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GCC for the TI


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Ran through the install steps today -- the main hitch was replacing "INSTALLDIR" with an actual folder, which I did as so:


export INSTALLDIR=/usr/bin/


then using $INSTALLDIR in the configure commands.


The make install for GGC failed on me, giving this:


make[3]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/c/work/TI/gcc/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-cygwin/libiberty/testsuite'
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install'.
make[3]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/work/TI/gcc/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-cygwin/libiberty/testsuite'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/work/TI/gcc/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-cygwin/libiberty'
/bin/sh: line 3: cd: tms9900/libssp: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [install-target-libssp] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/work/TI/gcc/gcc-4.4.0'
make: *** [install] Error 2


As you can see, I'm using cygwin. I have to admit I'm not sure where the files were installed. I found some new files under /usr/bin/tms9900/, but I also found more reasonable looking files under /bin/bin with the tms9900 prefix. I ran with those. ;)


I started with a simple test app:


void strcpy(char *d, char *s) {
 while (*s) {
   *(d++) = *(s++);

int main() {
 char a[32];
 strcpy(a,"hello world");
 return 0;


I compiled first with the -S option so I could watch it -- except for complaining about my strcpy (hehe - normal gcc behaviour), it compiled okay. The resulting assembly looked like this:



def	strcpy
ai r10, >FFFC    make 4 bytes on stack (s and d)
mov r10, r8      frame pointer again? Not sure.
mov r1, *r8      store d pointer on stack at first
mov r2, @2(r8)   store s pointer on stack at second
jmp L2           jump into loop
movb @2(r8), r2  get s pointer into R2 <-- ERROR - later code assumes that we got the byte pointed to by s
mov *r8, r1      get d pointer into R1
movb r2, *r1     copy high byte of s pointer to address pointed to by d <-- ERROR related to above, OR could use movb *r2,*r1
inc *r8          increment d pointer
inc @2(r8)       increment s pointer
movb @2(r8), r1  get s pointer into r1 <--- ERROR - should get data pointed to by 's'
movb r1, r1      test byte value for zero
jne L3           if not zero, then branch
c *r10+, *r10+   trick - add four bytes to clear the stack
b *r11           return to caller
text 'hello world'
byte 0

def	main
ai r10, >FFDE  make room for 34 bytes on the stack (32 bytes for 'a' plus 2 for return address)
mov r11, *r10  save return address
mov r10, r8    save frame pointer?
mov r8, r1     temporary pointer
inct r1        skip over return address
li r2, LC0     address of constant string
bl @strcpy     branch to subroutine 
clr r1         zero return value
mov *r10+, r11 pop return address off stack
ai r10, >20    clear 'a' from stack
b *r11         return to caller


I guess there's a startup block that I don't see here (crt?), so I assume R10 is initialized on entry to main. To that end, it's almost there!


There is one issue involved in getting the data referenced by pointers -- and this is actually a problem I remember facing on my port as well, GCC doesn't mesh with the TI address modes very well in this particular case. When trying to get the data referenced by a pointer on the stack, you need two operations, as it's not possible to do the double indirection otherwise.


Sorry I have taken so long to chip in -- hope there's enough detail here to be helpful! I also caught up on your blog and I see you've been tackling some other nasty issues! Sadly the best I can do for now is cheerleading, but you definately have my encouragement!

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I see you've been busy with your own projects, so don't feel bad.


Well, one of this things I've noticed is that unless you compile with the -O2 optimization, the resulting code is terrible and excessively wordy. I think your example code shows that off pretty well.


I've compiled your sample with my in-development compiler, and with the recent changes, it looks a lot better: (comments by me of course)


eric@compaq:~/dev/tios/src/temp$ /home/eric/dev/tios/toolchain/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-linux-gnu/gcc/cc1 tursi2.c



* void strcpy(char *d, char *s)
*    R1 = *d
*    R2 = *s
def	strcpy
ai r10, >FFFC     * Allocate four bytes from the stack (s and d)
mov r10, r8       * Initialize the frame pointer
mov r1, *r8       * Save s on the stack
mov r2, @2(r8)    * Save d on the stack
jmp L2            * Jump to bottom of copy loop
mov @2(r8), r1    * Copy source address to R1
movb *r1, r2      * Copy current character to R2
mov *r8, r1       * Copy destination address to R1
movb r2, *r1      * Copy current character to destination
inc *r8           * Increment destination address
inc @2(r8)        * Increment source address
mov @2(r8), r1    * Copy source addresss to R1
movb *r1, r1      * Copy current character to R1
movb r1, r1       * Compare with zero, is this the terminator?
jne L3            * If not, jump to top of loop
                         * Else clean up and exit
c *r10+, *r10+    * Free stack space 
b *r11            * Return to caller

