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RXB - Rich Extended Basic


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5 hours ago, GDMike said:

Lee, is your general replacement of VMBW and VMBR,VSBW and VSBR,  EDITOR assembler routines for reading and writing to VDP ram, what you  recommend in the examples above?

Or do you have or use something different for general use ?

And what sorta savings does it do if I use them instead of the EA version?


As Rich mentioned, the E/A VMBW, etc. are invoked with BLWP, which is difficult to do with RXB because extended RAM is not required and there is not enough room in scratchpad RAM for both the extra registers and the row buffer I wanted—one or the other, but not both. When you use BL branching, you must worry about register use and saving returns if BLing more than one level.


I generally use my own VMBW, etc. (practically identical to the E/A versions) in fbForth, except when I want very fast transfers. Then I waste the space for faster inline code. BL/RT is a good bit faster than BLWP/RTWP. You do lose a little of that advantage when you must save/restore returns for multiple levels, but it is still faster.


You also need to ensure that interrupts are disabled when accessing VRAM. I presume that Rich has handled that prior to calling the roll routines. That is why I did not use LIMI instructions in the above code.



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7 hours ago, RXB said:

Your use of FAC instead of VDP >03C0 for only 32 characters is pretty minimal for increase in speed overall.


I think you will find the increase in speed is not minimal. I am copying 32 characters with only one VDP-Write-Address set of instructions. You are doing 32 of those, once for every byte you read/write from/to VRAM. That is certainly much slower.



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6 hours ago, RXB said:

Oddly all of these are built into the XB ROMs but they do not have the same names and it is strange that no one before has utilized them as space saving?

I mean look at how much space you could save in Lower 8K using them!

I didn't know these were also in ROM.  I suspect it would awkward to use them if you are not in the GPL workspace.

How do I find them to take a look?

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Ok have the ROM3 set up and looks great, still have to write the GPL to make it work.

       AORG >6000
       TITL 'RXB ROM3'
UNUSED DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
* XML table number 7 for RXB ROM3 - must have                  *
*     it's origin at >6010                                     *
*           0     1     2     3      4      5     6
       DATA RROLL,LROLL,UROLL,DROLL,>0000,>0000,>0000
*            7     8     9     A     B     C     D
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
*             E     F
       DATA >0000,>0000
* XML table number 8 for RXB ROM3 - must have                  *
*     it's origin at >6030                                     *
*            0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
*            8     9     A     B     C     D     E     F
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
*           F
* Start of routines                                            *
* Windy XB routines from previous Assembly adapted
* direction = U (up), D (Down), L (Left), R (Right)
* repetition = repeat number times
* string = string or string variable to display just like PRINT
* CALL ROLL(direction,...) 
* CALL ROLL(direction,repetition,...)
* Assembly roll the screen like a drum with number of times also
* XML MVDN (MV05 for VDP) (VDP to VDP)
* **********************************************************
* CALL RROLL(direction,repetion,...)                       *
RROLL  MOV  R11,R8     * save return address
       LI   R2,24      * ROW counter
       LI   R3,31      * 31 right edge Screen Address
       LI   R5,>03C0   * Buffer for 24 characters
       LI   R1,1       * 1 Byte 
       BL   @LRLP1     * Move IT
* Buffer has 24 far right characters
       LI   R2,24      * ROW counter
       CLR  R3         * Screen address  
       LI   R5,1       * Destination  
       BL   @LRLP2     * Move IT
* Moved all on screen 1 right
       LI   R2,24      * ROW counter
       LI   R3,>03C0   * Buffer for 1 character
       LI   R5,1       * 1 left edge Screen Address
       LI   R1,1       * Get 1 Byte
       BL   @LRLP3     * Move IT
       B    *R8        * RETURN
* CALL LROLL(direction,repetion,...)                       *
LROLL  MOV  R11,R8     * save return address
       LI   R2,24      * ROW counter
       CLR  R3         * 0 left edge Screen Address
       LI   R5,>03C0   * Buffer for 24 characters
       LI   R1,1       * 1 Byte 
       BL   @LRLP1     * Move IT
* Buffer has 24 far left characters
       LI   R2,24      * ROW counter
       LI   R3,1       * Screen address  
       CLR  R5         * Destination   
       BL   @LRLP2     * Move IT
* Moved all on screen 1 left
       LI   R2,24      * ROW counter
       LI   R3,>03C0   * Buffer for 1 character
       LI   R5,31      * 31 right edge Screen Address
       LI   R1,1       * Get 1 Byte
       BL   @LRLP3     * Move IT
       B    *R8        * RETURN
LRLP1  MOV  R11,R9     * save return address
LRR1   BL   @MIT       * Move IT
       INC  R5         * Buffer+1
       AI   R3,32      * Screen Address+32
       DEC  R2         * ROW COUNTER-1
       JNE  LRR1       * 0? No loop
       B    *R9        * RETURN
LRLP2  MOV  R11,R9     * save return address
LRLPM  LI   R1,31      * Number of Bytes  
LRLPN  BL   @MIT       * Move IT
       AI   R3,32      * VDP address+32      
       AI   R5,32      * VDP destination address+32
       INC  R1         * COLUMN COUNTER+1
       JNE  LRLPN      * 0? No loop
       DEC  R2         * ROW COUNTER-1
       JNE  LRLPM      * 0? No loop
       B    *R9        * RETURN
LRLP3  MOV  R11,R9     * save return address
LRLPO  BL   @MIT       * Move IT
       INC  R3         * Buffer+1
       AI   R5,32      * Screen Address+32
       DEC  R2         * ROW COUNTER-1
       JNE  LRLPO      * 0? No loop
       B    *R9        * RETURN
* CALL UROLL(direction,repetion,...)                       *
************************************ ***********************
UROLL  MOV  R11,R8     * save return address
       CLR  R3         * 0 top Sreeen Adress
       LI   R5,>03C0   * Buffer for 32 characters
       LI   R1,32      * 32 bytes length
       BL   @UDLP1     * Move IT
* Buffer has 32 top line characters
       LI   R3,32      * 2nd line Screen address  
       CLR  R5         *  0 screen Destination  
       LI   R1,736     * Number of Bytes  
       BL   @UDLP2     * Move IT
* Moved all on screen up 1
       LI   R3,>03C0   * Buffer for 32 characters
       LI   R5,736     * Bottom left edge Screen Address
       LI   R1,32      * Get 32 Bytes length
       BL   @UDLP3     * Move IT
       B    *R8        * RETURN
* **********************************************************
* CALL DROLL(direction,repetion,...)                       *
DROLL  MOV  R11,R8     * save return address
       LI   R3,736     * Bottom of Sreeen Adress
       LI   R5,>03C0   * Buffer for 32 characters
       LI   R1,32      * 32 bytes length
       BL   @UDLP1     * Move IT
* Buffer has 32 top line characters
       CLR  R3         *  0 Screen address 
       LI   R5,32      *  2nd line Destination  
       LI   R1,736     * Number of Bytes  
       BL   @UDLP2     * Move IT
* Moved all on screen up 1
       LI   R3,>03C0   * Buffer for 32 characters
       CLR  R5         * Top left edge Screen Address
       LI   R1,32      * Get 32 Bytes
       BL   @UDLP3     * Move IT
       B    *R9        * RETURN
UDLP1  MOV  R11,R9     * save return address
UDR1   BL   @MIT       * Move IT
       INC  R3         * BUFFER+1
       INC  R5         * SCREEN+1
       DEC  R1         * COUNTER-1
       JNE  UDR1       * 0? No loop
       B    *R9        * RETURN
UDLP2  MOV  R11,R9     * save return address
UDR2   BL   @MIT       * Move IT
       INC  R3         * lower screen line        
       INC  R5         * upper scren line
       DEC  R1         * COUNTER-1
       JNE  UDR2       * 0? No loop
       B    *R9        * RETURN
UDLP3  MOV  R11,R9     * save return address
UDR3   BL   @MIT       * Move IT
       INC  R3         * BUFFER+1
       INC  R5         * SCREEN+1
       DEC  R1         * COUNTER-1
       JNE  UDR3       * 0? No loop
       B    *R9        * RETURN
MIT    MOV  R11,R10     * save return address
       MOVB @>83E7,*R15 * Write out read address
       MOVB R3,*R15
       MOVB @>8800,R7   * Read a byte
       MOVB @>83EB,*R15 * Write out write address
       ORI  R5,>4000    * Enable VDP write
       MOVB R5,*R15
       MOVB R7,@>8C00   * Write the byte
       B    *R10        * RETURN

