozen games using the 5200 flash cart. It seems to play properly. I tried the Pause and Reset during game play to no result. I also tried 1 - 0, again with no discernible result. By pressing either the star or pound keys results in the ongoing game locking up. Selecting Start began a new game. Shortly afterwards the same bug as before made it's appearance, with the ship moving to the right and staying there. I could not fire either. The game kept running and once the ship was destroyed I could move it on the subsequent life. A couple minutes later the bug took effect again. I turned off the power to the console and started anew. Games played after that played fine but I did not press any of the keys. I did notice that before a new game is started that pressing the star key selected a two player option. Having only one functional controller I didn't test the second player playability. By pressing the pound key I noticed an asterisk would appear next to the highest board achieved count that is retained for the high score. Is there an actual function to this? I could not discern any difference. I also tried both the new bin and the original cassette image using Atari800Win and both seemed comparable in speed and gameplay to the game running on the actual hardware.

I hope this helps and thanks for the work you are doing. This game is rather enjoyable.




Edited by darthkur
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OK. Another try. Please test it on real HW. Hopefully it will work much better than previous version.





I played about a half dozen games using the 5200 flash cart. It seems to play properly. I tried the Pause and Reset during game play to no result. I also tried 1 - 0, again with no discernible result. By pressing either the star or pound keys results in the ongoing game locking up. Selecting Start began a new game. Shortly afterwards the same bug as before made it's appearance, with the ship moving to the right and staying there. I could not fire either. The game kept running and once the ship was destroyed I could move it on the subsequent life. A couple minutes later the bug took effect again. I turned off the power to the console and started anew. Games played after that played fine but I did not press any of the keys. I did notice that before a new game is started that pressing the star key selected a two player option. Having only one functional controller I didn't test the second player playability. By pressing the pound key I noticed an asterisk would appear next to the highest board achieved count that is retained for the high score. Is there an actual function to this? I could not discern any difference. I also tried both the new bin and the original cassette image using Atari800Win and both seemed comparable in speed and gameplay to the game running on the actual hardware.

I hope this helps and thanks for the work you are doing. This game is rather enjoyable.





Thanks a lot for testing!


Reset or Pause keys should do nothing. That's OK. Star and pound keys select one/two player(s) mode and difficulty. Higher difficulty is noticed by asterisk. The game should stop when you press star or pound but you should be able to start a new game by pressing start key.


Unfortunately I have no idea why there's still a bug with ship control...


Well, it seems Galactic Chase is my first and the last try to convert anything from A8 to 5200. It a real pain to convert something as I don't have real HW and behavior of AtariWin PLus emulator is so different from real thing...



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