text 'hello world'
byte 0

def	main
ai r10, >FFDE    * Allocate 34 bytes from stack (a and return pointer)
mov r11, *r10    * Save return pointer
mov r10, r8      * Initialize frame pointer
mov r8, r1       * First step for setting destination address for strcpy
inct r1          * Final step for destination address (d=frame+2)
li r2, LC0       * Set source address for strcpy
bl @strcpy       * Call strcpy
clr r1           * Set return value for main
mov *r10+, r11   * Restore return pointer
ai r10, >20      * Free stack space
b *r11           * Return to caller



It looks like all your problems have been fixed by the in-development code. Horray!


In fact, GCC does assume that there is a crt0 or some other launcher to set the initial stack pointer, initialize memory regions, set workspace location, set interrupts, etc. That code would most likely be written in assembly. I have an implementation I'd share with everyone, but it's not very exciting.


Here's the same code with some optimizations applied, notice that it makes much better code.


eric@compaq:~/dev/tios/src/temp$ /home/eric/dev/tios/toolchain/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-linux-gnu/gcc/cc1 -O2 -Os tursi2.c


The strcpy has been inlined in main, but a non-inlined version was left intact:


pseg              * Put code in program segment
even	          * Start on even address

* void strcpy(char *d, char *s)
*    R1 = *d
*    R2 = *s
def	strcpy
jmp L2
movb r3, *r1+   * Copy current character to destination, increment destination address
inc r2          * Increment source address
movb *r2, r3    * Get next source character, is it the zero terminator?
jne L3          * If not, go back to top of loop
b *r11          * Return to caller

* Constant string used by main()
text 'hello world'
byte 0

* Entry point of program

def	main
ai r10, >FFE0      * Allocate 32 bytes of stack
li r1, LC0         * Find source address
mov r10, r8        * Find destination address (bottom of stack)

* Inlined strcpy()
jmp L7             
movb r2, *r8+      * Copy current character to destination, increment destination address
inc r1             * Increment source address
movb *r1, r2       * Get next source character, is it the zero terminator?
jne L8             * If not, go back to top of copy loop

clr r1             * Set return value
ai r10, >20        * Free stack space
b *r11             * Return to caller



Granted, the strcpy code could be better. More like this:


* void strcpy(char *d, char *s)
*    R1 = *d
*    R2 = *s
def	strcpy
       movb *r2+, r3   * Get next source character, increment source address
movb r3, *r1+   * Copy current character to destination, increment destination address
       jne L1          * Was the copied character the zero terminator?
b *r11          * Return to caller


This is four bytes smaller, and I think the smallest implementation possible. But the GCC version isn't too far off.


I think that's probably enough assembly for this post...


A lot of the confusing code you are seeing is a result of the default compile options (which usually result in horribly ugly code). And all your errors have been fixed by some recent changes I've made in the development build.


For everyone who may be wondering what I've been up to,here's a quick update:


I've made some changes to the register allocation to make sure that the byte operations work properly. That seems to work nicely. I'm also trying to redo the division instructions to make it a bit more elegant. The current code requires extra moves in some cases. Ick.


Most notably, I've fixed how memory accesses work. The code above show the results of that.


I think that after the division stuff is wrapped up, it might be time for another release.

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Oh, I'm not confused by any of the code (except that I tried to build mine not to use the frame pointer), I'm pretty familiar with the differences between optimized and non-optimized code. That's why my only real critiques were meant to be focused on incorrect code. It does look like your development code there will produce a running output! An occasional extra move here and there is not so bad, and sometimes may be necessary for generic code. The 9900 doesn't really lend itself all that well to GCC, but your code seems to be doing a wonderful job. For timing critical code, we can always go to asm.


As for the startup code, doesn't need to be elegant. LI R10,>2000 (or wherever) and B @MAIN looks like it'd be enough. ;)


Looking forward to the next release! I have some serious stuff to try through it if we get the little stuff going.

Edited by Tursi
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This is great!! =) I don't understand it 100%, but it's awesome to see a working C compiler. =) Too cool, guys...


If compiler works we can play to chess!