* >7000 data routines 
* CHARS is RXB character set definitions 8 bytes each

        AORG >1000
ALCEND  DATA >205A,>24F4,>4000,>AA55
        DATA >2038,>2096,>2038,>217E
        DATA >2038,>21E2,>2038,>234C
        DATA >2038,>2432,>2038,>246E
        DATA >2038,>2484,>2038,>2490
        DATA >2038,>249E,>2038,>24AA
        DATA >2038,>24B8,>2038,>2090
        DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
        DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
        DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
        DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
        DATA >6520,>C060,>2004,>0281
        DATA >4000,>130E,>C001,>0202
        DATA >834A,>8CB0,>1606,>8CB0
        DATA >1604,>8CB0,>1602,>C030
        DATA >0450,>0221,>0008,>10EF
        DATA >0200,>2500,>C800,>8322
        DATA >02E0,>83E0,>0460,>00CE
        DATA >C81D,>8322,>10F9,>C01D
        DATA >C06D,>0002,>06A0,>20DC
        DATA >C0C1,>0603,>0223,>8300
        DATA >D0D3,>1361,>0983,>0643
        DATA >1612,>C000,>165C,>C0C5
        DATA >05C3,>06A0,>2406,>1653
        DATA >05C3,>06A0,>23CA,>0204
        DATA >834A,>0202,>0008,>DC74
        DATA >0602,>15FD,>0380,>06A0
        DATA >20F8,>10F5,>C041,>1347
        DATA >0A81,>9060,>8312,>1143
        DATA >0981,>C141,>0A35,>0225
        DATA >0008,>A160,>8310,>045B
        DATA >C24B,>0643,>1634,>C0C5
        DATA >06A0,>23CA,>C0C1,>06A0
        DATA >2406,>112D,>06A0,>211C
        DATA >06A0,>23CA,>6004,>0A30
        DATA >A040,>0459,>C28B,>0A51
        DATA >09D1,>C201,>D120,>8343
        DATA >0984,>1303,>0600,>1123
        DATA >0580,>0206,>0001,>C0C5
        DATA >0223,>0004,>06A0,>23CA
        DATA >C0C1,>0643,>05C3,>06A0
        DATA >23CA,>0581,>6044,>3981
        DATA >C186,>1611,>C187,>0608
        DATA >15F5,>0606,>A184,>8180
        DATA >150A,>05C3,>045A,>0200
        DATA >0700,>0460,>2084,>0200
        DATA >1C00,>0460,>2084,>0200
        DATA >1400,>0460,>2084,>C01D
        DATA >C06D,>0002,>06A0,>20DC
        DATA >C0C1,>0603,>0223,>8300
        DATA >D0D3,>0983,>160E,>C000
        DATA >1622,>0202,>0008,>0204
        DATA >834A,>C0C5,>06A0,>23CA
        DATA >CD01,>05C3,>0642,>15FA
        DATA >0380,>0643,>160F,>C000
        DATA >1612,>C0C5,>05C3,>06A0
        DATA >2406,>160B,>05C3,>06A0
        DATA >23CA,>C101,>0201,>834A
        DATA >0460,>20CA,>06A0,>20F8
        DATA >10F8,>0460,>2166,>0460
        DATA >216E,>C81D,>2038,>C82D
        DATA >0002,>83E2,>C82D,>0004
        DATA >2044,>02E0,>83E0,>C80B
        DATA >2040,>C020,>2044,>06A0
        DATA >20DC,>C0C1,>0603,>0223
        DATA >8300,>D0D3,>0983,>0603
        DATA >1332,>0643,>164A,>C2A0
        DATA >2038,>162D,>C0C5,>05C3
        DATA >06A0,>2406,>9801,>2058
        DATA >1620,>0206,>0008,>0204
        DATA >834A,>C0C5,>06A0,>23CA
        DATA >CD01,>05C3,>0646,>15FA
        DATA >06A0,>22DA,>0225,>0004
        DATA >C105,>C046,>06A0,>23E6
        DATA >05C4,>D050,>0981,>06A0
        DATA >23E6,>C2E0,>2040,>C820
        DATA >203E,>830C,>02E0,>2038
        DATA >0380,>0200,>0700,>C2E0
        DATA >2040,>0460,>2084,>0200
        DATA >1C00,>0460,>226E,>C08B
        DATA >0643,>16F3,>C0C5,>06A0
        DATA >23CA,>C0C1,>06A0,>2406
        DATA >1102,>0460,>226A,>C020
        DATA >2038,>06A0,>211C,>6004
        DATA >0A10,>A0C0,>06A0,>23CA
        DATA >0452,>06A0,>227E,>0206
        DATA >834A,>CD83,>DDA0,>2058
        DATA >DD84,>CD81,>C0C1,>1602
        DATA >04D6,>1005,>0603,>06A0
        DATA >2406,>0981,>C581,>C020
        DATA >2044,>06A0,>22DA,>0460
        DATA >225A,>C80B,>203A,>C805
        DATA >203C,>C2E0,>601E,>069B
        DATA >C020,>2044,>C160,>203C
        DATA >D190,>0986,>C820,>830C
        DATA >203E,>C806,>830C,>C806
        DATA >8350,>C2E0,>6012,>069B
        DATA >C020,>2044,>0206,>834A
        DATA >0204,>001C,>CD84,>DDA0
        DATA >2058,>DD84,>C5A0,>831C
        DATA >C0A0,>830C,>1309,>C116
        DATA >C0C0,>0583,>D073,>06A0
        DATA >241A,>0584,>0602,>15FA
        DATA >C2E0,>6028,>069B,>C020
        DATA >2044,>C160,>203C,>C2E0
        DATA >203A,>045B,>C01D,>C06D
        DATA >0002,>06A0,>20DC,>C0C1
        DATA >0603,>0223,>8300,>D0D3
        DATA >0983,>0603,>1302,>0643
        DATA >1623,>C000,>1628,>C02D
        DATA >0004,>C0C5,>05C3,>06A0
        DATA >2406,>9801,>2058,>161D
        DATA >05C3,>06A0,>23CA,>C041
        DATA >1307,>C181,>0601,>C0C1
        DATA >06A0,>2406,>9050,>1A15
        DATA >DC01,>1309,>C0C6,>0981
        DATA >C141,>06A0,>2406,>DC01
        DATA >0583,>0605,>15FA,>0380
        DATA >06A0,>227E,>C02D,>0004
        DATA >10E6,>0460,>2166,>0460
        DATA >216E,>0200,>1300,>0460
        DATA >2084,>06C3,>D803,>8C02
        DATA >06C3,>D803,>8C02,>1000
        DATA >D060,>8800,>06C1,>D060
        DATA >8800,>06C1,>045B,>06C4
        DATA >D804,>8C02,>06C4,>0264
        DATA >4000,>D804,>8C02,>1000
        DATA >D801,>8C00,>06C1,>D801
        DATA >8C00,>06C1,>045B,>06C3
        DATA >D803,>8C02,>06C3,>D803
        DATA >8C02,>1000,>D060,>8800
        DATA >045B,>06C4,>D804,>8C02
        DATA >06C4,>0264,>4000,>D804
        DATA >8C02,>1000,>D801,>8C00
        DATA >045B,>C83E,>83E2,>02E0
        DATA >83E0,>C80B,>204E,>C081
        DATA >0281,>0040,>1B0A,>C0A1
        DATA >6010,>0281,>0004,>1605
        DATA >C0A2,>0002,>0692,>2466
        DATA >1001,>0692,>02E0,>2038
        DATA >C80B,>83F6,>0380,>0200
        DATA >0B00,>0460,>2084,>02E0
        DATA >83E0,>C80B,>204E,>06A0
        DATA >000E,>02E0,>2038,>C80B
        DATA >83F6,>0380,>06A0,>24CA
        DATA >D82D,>0002,>8C00,>0380
        DATA >06A0,>24CA,>D831,>8C00
        DATA >0602,>16FC,>0380,>06A0
        DATA >24D0,>DB60,>8800,>0002
        DATA >0380,>06A0,>24D0,>DC60
        DATA >8800,>0602,>16FC,>0380
        DATA >C05D,>D82D,>0001,>8C02
        DATA >0261,>8000,>D801,>8C02
        DATA >0380,>0201,>4000,>1001
        DATA >04C1,>C09D,>D820,>203D
        DATA >8C02,>E081,>D802,>8C02
        DATA >C06D,>0002,>C0AD,>0004
        DATA >045B
* Data for Initialization of
* Memory Expansion
LOW1  DATA  >A55A,>2128,>2398,>225A
LOW2  DATA  >A000,>FFD7,>2676,>3F38
LOW3  DATA  >0064,>2000,>2EAA,>2094
      DATA  >21C4,>2094,>2196,>2094,>21DE,>2094,>21F4
      DATA  >2094,>2200,>2094,>220E,>2094,>221A,>2094,>2228
      DATA  >209A,>22B2,>20DA,>23BA,>C80B,>2030,>D060
      DATA  >8349,>2060,>20FC,>132A,>C020,>8350,>1311,>06A0
      DATA  >2646,>101E,>0281,>3F38,>1319,>C001,>0202
      DATA  >834A,>8CB0,>1611,>8CB0,>160F,>8CB0,>160D,>C810
      DATA  >2022,>02E0,>20BA,>C020,>2022,>1309,>0690
      DATA  >02E0,>83E0,>C2E0,>2030,>045B,>0221,>0008,>10E4
      DATA  >0200,>0F00,>D800,>8322,>02E0,>83E0,>0460
      DATA  >00CE,>5820,>20FC,>8349,>02E0,>2094,>0380,>C83E
      DATA  >83E2,>02E0,>83E0,>C80B,>20AA,>C081,>0281
      DATA  >8000,>1B07,>09C1,>0A11,>0A42,>09B2,>A0A1,>0CFA
      DATA  >C092,>0692,>02E0,>2094,>C80B,>83F6,>0380
      DATA  >D060,>8373,>0981,>C87E,>8304,>F820,>20FC,>8349
      DATA  >02E0,>83E0,>C2E0,>2030,>045B,>02E0,>83E0
      DATA  >C80B,>20AA,>06A0,>000E,>02E0,>2094,>C80B,>83F6
      DATA  >0380,>06A0,>223A,>D82D,>0002,>8C00,>0380
      DATA  >06A0,>223A,>D831,>8C00,>0602,>16FC,>0380,>06A0
      DATA  >2240,>DB60,>8800,>0002,>0380,>06A0,>2240
      DATA  >DC60,>8800,>0602,>16FC,>0380,>C05D,>D82D,>0001
      DATA  >8C02,>0261,>8000,>D801,>8C02,>0380,>0201
      DATA  >4000,>1001,>04C1,>C09D,>D820,>2099,>8C02,>E081
      DATA  >D802,>8C02,>C06D,>0002,>C0AD,>0004,>045B
      DATA  >0204,>834A,>C014,>C184,>04F6,>04F6,>C140,>1323
      DATA  >0740,>0203,>0040,>04F6,>04D6,>0280,>0064
      DATA  >1A13,>0280,>2710,>1A08,>0583,>C040,>04C0,>3C20
      DATA  >20FA,>D920,>83E3,>0003,>0583,>C040,>04C0
      DATA  >3C20,>20FA,>D920,>83E3,>0002,>D920,>83E1,>0001
      DATA  >D520,>83E7,>0545,>1101,>0514,>045B,>C17E
      DATA  >53E0,>20FC,>C020,>8356,>C240,>0229,>FFF8,>0420
      DATA  >2114,>D0C1,>0983,>0704,>0202,>208C,>0580
      DATA  >0584,>80C4,>1306,>0420,>2114,>DC81,>9801,>20FE
      DATA  >16F6,>C104,>1352,>0284,>0007,>154F,>04E0
      DATA  >83D0,>C804,>8354,>C804,>2036,>0584,>A804,>8356
      DATA  >C820,>8356,>2038,>02E0,>83E0,>04C1,>020C
      DATA  >0F00,>C30C,>1301,>1E00,>022C,>0100,>04E0,>83D0
      DATA  >028C,>2000,>1332,>C80C,>83D0,>1D00,>0202
      DATA  >4000,>9812,>20FF,>16EE,>A0A0,>20A4,>1003,>C0A0
      DATA  >83D2,>1D00,>C092,>13E6,>C802,>83D2,>05C2
      DATA  >C272,>D160,>8355,>1309,>9C85,>16F2,>0985,>0206
      DATA  >208C,>9CB6,>16ED,>0605,>16FC,>0581,>C801
      DATA  >203A,>C809,>2034,>C80C,>2032,>0699,>10E2,>1E00
      DATA  >02E0,>209A,>C009,>0420,>2114,>09D1,>1604
      DATA  >0380,>02E0,>209A,>04C1,>06C1,>D741,>F3E0,>20FC
      DATA  >0380,>C80B,>2030,>02E0,>20BA,>0420,>2124
      DATA  >02E0,>83E0,>1303,>C2E0,>2030,>045B,>D820,>20BA
      DATA  >8322,>0460,>00CE,>04E0,>2022,>53E0,>20FC
      DATA  >C020,>8356,>0420,>2120,>0008,>1332,>0220,>FFF7
      DATA  >0201,>0200,>0420,>210C,>0580,>C800,>202E
      DATA  >C1E0,>2024,>C147,>04CC,>06A0,>25E0,>0283,>0001
      DATA  >1624,>058C,>04C3,>1023,>0283,>0046,>161E
      DATA  >04C2,>06A0,>262E,>0283,>003A,>16F7,>C020,>202E
