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Converting TI-99/4A dsk files to TI disks?


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Hello everyone.


I wanted to ask if there is a way to convert the contents of an emulator image file (Ex: .dsk) and have the contents copied to a 5.25 or 3.5 floppy that can be read on a real TI-99/4A?


While I like emulation, I always prefer the original equipment. I have a 99 4/A with a PEB and Extended Basic, 32k of RAM, and a 5.25 and 3.5 floppy drive. If I could copy the contents of the image files back to my 720k floppies I'd be ecstatic as I could then fire up the games on my real deal TI-99/4A puter. ;)


Any info is appreciated.




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There are a number of ways to do it:


If you have an older PC, then the TI99-PC tool will write TI format disks right in your PC, which are readable on a real TI. This includes 3.5 and 5.25 disks. But I can tell you for me it has never worked, the PC simply wont write to the TI format diskette. I think you need older hardware for this to work.


If you get an SVD (Semi-Virtual Disk), you can download the disk images to the SVD and then hook it up to your TI as Disk 2, your real floppy is Disk 1, and you can then copy the files from virtual disk to real disk. The SVD recognizes TIDIsk and PC99 format disk images.


Also, various methods exist to copy TI disk images over the RS-232 ports from your PC to your TI. Then can then be saved to disk on the TI.


But if you want to just play games on a real TI, the simplest solution is the CF7. It plugs into the side expansion port and replaces the entire PEB. The unit includes the 32K expansion plus a CF card reader that can be written to on the PC. Transfer whole disks to the CF card and then read them like real disks on the TI.

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But if you want to just play games on a real TI, the simplest solution is the CF7.


Where can I get one of the CF7 devices? From the research I did it looks like they are not available anymore. Is someone working on them or still selling old stock?




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Is it possible to use the CF7+ and a PEB so you can copy the image contents from the CF dsk images back to a real floppy?





Not really no.


The CF7 terminates the expansion port, just like the PEB adapter does.


I've heard talk of a Y-cable adapter to allow both devices to co-exist, but ive never seen one, and even if you were able to plug it all in, I suspect you'd end up with device conflicts.

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