Look this:

/*                               micro-Max,                                */
/* A chess program smaller than 2KB (of non-blank source), by H.G. Muller  */
/* version 4.7 (1922 characters) features:                                 */
/* - recursive negamax search                                              */
/* - all-capture MVV/LVA quiescence search                                 */
/* - (internal) iterative deepening                                        */
/* - best-move-first 'sorting'                                             */
/* - a hash table storing score and best move                              */
/* - futility pruning                                                      */
/* - king safety through magnetic, frozen king in middle-game              */
/* - R=2 null-move pruning                                                 */
/* - Check-evasion extension in full-width nodes                           */
/* - keep hash and repetition-draw recognition at game level               */
/* - evaluation distinguishing B/N, and more distributed promotion bonus   */
/* - full FIDE rules (expt under-promotion) and move-legality checking     */

#define W while
#define K(A,B) *(int*)(T+A+(B&+S*(B&7))
#define J(A) K(y+A,b[y])-K(x+A,u)-K(H+A,t)

#define U (1<<24)
struct _ {int K,V;char X,Y,D;} A[u];           /* hash table, 16M+8 entries*/

int M=136,S=128,I=8e3,Q,O,K,N,R,J,Z,k=8,*p,c[9]; /* M=0x88                 */

char L,
w[]={0,2,2,7,-1,8,12,23},                      /* relative piece values    */
o[]={-16,-15,-17,0,1,16,0,1,16,15,17,0,14,18,31,33,0, /* step-vector lists */
    7,-1,11,6,8,3,6,                          /* 1st dir. in o[] per piece*/
    6,3,5,7,4,5,3,6},                         /* initial piece setup      */
b[129],                                        /* board: half of 16x8+dummy*/
T[1035],                                       /* hash translation table   */

n[]=".?+nkbrq?*?NKBRQ";                        /* piece symbols on printout*/

D(k,q,l,e,E,n)          /* recursive minimax search, k=moving side, n=depth*/
int k,q,l,e,E,n;        /* (q,l)=window, e=current eval. score, E=e.p. sqr.*/
{                       /* e=score, z=prev.dest; J,Z=hashkeys; return score*/
int j,r,m,v,d,h,i,F,G,V,P,f=J,g=Z;
char t,p,u,x,y,X,Y,H,B;
struct _*a=A+(J+k*E&U-1);                     /* lookup pos. in hash table*/

q--;                                          /* adj. window: delay bonus */
d=a->D;m=a->V;X=a->X;Y=a->Y;                  /* resume at stored depth   */
if(a->K-Z|l>I|                                /* miss: other pos. or empty*/
 !(m<=q|X&8&&m>=l|X&S))                       /*   or window incompatible */
 d=Y=0;                                       /* start iter. from scratch */
X&=~M;                                        /* start at best-move hint  */

W(d++<n||d<3||                                /* iterative deepening loop */
  l>I&K==I&&(N<1e6&d<98||                    /* root: deepen upto time   */
  (K=X,L=Y&~M,d=3)))                          /* time's up: go do best    */
{x=B=X;                                       /* start scan at prev. best */
 h=Y&S;                                       /* request try noncastl. 1st*/
 P=d<3?-I:D(24-k,-l,1-l,-e,S,d-3);            /* Search null move         */
 n+=d==3&P==I;                                /* Extend 1 ply if in check */
 m=-P<l|R>35?d-2?-I:e:-P;                     /* Prune or stand-pat       */
 N++;                                         /* node count (for timing)  */
 do{u=b[x];                                   /* scan board looking for   */
  if(u&k)                                     /*  own piece (inefficient!)*/
  {r=p=u&7;                                   /* p = piece type (set r>0) */
   j=o[p+16];                                 /* first step vector f.piece*/
   W(r=p>2&r<0?-r:-o[++j])                    /* loop over directions o[] */
   {A:                                        /* resume normal after best */
    y=x;F=G=S;                                /* (x,y)=move, (F,G)=castl.R*/
    do{                                       /* y traverses ray, or:     */
     H=y=h?Y^h:y+r;                           /* sneak in prev. best move */
     if(y&M)break;                            /* board edge hit           */
     m=E-S&b[E]&&y-E<2&E-y<2?I:m;             /* bad castling             */
     if(p<3&y==E)H^=16;                       /* shift capt.sqr. H if e.p.*/
     t=b[H];if(t&k|p<3&!(y-x&7)-!t)break;     /* capt. own, bad pawn mode */
     i=37*w[t&7]+(t&192);                     /* value of capt. piece t   */
     m=i<0?I:m;                               /* K capture                */
     if(m>=l&d>1)goto C;                      /* abort on fail high       */