      DATA  >0600,>0201,>0100,>0420,>210C,>06A0,>25E0
      DATA  >C020,>2022,>1307,>06A0,>2646,>1005,>CB4E,>0016
      DATA  >C3A0,>2022,>0380,>D740,>F3E0,>20FC,>0380
      DATA  >06A0,>25C2,>04C4,>D123,>2662,>0974,>C808,>202C
      DATA  >06A0,>2594,>0464,>23F8,>0580,>0240,>FFFE
      DATA  >C120,>2024,>A100,>1808,>8804,>2026,>1B05,>C160
      DATA  >2024,>C804,>2024,>100A,>C120,>2028,>A100
      DATA  >8804,>202A,>140C,>C160,>2028,>C804,>2028,>C1C5
      DATA  >0209,>0008,>06A0,>262E,>0609,>16FC,>10B6
      DATA  >0200,>0800,>10CC,>A005,>C800,>2022,>10AF,>A800
      DATA  >202C,>13AC,>0200,>0B00,>10C2,>A005,>C1C0
      DATA  >10A6,>A005,>DDC0,>DDE0,>20DB,>10A1,>A005,>06A0
      DATA  >2566,>C000,>1316,>0226,>FFF8,>8106,>1B02
      DATA  >0514,>1096,>8594,>16F8,>89A4,>0002,>0002,>16F4
      DATA  >89A4,>0004,>0004,>16F0,>C0E6,>0006,>C250
      DATA  >C403,>C009,>16FC,>0224,>0008,>C804,>202A,>10EA
      DATA  >A005,>06A0,>2566,>0226,>FFF8,>8106,>13E3
      DATA  >C296,>1501,>050A,>8294,>16F7,>89A4,>0002,>0002
      DATA  >16F3,>89A4,>0004,>0004,>16EF,>C296,>1516
      DATA  >C0E6,>0006,>C253,>C4C0,>C0C9,>16FC,>C246,>6244
      DATA  >C286,>022A,>0008,>C0C6,>0643,>064A,>C693
      DATA  >0649,>16FB,>0224,>0008,>C804,>202A,>10D9,>CB44
      DATA  >0002,>0200,>0C00,>0460,>2432,>0460,>2494
      DATA  >C28B,>0209,>0006,>C1A0,>202A,>0226,>FFF8,>C106
      DATA  >8806,>2028,>1AF3,>C806,>202A,>06A0,>262E
      DATA  >DDA0,>20E1,>0609,>16FA,>C580,>0206,>4000,>045A
      DATA  >C28B,>04C0,>C30C,>1308,>06A0,>262E,>D020
      DATA  >20E1,>06A0,>262E,>A003,>045A,>0209,>0004,>06A0
      DATA  >262E,>06A0,>25C2,>0A40,>A003,>0609,>16F8
      DATA  >045A,>0223,>FFD0,>0283,>000A,>1A05,>0223,>FFF9
      DATA  >0283,>0019,>1B01,>045B,>0200,>0A00,>0460
      DATA  >2432,>02E0,>83E0,>0200,>2032,>C330,>C270,>C830
      DATA  >8354,>C830,>8356,>C050,>1D00,>9820,>4000
      DATA  >20FF,>161D,>0699,>101B,>1E00,>02E0,>20DA,>C020
      DATA  >202E,>0201,>20DB,>0202,>0004,>0420,>2118
      DATA  >7000,>0950,>1610,>0982,>C001,>0201,>203C,>0420
      DATA  >2118,>04C8,>0602,>11D7,>D0F1,>0983,>A203
      DATA  >045B,>02E0,>20DA,>04C0,>06C0,>0460,>2432,>0201
      DATA  >3F40,>0221,>FFF8,>C011,>1105,>8060,>202A
      DATA  >16F9,>05CB,>045B,>0200,>0D00,>045B,>2D52,>5163
      DATA  >6483,>8455,>045C,>5B5F,>5EF0,>F003,>F0F0
      DATA  >4700,>00C8,>3F38
LOW4  DATA  >5554,>4C54,>4142,>2022,>5041,>4420,>2020,>8300
      DATA  >4750,>4C57,>5320,>83E0,>534F,>554E,>4420
      DATA  >8400,>5644,>5052,>4420,>8800,>5644,>5053,>5441
      DATA  >8802,>5644,>5057,>4420,>8C00,>5644,>5057
      DATA  >4120,>8C02,>5350,>4348,>5244,>9000,>5350,>4348
      DATA  >5754,>9400,>4752,>4D52,>4420,>9800,>4752
      DATA  >4D52,>4120,>9802,>4752,>4D57,>4420,>9C00,>4752
      DATA  >4D57,>4120,>9C02,>5343,>414E,>2020,>000E
      DATA  >584D,>4C4C,>4E4B,>2104,>4B53,>4341,>4E20,>2108
      DATA  >5653,>4257,>2020,>210C,>564D,>4257,>2020
      DATA  >2110,>5653,>4252,>2020,>2114,>564D,>4252,>2020
      DATA  >2118,>5657,>5452,>2020,>211C,>4453,>524C
      DATA  >4E4B,>2120,>4C4F,>4144,>4552,>2124,>4750,>4C4C
      DATA  >4E4B,>2100
* RXB Character set 
CHARS  BYTE >00,>10,>10,>10,>10,>10,>00,>10    * ! 33
       BYTE >00,>50,>50,>50,>00,>00,>00,>00    * " 34
       BYTE >00,>50,>50,>F8,>50,>F8,>50,>50    * # 35
       BYTE >00,>20,>78,>A0,>70,>28,>F0,>20    * $ 36
       BYTE >00,>C0,>C8,>10,>20,>40,>98,>18    * % 37
       BYTE >00,>40,>A0,>A0,>40,>A8,>90,>68    * & 38
       BYTE >00,>C0,>40,>80,>00,>00,>00,>00    * ' 39
       BYTE >00,>08,>10,>20,>20,>20,>10,>08    * ( 40
       BYTE >00,>10,>08,>04,>04,>04,>08,>10    * ) 41
       BYTE >00,>00,>28,>10,>7C,>10,>28,>00    * * 42  
       BYTE >00,>00,>10,>10,>7C,>10,>10,>00    * + 43
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>60,>20,>40    * , 44
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>00,>F8,>00,>00,>00    * - 45
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>60,>60    * . 46
       BYTE >00,>00,>08,>10,>20,>40,>80,>00    * / 47
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>98,>A8,>C8,>88,>70    * 0 48
       BYTE >00,>20,>60,>20,>20,>20,>20,>70    * 1 49
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>08,>30,>40,>80,>F8    * 2 50
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>08,>30,>08,>88,>70    * 3 51
       BYTE >00,>10,>30,>50,>90,>F8,>10,>10    * 4 52
       BYTE >00,>F0,>80,>80,>F0,>08,>88,>70    * 5 53
       BYTE >00,>70,>80,>80,>F0,>88,>88,>70    * 6 54
       BYTE >00,>F8,>08,>10,>20,>40,>40,>40    * 7 55
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>88,>70,>88,>88,>70    * 8 56
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>88,>78,>08,>88,>70    * 9 57
       BYTE >00,>00,>60,>60,>00,>60,>60,>00    * : 58
       BYTE >00,>00,>60,>60,>00,>60,>20,>40    * ; 59
       BYTE >00,>08,>10,>20,>40,>20,>10,>08    * < 60
       BYTE >00,>00,>7C,>00,>00,>7C,>00,>00    * = 61
       BYTE >00,>20,>10,>08,>04,>08,>10,>20    * > 62
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>10,>20,>20,>00,>20    * ? 63
       BYTE >00,>38,>44,>5C,>54,>5C,>40,>38    * @ 64
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>88,>F8,>88,>88,>88    * A 65
       BYTE >00,>F0,>48,>48,>70,>48,>48,>F0    * B 66
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>80,>80,>80,>88,>70    * C 67
       BYTE >00,>F0,>48,>48,>48,>48,>48,>F0    * D 68
       BYTE >00,>F8,>80,>80,>F0,>80,>80,>F8    * E 69
       BYTE >00,>F8,>80,>80,>F0,>80,>80,>80    * F 70
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>80,>80,>98,>88,>78    * G 71
       BYTE >00,>88,>88,>88,>F8,>88,>88,>88    * H 72
       BYTE >00,>F8,>20,>20,>20,>20,>20,>F8    * I 73
       BYTE >00,>08,>08,>08,>08,>08,>88,>70    * J 74
       BYTE >00,>88,>90,>A0,>C0,>A0,>90,>88    * K 75
       BYTE >00,>80,>80,>80,>80,>80,>80,>F8    * L 76
       BYTE >00,>88,>D8,>A8,>A8,>88,>88,>88    * M 77
       BYTE >00,>88,>88,>C8,>A8,>98,>88,>88    * N 78
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>88,>88,>88,>88,>70    * O 79
       BYTE >00,>F0,>88,>88,>88,>F0,>80,>80    * P 80
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>88,>88,>A8,>90,>68    * Q 81
       BYTE >00,>F0,>88,>88,>F0,>A0,>90,>88    * R 82
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>80,>70,>08,>88,>70    * S 83
       BYTE >00,>F8,>20,>20,>20,>20,>20,>20    * T 84
       BYTE >00,>44,>44,>44,>44,>44,>44,>38    * U 85
       BYTE >00,>44,>44,>44,>28,>28,>10,>10    * V 86
       BYTE >00,>88,>88,>88,>88,>A8,>A8,>50    * W 87
       BYTE >00,>88,>88,>50,>20,>50,>88,>88    * X 88
       BYTE >00,>88,>88,>88,>50,>20,>20,>20    * Y 89
       BYTE >00,>F8,>08,>10,>20,>40,>80,>F8    * Z 90                        
       BYTE >00,>78,>40,>40,>40,>40,>40,>78    * [ 91
       BYTE >00,>00,>80,>40,>20,>10,>08,>00    * \ 92
       BYTE >00,>F0,>10,>10,>10,>10,>10,>F0    * ] 93
       BYTE >00,>20,>50,>88,>00,>00,>00,>00    * ^ 94
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>FF    * _ 95
       BYTE >00,>18,>10,>08,>00,>00,>00,>00    * ` 96
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>60,>10,>70,>90,>68    * a 97
       BYTE >00,>00,>40,>40,>70,>48,>48,>B0    * b 98
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>60,>90,>80,>90,>60    * c 99
       BYTE >00,>00,>10,>10,>70,>90,>90,>68    * d 100
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>60,>90,>E0,>80,>70    * e 101
       BYTE >00,>00,>30,>40,>E0,>40,>40,>40    * f 102
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>70,>90,>70,>10,>60    * g 103
       BYTE >00,>00,>80,>80,>E0,>90,>90,>90    * h 104
       BYTE >00,>00,>20,>00,>20,>20,>20,>70    * i 105
       BYTE >00,>00,>10,>10,>10,>10,>90,>60    * j 106
       BYTE >00,>00,>80,>90,>A0,>C0,>A0,>90    * k 107
       BYTE >00,>00,>60,>20,>20,>20,>20,>70    * l 108
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>D0,>A8,>A8,>A8,>A8    * m 109
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>B0,>48,>48,>48,>48    * n 110
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>60,>90,>90,>90,>60    * o 111
       BYTE >00,>00,>F0,>48,>48,>70,>40,>40    * p 112
       BYTE >00,>00,>78,>90,>90,>70,>10,>10    * q 113
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>B0,>C8,>80,>80,>80    * r 114
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>70,>80,>70,>08,>F0    * s 115
       BYTE >00,>00,>40,>E0,>40,>40,>50,>20    * t 116
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>90,>90,>90,>90,>68    * u 117
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>88,>88,>88,>50,>20    * v 118
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>88,>88,>A8,>A8,>50    * w 119
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>88,>50,>20,>50,>88    * x 120
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>48,>48,>38,>08,>70    * y 121
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>F8,>10,>20,>40,>F8    * z 122
       BYTE >00,>18,>20,>20,>40,>20,>20,>18    * { 123
       BYTE >00,>20,>20,>20,>00,>20,>20,>20    * | 124
       BYTE >00,>C0,>20,>20,>10,>20,>20,>C0    * } 125
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>40,>A8,>10,>00,>00    * ~ 126


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1 hour ago, RXB said:

Ok have the ROM3 set up and looks great, still have to write the GPL to make it work.


I will take a closer look at your routines later. For now, a couple of comments:

  • Your DROLL routine’s return should be
           B    *R8        * RETURN
  • Your MIT routine does not need to save the R11 return because it does not contain any BL instructions that would trash it:
    MIT    MOVB @>83E7,*R15 * Write out read address
           MOVB R3,*R15
           MOVB @>8800,R7   * Read a byte
           MOVB @>83EB,*R15 * Write out write address
           ORI  R5,>4000    * Enable VDP write
           MOVB R5,*R15
           MOVB R7,@>8C00   * Write the byte
           RT               * RETURN


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On 6/10/2021 at 8:25 AM, Lee Stewart said:

I have not had time to test it.


I have tested my routines. Up and down rolls work as expected. I have work to do on the left and right rolls—I obviously made some wrong row and column calculations. I will have them fixed later tonight or early tomorrow.



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On 6/11/2021 at 8:45 PM, Lee Stewart said:

I have tested my routines. Up and down rolls work as expected. I have work to do on the left and right rolls—I obviously made some wrong row and column calculations. I will have them fixed later tonight or early tomorrow.                ...lee


Actually, all my code was fine except for one small problem. I was reusing R0 from one row to the next, while forgetting that writing the VDP write address would change it by ORing >4000 every time. All I needed to do was compensate for that by stripping that change with

       ANDI R0,>3FFF

just before returning from writing the VDP write/read address.


The corrected code is in the spoiler:


       AORG >6000
       TITL 'RXB ROM3'

GR0LB  EQU  >83E1          * GPLWS R0 LSB
FAC    EQU  >834A          * RAM line buffer
SAVRTN EQU  >836C          * free space after RAM line buffer
VBUFF  EQU  >03C0          * line buffer in VRAM
VDPRD  EQU  >8800          * VDP Read Data address
VDPWD  EQU  >8C00          * VDP Write Data address

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Write VRAM address
*     Expects address in R0
* BL here for writing data
VWADDW ORI  R0,>4000       * set to write VRAM data
* BL here for reading data
VWADD  MOVB @GR0LB,*R15    * write LSB of R0 to VDPWA
       MOVB R0,*R15        * write MSB of R0 to VDPWA
       ANDI R0,>3FFF       * ensure R0 returned intact

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* The following utilities expect 
*     R0 = VRAM address
*     R1 = RAM result for 1 byte or RAM address for multiple bytes
*     R2 = count for multi-byte copies
* R10 will be destroyed
* Copy one byte from VRAM (R0) to R1
VSR    MOV  R11,R10        * save return
       BL   @VWADD         * write out VRAM read address
       MOVB @VDPRD,R1      * read VRAM byte
       B    *R10           * return to caller
* Copy one byte from R1 to VRAM (R0)
VSW    MOV  R11,R10        * save return
       BL   @VWADDW        * write out VRAM write address
       MOVB R1,@VDPWD      * write VRAM byte
       B    *R10           * return to caller

* Copy R2 bytes from VRAM (R0) to RAM (R1)
VMR    MOV  R11,R10        * save return
       BL   @VWADD         * write out VRAM read address
VMRLP  MOVB @VDPRD,*R1+    * read next VRAM byte to RAM
       DEC  R2             * dec count
       JNE  VMRLP          * repeat if not done
       B    *R10           * return to caller

* Copy R2 bytes from RAM (R1) to VRAM (R0)
VMW    MOV  R11,R10        * save return
       BL   @VWADDW        * write out VRAM write address
VMWLP  MOVB *R1+,@VDPWD    * write next VRAM byte from RAM
       DEC  R2             * dec count
       JNE  VMWLP          * repeat if not done
       B    *R10           * return to caller

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
RROLL  MOV  R11,@SAVRTN    * save return address
       CLR  R0             * set to screen start
       LI   R3,24          * rows to roll
* Write row to RAM buffer
RROLLP LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer             
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer     
* copy last column to first
       MOVB @FAC+31,R1     * get RAM byte to copy
       BL   @VSW           * write end byte to row start
* copy 1st 31 columns one column right
       INC  R0             * start at 2nd column        
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       LI   R2,31          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy rest of line          
* Process next row
       AI   R0,31          * next row                   
       DEC  R3             * dec row count
       JNE  RROLLP         * roll next row if not done
       MOV  @SAVRTN,R11    * restore return address

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
LROLL  MOV  R11,@SAVRTN    * save return address
       CLR  R0             * set to screen start
       LI   R3,24          * rows to roll
* Write row to RAM buffer
LROLLP LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer
* copy 1st 31 columns one column left
       LI   R1,FAC+1       * set RAM buffer pointer to 2nd char
       LI   R2,31          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy rest of line
* copy first column to last
       AI   R0,31          * set VRAM dest to last column
       MOVB @FAC,R1        * get RAM byte to copy
       BL   @VSW           * write start byte to row end
* Process next row
       INC  R0             * next row
       DEC  R3             * dec row count
       JNE  LROLLP         * roll next row if not done
       MOV  @SAVRTN,R11    * restore return address

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
UROLL  MOV  R11,@SAVRTN    * save return address
       CLR  R0             * set to screen start
       LI   R3,23          * rows to roll (all but 1st)
* Write first row to RAM buffer
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer
* Copy RAM buffer to VRAM buffer
       LI   R0,VBUFF       * set VRAM dest to VBUFF
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy row to VBUFF (VRAM buffer)
* Start copy loop at 2nd row
       LI   R0,32          * point to 2nd row
* Write row to RAM buffer
UROLLP LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer
* Copy to previous row
       AI   R0,-32         * back up 1 row
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy to previous row
* Process next row
       AI   R0,64          * next row
       DEC  R3             * dec row count
       JNE  UROLLP         * roll next row if not done
* Copy saved row to RAM
       LI   R0,VBUFF       * set VRAM source
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer
* Copy saved row to last row
       LI   R0,736         * point to last row
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy to last row
       MOV  @SAVRTN,R11    * restore return address
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
DROLL  MOV  R11,@SAVRTN    * save return address
       LI   R0,736         * set to last row
       LI   R3,23          * rows to roll (all but last)
* Write last row to RAM buffer
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer
* Copy RAM buffer to VRAM buffer
       LI   R0,VBUFF       * set VRAM dest to VBUFF
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy row to VBUFF (VRAM buffer)
* Start copy loop at 2nd-to-last row
       LI   R0,704         * point to row 22
* Write row to RAM buffer
DROLLP LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer
* Copy to next row
       AI   R0,32          * down 1 row
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy to next row
* Process next row
       AI   R0,-64         * back up 2 rows
       DEC  R3             * dec row count
       JNE  DROLLP         * roll next row if not done
* Copy saved row to RAM
       LI   R0,VBUFF       * set VRAM source
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer
* Copy saved row to first row
       CLR  R0             * point to first row
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy to first row
       MOV  @SAVRTN,R11    * restore return address




Now, I need to compare my code to Rich’s for speed.