     v=d-1?e:i-p;                             /* MVV/LVA scoring          */
     if(d-!t>1)                               /* remaining depth          */
     {v=p<6?b[x+8]-b[y+8]:0;                  /* center positional pts.   */
      b[G]=b[H]=b[x]=0;b[y]=u|32;             /* do move, set non-virgin  */
      if(!(G&M))b[F]=k+6,v+=50;               /* castling: put R & score  */
      v-=p-4|R>29?0:20;                       /* penalize mid-game K move */
      if(p<3)                                 /* pawns:                   */
      {v-=9*((x-2&M||b[x-2]-u)+               /* structure, undefended    */
             (x+2&M||b[x+2]-u)-1              /*        squares plus bias */
            +(b[x^16]==k+36))                 /* kling to non-virgin King */
            -(R>>2);                          /* Pawn-push bonus in ending*/
       V=y+r+1&S?647-p:2*(u&y+16&32);         /* Promotion or 6/7th bonus */
       b[y]+=V;i+=V;}                         /* upgrade, or promote to Q */
      J+=J(0);Z+=J(+G-S;                    /* update hash key(s)       */
      v+=e+i;V=m>q?m:q;                       /* new eval and alpha       */
      v=d>3|v>V?-D(24-k,-l,-V,-v,             /* recursive eval. of reply */
                             F,d-1):v;        /* or fail low if futile    */
      if(K-I&&v+I&&l>I&x==K&y==L)             /* move pending. if legal,  */
      {Q=-e-i;O=F;                            /* in root & found, exit D  */
       R+=i>>7;return I;                      /* captured non-P material  */
      J=f;Z=g;                                /* restore hash key(s)      */
      b[G]=k+6;b[F]=b[y]=0;b[x]=u;b[H]=t;     /* undo move,G can be dummy */
     if(v>m)                                  /* new best, update max,best*/
      m=v,X=x,Y=y|S&F;                        /* mark double move with S  */
     if(h){h=0;goto A;}                       /* redo after doing old best*/
     if(x+r-y|u&32|                           /* not 1st step,moved before*/
        p>2&(p-4|j-7||                        /* no P & no lateral K move,*/
        b[G=x+3^r>>1&7]-k-6                   /* no virgin R in corner G, */
        ||b[G^1]|b[G^2])                      /* no 2 empty sq. next to R */
       )t+=p<5;                               /* fake capt. for nonsliding*/
     else F=y;                                /* enable e.p.              */
    }W(!t);                                   /* if not capt. continue ray*/
 }}}W((x=x+9&~M)-B);                          /* next sqr. of board, wrap */
C:if(m>I-M|m<M-I)d=98;                         /* mate holds to any depth  */
 m=m+I|P==I?m:0;                              /* best loses K: (stale)mate*/
 if(a->D<99)                                  /* protect game history     */
  a->K=Z,a->V=m,a->D=d,                       /* always store in hash tab */
  a->X=X|8*(m>q)|S*(m<l),a->Y=Y;              /* move, type (bound/exact),*/
/*if(l>I)printf("%2d ply, %9d searched, score=%6d by %c%c%c%c\n",d-1,N-S,m,
    'a'+(X&7),'8'-(X>>4),'a'+(Y&7),'8'-(Y>>4&7)); /* uncomment for Kibitz */
}                                             /*    encoded in X S,8 bits */
return m+=m<e;                                /* delayed-loss bonus       */

{b[K]=(b[K+112]=o[K+24]++8;b[K+16]=18;b[K+96]=9;  /* initial board setup*/
 L=8;W(L--)b[16*L+K+8]=(K-4)*(K-4)+(L-3.5)*(L-3.5); /* center-pts table   */
}                                                   /*(in unused half b[])*/

W(1)                                                /* play loop          */
  printf(" %c",N&8&&(N+=7)?10:n[b[N]&15]);          /* print board        */
 p=c;W((*p++=getchar())>10);                        /* read input line    */
 K=I;                                               /* invalid move       */
 if(*c-10)K=*c-16*c[1]+799,L=c[2]-16*c[3]+799;      /* parse entered move */
 k^=D(k,-I,I+1,Q,O,3)-I?0:24;                       /* think or check & do*/

Edited by Astharot
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If compiler works we can play to chess!


hehe... not directly with that code! This line:


#define U (1<<24)
struct _ {int K,V;char X,Y,D;} A[u];           /* hash table, 16M+8 entries*/


Needs over 100MB of RAM! :)


Neat though, I've never seen that one...

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If compiler works we can play to chess!


hehe... not directly with that code! This line:


#define U (1<<24)
struct _ {int K,V;char X,Y,D;} A[u];           /* hash table, 16M+8 entries*/


Needs over 100MB of RAM! :)


Neat though, I've never seen that one...