Edited by Lee Stewart
Redid AORG for RXB
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On 6/11/2021 at 1:41 PM, RXB said:

Ok have the ROM3 set up and looks great, still have to write the GPL to make it work.


Actually, your code does not work for Right and Down scrolling because you are copying overlapping code in the wrong direction, i.e., each copy destroys the source for the next copy. There were a couple of other errors, as well. You also had a couple of redundant routines. I fixed all of that in the spoiler below:



       AORG >6000
       TITL 'RXB ROM3'
* CALL RROLL(direction,repetion,...)                       *
RROLL  MOV  R11,R8      * save return address
       LI   R3,31       * 31 right edge Screen Address
       BL   @C2BCPY     * Move IT
* Buffer has 24 far right characters
       CLR  R3          * Screen address  
       LI   R5,1        * Destination  
* Copy everything on screen 1 char right. Doesn't matter that
*   first column will get wrong chars because they will be
*   overwritten by previous last column in next section.
       LI   R1,767      * copy all but last char on screen
       BL   @H2LCPY     * Move IT, high to low VRAM
* Moved all on screen 1 right
       CLR  R5          * 0 left edge Screen Address
       BL   @B2CCPY     * Move IT
       B    *R8         * RETURN
* CALL LROLL(direction,repetion,...)                       *
LROLL  MOV  R11,R8      * save return address
       CLR  R3          * 0 left edge Screen Address
       BL   @C2BCPY     * Move IT
* Buffer has 24 far left characters
       LI   R3,1        * Screen address  
       CLR  R5          * Destination   
* Copy everything on screen 1 char left. Doesn't matter that
*   last column will get wrong chars because they will be
*   overwritten by previous first column in next section.
       LI   R1,767      * copy all but first char on screen
       BL   @L2HCPY     * Move IT, low to high VRAM
* Moved all on screen 1 left
       LI   R5,31       * 31 right edge Screen Address
       BL   @B2CCPY     * Move IT
       B    *R8         * RETURN
* CALL UROLL(direction,repetion,...)                       *
************************************ ***********************
UROLL  MOV  R11,R8      * save return address
       CLR  R3          * 0 top Sreeen Adress
       LI   R5,>03C0    * Buffer for 32 characters
       LI   R1,32       * 32 bytes length
       BL   @L2HCPY     * Move IT
* Buffer has 32 top line characters
       LI   R3,32       * 2nd line Screen address  
       CLR  R5          *  0 screen Destination  
       LI   R1,736      * Number of Bytes  
       BL   @L2HCPY     * Move IT
* Moved all on screen up 1
       LI   R3,>03C0    * Buffer for 32 characters
       LI   R5,736      * Bottom left edge Screen Address
       LI   R1,32       * Get 32 Bytes length
       BL   @L2HCPY     * Move IT
       B    *R8         * RETURN
* **********************************************************
* CALL DROLL(direction,repetion,...)                       *
DROLL  MOV  R11,R8      * save return address
       LI   R3,736      * Bottom of Sreeen Adress
       LI   R5,>03C0    * Buffer for 32 characters
       LI   R1,32       * 32 bytes length
       BL   @L2HCPY     * Move IT, low to high VRAM
* Buffer has 32 top line characters
       CLR  R3          *  0 Screen address 
       LI   R5,32       *  2nd line Destination  
       LI   R1,736      * Number of Bytes  
       BL   @H2LCPY     * Move IT, high to low VRAM
* Moved all on screen down 1
       LI   R3,>03C0    * Buffer for 32 characters
       CLR  R5          * Top left edge Screen Address
       LI   R1,32       * Get 32 Bytes
       BL   @L2HCPY     * Move IT, low to high VRAM
       B    *R8         * RETURN
***Low VRAM to High VRAM Copy******************************
L2HCPY MOV  R11,R9      * save return address
L2HCPR BL   @MIT        * Move IT
       INC  R3          * source+1
       INC  R5          * dest+1
       DEC  R1          * COUNTER-1
       JNE  L2HCPR      * 0? No, loop
       B    *R9         * RETURN
***High VRAM to Low VRAM Copy******************************
H2LCPY MOV  R11,R9      * save return address
* Adjust source and dest to copy from last byte to first
       A    R1,R3       * one past end of source
       DEC  R3          * adjust to last source char
       A    R1,R5       * one past end of dest
       DEC  R5          * adjust to last dest char
H2LCPR BL   @MIT        * Move IT
       DEC  R3          * source-1
       DEC  R5          * dest-1
       DEC  R1          * counter-1
       JNE  H2LCPR      * 0? No, loop
       B    *R9         * RETURN
***Column Copy to VRAM Buffer*******************************
C2BCPY MOV  R11,R9      * save return address
       LI   R2,24       * ROW counter
       LI   R5,>03C0    * column buffer
C2BCPR BL   @MIT        * Move IT
       INC  R5          * Buffer+1
       AI   R3,32       * Screen Address+32
       DEC  R2          * ROW COUNTER-1
       JNE  C2BCPR      * 0? No, loop
       B    *R9         * RETURN
***VRAM Buffer to Column Copy*******************************
B2CCPY MOV  R11,R9      * save return address
       LI   R2,24       * ROW counter
       LI   R3,>03C0    * column buffer
B2CCPR BL   @MIT        * Move IT
       INC  R3          * Buffer+1
       AI   R5,32       * Screen Address+32
       DEC  R2          * ROW COUNTER-1
       JNE  B2CCPR      * 0? No, loop
       B    *R9         * RETURN
***VRAM to VRAM Single Byte Copy****************************
MIT    MOVB @>83E7,*R15 * Write out read address
       MOVB R3,*R15
       MOVB @>8800,R7   * Read a byte
       MOVB @>83EB,*R15 * Write out write address
       ORI  R5,>4000    * Enable VDP write
       MOVB R5,*R15
       MOVB R7,@>8C00   * Write the byte
       RT               * RETURN




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On 6/12/2021 at 10:14 PM, Lee Stewart said:

Now, I need to compare my code to Rich’s for speed.


OK—here is the comparison of my rolling routines (LESROLL, see post #1234) with Rich’s (@RXB's) corrected rolling routines (RXBROLL, see post #1236)—

   UP (500 rows)..........22 seconds
   DOWN (500 rows)........21 seconds
   RIGHT (500 columns)....22 seconds
   LEFT (500 columns).....21 seconds
   UP (500 rows)..........47 seconds
   DOWN (500 rows)........46 seconds
   RIGHT (500 columns)....48 seconds
   LEFT (500 columns).....48 seconds

Rich’s routines take a hair more than twice as long as mine. The reason for this is that every byte that RXBROLL moves involves 2 VDP address writes, whereas, LESROLL moves 32 bytes for each row to RAM and back using 2 VDP address writes for vertical rolls; 32 bytes for each row to RAM and back using 3 VDP address writes for horizontal rolls. Here are the number of VDP address writes used to roll 1 column or 1 row:


The RXBROLL code is pretty tight at 280 bytes. I could probably tighten up LESROLL a bit from its 422 bytes, but surely not to 280 bytes. The efficiency costs a little room.



Edited by Lee Stewart
CORRECTION of Number of Rolls in Test
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In post #1234, I forgot to change the AORG directive to what Rich (@RXB) was using. I corrected it in the previous post and here it is again, just in case:


       AORG >6000
       TITL 'RXB ROM3'

UNUSED DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
* XML table number 7 for RXB ROM3 - must have              *
*     it's origin at >6010                                 *
*           0     1     2     3      4      5     6
       DATA RROLL,LROLL,UROLL,DROLL,>0000,>0000,>0000
*            7     8     9     A     B     C     D
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
*             E     F
       DATA >0000,>0000
* XML table number 8 for RXB ROM3 - must have              *
*     it's origin at >6030                                 *
*            0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
*            8     9     A     B     C     D     E     F
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000

GR0LB  EQU  >83E1          * GPLWS R0 LSB
FAC    EQU  >834A          * RAM line buffer
SAVRTN EQU  >836C          * free space after RAM line buffer
VBUFF  EQU  >03C0          * line buffer in VRAM
VDPRD  EQU  >8800          * VDP Read Data address
VDPWD  EQU  >8C00          * VDP Write Data address

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Write VRAM address
*     Expects address in R0
* BL here for writing data
VWADDW ORI  R0,>4000       * set to write VRAM data
* BL here for reading data
VWADD  MOVB @GR0LB,*R15    * write LSB of R0 to VDPWA
       MOVB R0,*R15        * write MSB of R0 to VDPWA
       ANDI R0,>3FFF       * ensure R0 returned intact

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* The following utilities expect 
*     R0 = VRAM address
*     R1 = RAM result for 1 byte or RAM address for multiple bytes
*     R2 = count for multi-byte copies
* R10 will be destroyed
* Copy one byte from VRAM (R0) to R1
VSR    MOV  R11,R10        * save return
       BL   @VWADD         * write out VRAM read address
       MOVB @VDPRD,R1      * read VRAM byte
       B    *R10           * return to caller
* Copy one byte from R1 to VRAM (R0)
VSW    MOV  R11,R10        * save return
       BL   @VWADDW        * write out VRAM write address
       MOVB R1,@VDPWD      * write VRAM byte
       B    *R10           * return to caller

* Copy R2 bytes from VRAM (R0) to RAM (R1)
VMR    MOV  R11,R10        * save return
       BL   @VWADD         * write out VRAM read address
VMRLP  MOVB @VDPRD,*R1+    * read next VRAM byte to RAM
       DEC  R2             * dec count
       JNE  VMRLP          * repeat if not done
       B    *R10           * return to caller

* Copy R2 bytes from RAM (R1) to VRAM (R0)
VMW    MOV  R11,R10        * save return
       BL   @VWADDW        * write out VRAM write address
VMWLP  MOVB *R1+,@VDPWD    * write next VRAM byte from RAM
       DEC  R2             * dec count
       JNE  VMWLP          * repeat if not done
       B    *R10           * return to caller

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
RROLL  MOV  R11,@SAVRTN    * save return address
       CLR  R0             * set to screen start
       LI   R3,24          * rows to roll
* Write row to RAM buffer
RROLLP LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer             
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer     
* copy last column to first
       MOVB @FAC+31,R1     * get RAM byte to copy
       BL   @VSW           * write end byte to row start
* copy 1st 31 columns one column right
       INC  R0             * start at 2nd column        
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       LI   R2,31          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy rest of line          
* Process next row
       AI   R0,31          * next row                   
       DEC  R3             * dec row count
       JNE  RROLLP         * roll next row if not done
       MOV  @SAVRTN,R11    * restore return address

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
LROLL  MOV  R11,@SAVRTN    * save return address
       CLR  R0             * set to screen start
       LI   R3,24          * rows to roll
* Write row to RAM buffer
LROLLP LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer
* copy 1st 31 columns one column left
       LI   R1,FAC+1       * set RAM buffer pointer to 2nd char
       LI   R2,31          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy rest of line
* copy first column to last
       AI   R0,31          * set VRAM dest to last column
       MOVB @FAC,R1        * get RAM byte to copy
       BL   @VSW           * write start byte to row end
* Process next row
       INC  R0             * next row
       DEC  R3             * dec row count
       JNE  LROLLP         * roll next row if not done
       MOV  @SAVRTN,R11    * restore return address

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
UROLL  MOV  R11,@SAVRTN    * save return address
       CLR  R0             * set to screen start
       LI   R3,23          * rows to roll (all but 1st)
* Write first row to RAM buffer
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer
* Copy RAM buffer to VRAM buffer
       LI   R0,VBUFF       * set VRAM dest to VBUFF
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy row to VBUFF (VRAM buffer)
* Start copy loop at 2nd row
       LI   R0,32          * point to 2nd row
* Write row to RAM buffer
UROLLP LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer
* Copy to previous row
       AI   R0,-32         * back up 1 row
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy to previous row
* Process next row
       AI   R0,64          * next row
       DEC  R3             * dec row count
       JNE  UROLLP         * roll next row if not done
* Copy saved row to RAM
       LI   R0,VBUFF       * set VRAM source
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer
* Copy saved row to last row
       LI   R0,736         * point to last row
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy to last row
       MOV  @SAVRTN,R11    * restore return address
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
DROLL  MOV  R11,@SAVRTN    * save return address
       LI   R0,736         * set to last row
       LI   R3,23          * rows to roll (all but last)
* Write last row to RAM buffer
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer
* Copy RAM buffer to VRAM buffer
       LI   R0,VBUFF       * set VRAM dest to VBUFF
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy row to VBUFF (VRAM buffer)
* Start copy loop at 2nd-to-last row
       LI   R0,704         * point to row 22
* Write row to RAM buffer
DROLLP LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer
* Copy to next row
       AI   R0,32          * down 1 row
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy to next row
* Process next row
       AI   R0,-64         * back up 2 rows
       DEC  R3             * dec row count
       JNE  DROLLP         * roll next row if not done
* Copy saved row to RAM
       LI   R0,VBUFF       * set VRAM source
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMR           * copy row to RAM buffer
* Copy saved row to first row
       CLR  R0             * point to first row
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       LI   R2,32          * count
       BL   @VMW           * copy to first row
       MOV  @SAVRTN,R11    * restore return address





Edited by Lee Stewart
Corrected Code Header to Rich’s Code
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LEE going to use your suggestion to save 32 bytes of the rolled line off screen to FAC as suggested instead of using VDP Rollout area >03C0.

As I save the REPETITON value in SREF (>831C) used for only making new strings or moving strings in XB.

So this should speed up ROLL over all speed slightly.


When I get to making RXB HPUT and VPUT commands into Assembly ROMs this will also speed up SCROLLs.

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Did a mod to use FAC as buffer and not used VDP to save VDP.

What do you think?

       AORG >6000
       TITL 'RXB ROM3'

UNUSED DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
* XML table number 7 for RXB ROM3 - must have              *
*     it's origin at >6010                                 *
*           0     1     2     3      4      5     6
       DATA RROLL,LROLL,UROLL,DROLL,>0000,>0000,>0000
*            7     8     9     A     B     C     D
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
*             E     F
       DATA >0000,>0000
* XML table number 8 for RXB ROM3 - must have              *
*     it's origin at >6030                                 *
*            0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
*            8     9     A     B     C     D     E     F
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
* Start of routines                                        *
* Windy XB routines from previous Assembly adapted
* repetition = repeat number times
* CALL RROLL(repetion,...)                                 *
RROLL  MOV  R11,R8      * save return address
       LI   R3,31       * 31 right edge Screen Address
       BL   @VGWITE     * Move IT (VDP to FAC RAM)
* Buffer has 24 far right characters
       CLR  R3          * Screen address  
       LI   R5,1        * Destination  
* Copy everything on screen 1 char right. Doesn't matter that
*   first column will get wrong chars because they will be
*   overwritten by previous last column in next section.
       LI   R1,767      * copy all but last char on screen
       BL   @H2LCPY     * Move IT, high to low VRAM
* Moved all on screen 1 right
       CLR  R3          * 0 left edge Screen Address
       LI   R2,24       * ROW counter
       BL   @B2CCPY     * Move IT
       B    *R8         * RETURN
* CALL LROLL(repetion,...)                                 *
LROLL  MOV  R11,R8      * save return address
       CLR  R3          * 0 left edge Screen Address
       BL   @C2BCPY     * Move IT
* Buffer has 24 far left characters
       LI   R3,1        * Screen address  
       CLR  R5          * Destination   
* Copy everything on screen 1 char left. Doesn't matter that
*   last column will get wrong chars because they will be
*   overwritten by previous first column in next section.
       LI   R1,767      * copy all but first char on screen
       BL   @L2HCPY     * Move IT, low to high VRAM
* Moved all on screen 1 left
       LI   R3,31       * 31 right edge Screen Address
       BL   @B2CCPY     * Move IT
       B    *R8         * RETURN
* CALL UROLL(repetion,...)                                *
UROLL  MOV  R11,R8      * save return address
       CLR  R3          * 0 top Sreeen Adress
       LI   R2,32       * 32 bytes length
       BL   @L2HCPY     * Move IT
* Buffer has 32 top line characters
       LI   R3,32       * 2nd line Screen address  
       CLR  R5          *  0 screen Destination  
       LI   R1,736      * Number of Bytes  
       BL   @L2HCPY     * Move IT
* Moved all on screen up 1
       LI   R3,736      * Bottom left edge Screen Address
       LI   R2,32       * Get 32 Bytes length
       BL   @L2HCPY     * Move IT
       B    *R8         * RETURN
* **********************************************************
* CALL DROLL(repetion,...)                                 *
DROLL  MOV  R11,R8      * save return address
       LI   R3,736      * Bottom of Sreeen Adress
       LI   R2,32       * 32 bytes length
       BL   @L2HCPY     * Move IT, low to high VRAM
* Buffer has 32 top line characters
       CLR  R3          *  0 Screen address 
       LI   R5,32       *  2nd line Destination  
       LI   R1,736      * Number of Bytes  
       BL   @H2LCPY     * Move IT, high to low VRAM
* Moved all on screen down 1
       CLR  R3          * Top of screen
       LI   R2,32       * Get 32 Bytes
       BL   @L2HCPY     * Move IT, low to high VRAM
       B    *R8         * RETURN
** Low RAM to High VDP Copy *******************************
L2HCPY MOV  R11,R9      * save return address
       LI   R5,FAC      * FAC RAM BUFFER
L2HCPR BL   @GVWITE     * Move IT (RAM to VDP)
       AI   R3,32       * Screen Address+1
       INC  R5          * Buffer+1
       DEC  R2          * COUNTER-1
       JNE  L2HCPR      * 0? No, loop
       B    *R9         * RETURN
** High VDP to Low VDP Copy *******************************
H2LCPY MOV  R11,R9      * save return address
* Adjust source and dest to copy from last byte to first
       A    R1,R3       * one past end of source
       DEC  R3          * adjust to last source char
       A    R1,R5       * one past end of dest
       DEC  R5          * adjust to last dest char
H2LCPR BL   @MVDN       * Move IT
       DEC  R3          * source-1
       DEC  R5          * dest-1
       DEC  R1          * counter-1
       JNE  H2LCPR      * 0? No, loop
       B    *R9         * RETURN
** Column Copy VDP to RAM FAC Buffer ***********************
C2BCPY MOV  R11,R9      * save return address
       LI   R2,24       * ROW counter
       LI   R5,FAC      * FAC RAM BUFFER
C2BCPR BL   @VGWITE     * Move IT (VDP to RAM)
       DEC  R2          * ROW COUNTER-1
       JNE  C2BCPR      * 0? No, loop
       B    *R9         * RETURN
** RAM Buffer to Column Copy ******************************
B2CCPY MOV  R11,R9      * save return address
       LI   R2,24       * ROW counter
       LI   R5,FAC      * FAC RAM BUFFER
B2CCPR BL   @GVWITE     * Move IT (RAM to VDP)
       DEC  R2          * ROW COUNTER-1
       JNE  B2CCPR      * 0? No, loop
       B    *R9         * RETURN
** VRAM to VRAM Single Byte Copy ***************************
MVDN   MOVB @>83E7,*R15 * R3LSB Write out read address 
       MOVB R3,*R15     * R3MSB Write out read address
       MOVB @>8800,R7   * Read VDP data byte
       MOVB @>83EB,*R15 * R5LSB  Write out write address 
       ORI  R5,>4000    * Enable VDP write
       MOVB R5,*R15     * R5MSB Write out write address 
       MOVB R7,@>8C00   * Write vdp data byte
       RT               * RETURN
** VDP to RAM Single Byte Copy *****************************
VGWITE MOVB @>83E7,*R15 * R3LSB Write out read address 
       ORI  R2,>4000    * Enable VDP write
       MOVB R3,*R15     * R3MSB Write out read address
       MOVB @>8800,*R5+ * Read VDP data byte to FAC
       INC  R5          * Buffer+1
       AI   R3,32       * Screen Address+32
** RAM to VDP Single Byte Copy *****************************
GVWITE MOVB @>83E7,*R15 * Write out read address  
       ORI  R3,>4000    * Enable VDP write      
       MOVB R3,*R15     * R3MSB Write out read address
       MOVB *R5+,@>8C00 * Move byte FAC RAM to VDP ADDRESS 
       INC  R5          * Buffer+1
       AI   R3,32       * Screen Address+32       
* >7000 data routines 
* CHARS is RXB character set definitions 8 bytes each

        AORG >7000
ALCEND  DATA >205A,>24F4,>4000,>AA55
        DATA >2038,>2096,>2038,>217E
        DATA >2038,>21E2,>2038,>234C
        DATA >2038,>2432,>2038,>246E
        DATA >2038,>2484,>2038,>2490
        DATA >2038,>249E,>2038,>24AA
        DATA >2038,>24B8,>2038,>2090
        DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
        DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
        DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
        DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
        DATA >6520,>C060,>2004,>0281
        DATA >4000,>130E,>C001,>0202
        DATA >834A,>8CB0,>1606,>8CB0
        DATA >1604,>8CB0,>1602,>C030
        DATA >0450,>0221,>0008,>10EF
        DATA >0200,>2500,>C800,>8322
        DATA >02E0,>83E0,>0460,>00CE
        DATA >C81D,>8322,>10F9,>C01D
        DATA >C06D,>0002,>06A0,>20DC
        DATA >C0C1,>0603,>0223,>8300
        DATA >D0D3,>1361,>0983,>0643
        DATA >1612,>C000,>165C,>C0C5
        DATA >05C3,>06A0,>2406,>1653
        DATA >05C3,>06A0,>23CA,>0204
        DATA >834A,>0202,>0008,>DC74
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* Data for Initialization of
* Memory Expansion
LOW1  DATA  >A55A,>2128,>2398,>225A
LOW2  DATA  >A000,>FFD7,>2676,>3F38
LOW3  DATA  >0064,>2000,>2EAA,>2094
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LOW4  DATA  >5554,>4C54,>4142,>2022,>5041,>4420,>2020,>8300
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* RXB Character set 
CHARS  BYTE >00,>10,>10,>10,>10,>10,>00,>10    * ! 33
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       BYTE >00,>50,>50,>F8,>50,>F8,>50,>50    * # 35
       BYTE >00,>20,>78,>A0,>70,>28,>F0,>20    * $ 36
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       BYTE >00,>40,>A0,>A0,>40,>A8,>90,>68    * & 38
       BYTE >00,>C0,>40,>80,>00,>00,>00,>00    * ' 39
       BYTE >00,>08,>10,>20,>20,>20,>10,>08    * ( 40
       BYTE >00,>10,>08,>04,>04,>04,>08,>10    * ) 41
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       BYTE >00,>00,>10,>10,>7C,>10,>10,>00    * + 43
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>60,>20,>40    * , 44
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>00,>F8,>00,>00,>00    * - 45
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>60,>60    * . 46
       BYTE >00,>00,>08,>10,>20,>40,>80,>00    * / 47
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       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>08,>30,>08,>88,>70    * 3 51
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       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>88,>70,>88,>88,>70    * 8 56
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>88,>78,>08,>88,>70    * 9 57
       BYTE >00,>00,>60,>60,>00,>60,>60,>00    * : 58
       BYTE >00,>00,>60,>60,>00,>60,>20,>40    * ; 59
       BYTE >00,>08,>10,>20,>40,>20,>10,>08    * < 60
       BYTE >00,>00,>7C,>00,>00,>7C,>00,>00    * = 61
       BYTE >00,>20,>10,>08,>04,>08,>10,>20    * > 62
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>10,>20,>20,>00,>20    * ? 63
       BYTE >00,>38,>44,>5C,>54,>5C,>40,>38    * @ 64
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>88,>F8,>88,>88,>88    * A 65
       BYTE >00,>F0,>48,>48,>70,>48,>48,>F0    * B 66
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>80,>80,>80,>88,>70    * C 67
       BYTE >00,>F0,>48,>48,>48,>48,>48,>F0    * D 68
       BYTE >00,>F8,>80,>80,>F0,>80,>80,>F8    * E 69
       BYTE >00,>F8,>80,>80,>F0,>80,>80,>80    * F 70
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>80,>80,>98,>88,>78    * G 71
       BYTE >00,>88,>88,>88,>F8,>88,>88,>88    * H 72
       BYTE >00,>F8,>20,>20,>20,>20,>20,>F8    * I 73
       BYTE >00,>08,>08,>08,>08,>08,>88,>70    * J 74
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       BYTE >00,>80,>80,>80,>80,>80,>80,>F8    * L 76
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       BYTE >00,>88,>88,>C8,>A8,>98,>88,>88    * N 78
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>88,>88,>88,>88,>70    * O 79
       BYTE >00,>F0,>88,>88,>88,>F0,>80,>80    * P 80
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>88,>88,>A8,>90,>68    * Q 81
       BYTE >00,>F0,>88,>88,>F0,>A0,>90,>88    * R 82
       BYTE >00,>70,>88,>80,>70,>08,>88,>70    * S 83
       BYTE >00,>F8,>20,>20,>20,>20,>20,>20    * T 84
       BYTE >00,>44,>44,>44,>44,>44,>44,>38    * U 85
       BYTE >00,>44,>44,>44,>28,>28,>10,>10    * V 86
       BYTE >00,>88,>88,>88,>88,>A8,>A8,>50    * W 87
       BYTE >00,>88,>88,>50,>20,>50,>88,>88    * X 88
       BYTE >00,>88,>88,>88,>50,>20,>20,>20    * Y 89
       BYTE >00,>F8,>08,>10,>20,>40,>80,>F8    * Z 90                        
       BYTE >00,>78,>40,>40,>40,>40,>40,>78    * [ 91
       BYTE >00,>00,>80,>40,>20,>10,>08,>00    * \ 92
       BYTE >00,>F0,>10,>10,>10,>10,>10,>F0    * ] 93
       BYTE >00,>20,>50,>88,>00,>00,>00,>00    * ^ 94
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>FF    * _ 95
       BYTE >00,>18,>10,>08,>00,>00,>00,>00    * ` 96
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>60,>10,>70,>90,>68    * a 97
       BYTE >00,>00,>40,>40,>70,>48,>48,>B0    * b 98
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>60,>90,>80,>90,>60    * c 99
       BYTE >00,>00,>10,>10,>70,>90,>90,>68    * d 100
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>60,>90,>E0,>80,>70    * e 101
       BYTE >00,>00,>30,>40,>E0,>40,>40,>40    * f 102
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>70,>90,>70,>10,>60    * g 103
       BYTE >00,>00,>80,>80,>E0,>90,>90,>90    * h 104
       BYTE >00,>00,>20,>00,>20,>20,>20,>70    * i 105
       BYTE >00,>00,>10,>10,>10,>10,>90,>60    * j 106
       BYTE >00,>00,>80,>90,>A0,>C0,>A0,>90    * k 107
       BYTE >00,>00,>60,>20,>20,>20,>20,>70    * l 108
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>D0,>A8,>A8,>A8,>A8    * m 109
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>B0,>48,>48,>48,>48    * n 110
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>60,>90,>90,>90,>60    * o 111
       BYTE >00,>00,>F0,>48,>48,>70,>40,>40    * p 112
       BYTE >00,>00,>78,>90,>90,>70,>10,>10    * q 113
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>B0,>C8,>80,>80,>80    * r 114
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>70,>80,>70,>08,>F0    * s 115
       BYTE >00,>00,>40,>E0,>40,>40,>50,>20    * t 116
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>90,>90,>90,>90,>68    * u 117
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>88,>88,>88,>50,>20    * v 118
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>88,>88,>A8,>A8,>50    * w 119
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>88,>50,>20,>50,>88    * x 120
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>48,>48,>38,>08,>70    * y 121
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>F8,>10,>20,>40,>F8    * z 122
       BYTE >00,>18,>20,>20,>40,>20,>20,>18    * { 123
       BYTE >00,>20,>20,>20,>00,>20,>20,>20    * | 124
       BYTE >00,>C0,>20,>20,>10,>20,>20,>C0    * } 125
       BYTE >00,>00,>00,>40,>A8,>10,>00,>00    * ~ 126


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On 6/15/2021 at 1:36 AM, RXB said:

Did a mod to use FAC as buffer and not used VDP to save VDP.

What do you think?


I am confused by your code. I can correct it, but I think you will be better served by my code, which uses two VDP address writes for each row roundtrip to/from scratchpad RAM at FAC, whereas your code is still using two VDP address writes for each and every byte, which does not change the code’s inefficiency. By using FAC as a RAM column buffer, you are only saving 24 VDP address writes for each left or right roll of the screen.


Since there is, practically, only enough room to buffer one row in scratchpad RAM, it makes the most sense to me to do multibyte transfers, one row at a time, from VRAM to RAM and back. This involves only one VDP address write for each direction.


For left and right rolls of the screen, there is no need for a column buffer that requires 24 VDP address writes each way because the column roll can be effected with each row transfer using only three VDP address writes: 

  1. Copy next row to FAC (1 VDP address write).
  2. Copy rolled-out byte to rolled-in column (1 VDP address write).
  3. Copy 31 bytes to new column offset (1 VDP address write).
  4. Repeat (1) – (3) for each row 23 more times (69 VDP address writes).
  5. Sum of above =  72 VDP address writes).

For up and down rolls of the screen, the rolled-out row needs to be buffered for as long as the remaining rows are processed. Since there is no room for 2 rows in scratchpad RAM, we lose a little efficiency by needing to use a VRAM row buffer:

  1. Copy rolled-out row to FAC (1 VDP address write).
  2. Copy FAC buffer to VDP buffer (1 VDP address write).
  3. Copy next row to FAC (1 VDP address write).
  4. Copy FAC to next row offset (1 VDP address write).
  5. Repeat (3) and (4) for 22 more rows (44 VDP address writes).
  6. Copy VDP buffer to FAC (1 VDP address write).
  7. Copy FAC to rolled-in row (1 VDP address write).
  8. Sum of the above = 50 VDP address writes.


Edited by Lee Stewart
Clarification of VDP Address Writes
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12 minutes ago, Asmusr said:

@Lee Stewart you could make your code even faster if you had two MOVB instructions after each other in your loops and used DECT. You would need to handle the edge case when you only move 31 bytes by moving 30 bytes and adding an additional MOVB after the loop.

Got any code to show this?

Like when Lee says WRITE what does he mean? WRITE the ADDRESS or BYTE or what?

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2 hours ago, RXB said:

Like when Lee says WRITE what does he mean? WRITE the ADDRESS or BYTE or what?


If you are talking about my last post, every last use of the word ‘write’ refers explicitly to an address write, which, as you well know, requires 2 MOVB instructions, one for the LSB and one for the MSB of the VRAM address being written. If you are referring to some other use I made of ‘write’, please be more specific.



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7 hours ago, Asmusr said:

@Lee Stewart you could make your code even faster if you had two MOVB instructions after each other in your loops and used DECT. You would need to handle the edge case when you only move 31 bytes by moving 30 bytes and adding an additional MOVB after the loop.


I think I may try inlining all of the VRAM reads and writes as well. It will likely bloat the code a bit, but I bet not by much.



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2 hours ago, Lee Stewart said:

I think I may try inlining all of the VRAM reads and writes as well. It will likely bloat the code a bit, but I bet not by much.


I decided not to inline the VRAM data reads and writes for this iteration but did use @Asmusr’s suggestion of using DECT with pairs of VRAM data reads and writes. It turns out that, with one other change to the left/right rolls, I do not need to do any single-byte data reads or writes—not a single one! All I needed to do was to do the column roll in the RAM buffer. With that change, all of the VRAM data reads and writes are 32 bytes. This allowed hoisting the count assignment of (always) 32 to the new VRAM row read and write routines. Every screen roll is now 50 VDP address reads/writes. All of this also reduced the code to 342 bytes and resulted in 24 % faster rolls than my last code and nearly 3 times (2.8) faster than the RXB (all) single-byte VRAM data reads and writes. Here is the code:


       AORG >6000
       TITL 'RXB ROM3'

UNUSED DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
* XML table number 7 for RXB ROM3 - must have              *
*     it's origin at >6010                                 *
*           0     1     2     3      4      5     6
       DATA RROLL,LROLL,UROLL,DROLL,>0000,>0000,>0000
*            7     8     9     A     B     C     D
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
*             E     F
       DATA >0000,>0000
* XML table number 8 for RXB ROM3 - must have              *
*     it's origin at >6030                                 *
*            0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000
*            8     9     A     B     C     D     E     F
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000,>0000

GR0LB  EQU  >83E1          * GPLWS R0 LSB
FAC    EQU  >834A          * RAM line buffer
SAVRTN EQU  >836C          * free space after RAM line buffer
VBUFF  EQU  >03C0          * line buffer in VRAM
VDPRD  EQU  >8800          * VDP Read Data address
VDPWD  EQU  >8C00          * VDP Write Data address

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Write VRAM address
*     Expects address in R0
* BL here for writing data
VWADDW ORI  R0,>4000       * set to write VRAM data
* BL here for reading data
VWADD  MOVB @GR0LB,*R15    * write LSB of R0 to VDPWA
       MOVB R0,*R15        * write MSB of R0 to VDPWA
       ANDI R0,>3FFF       * ensure R0 returned intact

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* The following utilities expect 
*     R0 = VRAM address of row
*     R1 = RAM buffer address
* R2 and R10 will be destroyed
* Copy 1 row of 32 bytes from VRAM (R0) to RAM (R1)
VRROW  MOV  R11,R10        * save return
       BL   @VWADD         * write out VRAM read address
       LI   R2,32          * read 1 row
VRROW1 MOVB @VDPRD,*R1+    * read next VRAM byte to RAM
       MOVB @VDPRD,*R1+    * read next VRAM byte to RAM
       DECT R2             * dec count by 2
       JNE  VRROW1         * repeat if not done
       B    *R10           * return to caller

* Copy 1 row of 32 bytes from RAM (R1) to VRAM (R0)
VWROW  MOV  R11,R10        * save return
       BL   @VWADDW        * write out VRAM write address
       LI   R2,32          * write one row
VWROW1 MOVB *R1+,@VDPWD    * write next VRAM byte from RAM
       MOVB *R1+,@VDPWD    * write next VRAM byte from RAM
       DECT R2             * dec count by 2
       JNE  VWROW1         * repeat if not done
       B    *R10           * return to caller

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
RROLL  MOV  R11,@SAVRTN    * save return address
       CLR  R0             * set to screen start
       LI   R3,24          * rows to roll
* Write row to RAM buffer
RROLLP LI   R1,FAC+1       * RAM buffer+1 for roll-right positions
       BL   @VRROW         * copy row to RAM buffer 2 bytes at a time
* Copy last column before first in RAM buffer
       MOVB @FAC+32,@FAC   * copy roll-out byte to roll-in position
* Copy rolled row back to screen (R0 still has correct location)
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       BL   @VWROW         * copy rolled line          
* Process next row
       AI   R0,32          * next row                   
       DEC  R3             * dec row count
       JNE  RROLLP         * roll next row if not done
       MOV  @SAVRTN,R11    * restore return address

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
LROLL  MOV  R11,@SAVRTN    * save return address
       CLR  R0             * set to screen start
       LI   R3,24          * rows to roll
* Write row to RAM buffer
LROLLP LI   R1,FAC         * RAM buffer+1 for roll-left positions
       BL   @VRROW         * copy row to RAM buffer 2 bytes at a time
* Copy first column after last in RAM buffer
       MOVB @FAC,@FAC+32   * copy roll-out byte to roll-in position
* Copy rolled row back to screen (R0 still has correct location)
       LI   R1,FAC+1       * reset RAM buffer pointer
       BL   @VWROW         * copy rolled line 2 bytes at a time
* Process next row
       AI   R0,32          * next row                   
       DEC  R3             * dec row count
       JNE  LROLLP         * roll next row if not done
       MOV  @SAVRTN,R11    * restore return address

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
UROLL  MOV  R11,@SAVRTN    * save return address
       CLR  R0             * set to screen start
       LI   R3,23          * rows to roll (all but 1st)
* Write first row to RAM buffer
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       BL   @VRROW         * copy row to RAM buffer 2 bytes at a time
* Copy RAM buffer to VRAM buffer
       LI   R0,VBUFF       * set VRAM dest to VBUFF
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       BL   @VWROW         * copy row to VBUFF 2 bytes at a time
* Start copy loop at 2nd row
       LI   R0,32          * point to 2nd row
* Write row to RAM buffer
UROLLP LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       BL   @VRROW         * copy row to RAM buffer 2 bytes at a time
* Copy to previous row
       AI   R0,-32         * back up 1 row
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       BL   @VWROW         * copy to previous row 2 bytes at a time
* Process next row
       AI   R0,64          * next row
       DEC  R3             * dec row count
       JNE  UROLLP         * roll next row if not done
* Copy saved row to RAM
       LI   R0,VBUFF       * set VRAM source
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       BL   @VRROW         * copy row to RAM buffer 2 bytes at a time
* Copy saved row to last row
       LI   R0,736         * point to last row
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       BL   @VWROW         * copy to last row 2 bytes at a time
       MOV  @SAVRTN,R11    * restore return address
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
DROLL  MOV  R11,@SAVRTN    * save return address
       LI   R0,736         * set to last row
       LI   R3,23          * rows to roll (all but last)
* Write last row to RAM buffer
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       BL   @VRROW         * copy row to RAM buffer 2 bytes at a time
* Copy RAM buffer to VRAM buffer
       LI   R0,VBUFF       * set VRAM dest to VBUFF
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       BL   @VWROW         * copy row to VBUFF 2 bytes at a time
* Start copy loop at 2nd-to-last row
       LI   R0,704         * point to row 22
* Write row to RAM buffer
DROLLP LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       BL   @VRROW         * copy row to RAM buffer 2 bytes at a time
* Copy to next row
       AI   R0,32          * down 1 row
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       BL   @VWROW         * copy to next row 2 bytes at a time
* Process next row
       AI   R0,-64         * back up 2 rows
       DEC  R3             * dec row count
       JNE  DROLLP         * roll next row if not done
* Copy saved row to RAM
       LI   R0,VBUFF       * set VRAM source
       LI   R1,FAC         * set RAM buffer
       BL   @VRROW         * copy row to RAM buffer 2 bytes at a time
* Copy saved row to first row
       CLR  R0             * point to first row
       LI   R1,FAC         * reset RAM buffer pointer
       BL   @VWROW         * copy to first row 2 bytes at a time
       MOV  @SAVRTN,R11    * restore return address




The up and down rolls work as before, but the right and left rolls now work as follows:

  • Right Roll—
    1. Move first row from VRAM to FAC+1.
    2. Move byte at FAC+32 to FAC, effecting the right roll for this row.
    3. Move 32 bytes from FAC to original row location in VRAM.
    4. Repeat (1) – (3) 23 more times to complete right roll of screen.
  • Left Roll—
    1. Move first row from VRAM to FAC.
    2. Move byte at FAC to FAC+32, effecting the left roll for this row.
    3. Move 32 bytes from FAC+1 to original row location in VRAM.
    4. Repeat (1) – (3) 23 more times to complete left roll of screen.

If I worked a little harder, I could probably combine the up/down routines as well as the right/left routines—the pairs are practically identical, but, right now, I think the above code is pretty solid.



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