Yes--- but you can redux hash table to 16k for example ... :)

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That chess program was so insane, I needed to see what the compiler would do with it. Aside from a few unexpected fake register accesses (grr! fixed by hand), and failing to handle the giant lookup table (not suprising) it was pretty much drama-free.


The resulting code with -O2 optimizations: 1463 lines of assembly. Are there errors? Could be... But I have no motivation to compare against that C code. At first glance, it looks right.


Here's the readelf dump of the resulting object file:


eric@compaq:~/dev/tios/src/temp$ tms9900-readelf -S 2k_chess.o
There are 8 section headers, starting at offset 0xefc:

Section Headers:
 [Nr] Name              Type            Addr     Off    Size   ES Flg Lk Inf Al
 [ 0]                   NULL            00000000 000000 000000 00      0   0  0
 [ 1] .text             PROGBITS        00000000 000034 000e54 00  AX  0   0  2
 [ 2] .rela.text        RELA            00000000 001e70 000da4 0c      6   1  4
 [ 3] .data             PROGBITS        00000000 000e88 000041 00  WA  0   0  2
 [ 4] .bss              NOBITS          00000000 000ec9 000cb2 00  WA  0   0  1
 [ 5] .shstrtab         STRTAB          00000000 000ec9 000031 00      0   0  1
 [ 6] .symtab           SYMTAB          00000000 00103c 000b00 10      7 145  4
 [ 7] .strtab           STRTAB          00000000 001b3c 000333 00      0   0  1
Key to Flags:
 W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings)
 I (info), L (link order), G (group), x (unknown)
 O (extra OS processing required) o (OS specific), p (processor specific)


So that's 3668 bytes of code (.text section), and 3315 bytes of data (.data + .bss sections). Of course that data size is shy about 128 MB or so.


Still, I'm really impressed with how things are shaping up so far.

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That chess program was so insane, I needed to see what the compiler would do with it. Aside from a few unexpected fake register accesses (grr! fixed by hand), and failing to handle the giant lookup table (not suprising) it was pretty much drama-free.


The resulting code with -O2 optimizations: 1463 lines of assembly. Are there errors? Could be... But I have no motivation to compare against that C code. At first glance, it looks right.


Here's the readelf dump of the resulting object file:


eric@compaq:~/dev/tios/src/temp$ tms9900-readelf -S 2k_chess.o
There are 8 section headers, starting at offset 0xefc:

Section Headers:
 [Nr] Name              Type            Addr     Off    Size   ES Flg Lk Inf Al
 [ 0]                   NULL            00000000 000000 000000 00      0   0  0
 [ 1] .text             PROGBITS        00000000 000034 000e54 00  AX  0   0  2
 [ 2] .rela.text        RELA            00000000 001e70 000da4 0c      6   1  4
 [ 3] .data             PROGBITS        00000000 000e88 000041 00  WA  0   0  2
 [ 4] .bss              NOBITS          00000000 000ec9 000cb2 00  WA  0   0  1
 [ 5] .shstrtab         STRTAB          00000000 000ec9 000031 00      0   0  1
 [ 6] .symtab           SYMTAB          00000000 00103c 000b00 10      7 145  4
 [ 7] .strtab           STRTAB          00000000 001b3c 000333 00      0   0  1
Key to Flags:
 W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings)
 I (info), L (link order), G (group), x (unknown)
 O (extra OS processing required) o (OS specific), p (processor specific)


So that's 3668 bytes of code (.text section), and 3315 bytes of data (.data + .bss sections). Of course that data size is shy about 128 MB or so.


Still, I'm really impressed with how things are shaping up so far.


If you change #define U (1<<24) to

#define U (1<<14)

can you compile a ti99 version?

I think this program defeat video chess...

And if you project a chess graphic board you make VIDEO CHESS II !!!


Edited by Astharot
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printf(" %c",N&8&&(N+=7)?10:n[b[N]&15]); /* print board */


Seriously??? No wonder I can't stomach C :twisted: I guess this type of code separates the professionals from the hobbyists ;)


No, that code was written to be clever, that's all. Anyone writing professional code like that won't last long in group projects - it's completely illegible. Not only that, but because of the N+=7, but also uses N in the same statement, it's not guaranteed to produce the same code on all compilers (it is legal for the compiler to do that first (because of the parenthesis) or at the end of the entire statement. On top of that, the precendence of the operators & and && is often confused by people (bitwise is higher), making this statement very confusing.


It would be more clear (and take the same amount of compiled code -- possibly more if the optimizer makes more sense of it), to break it up as so (if /I/ read it right!!):


register int out = n[b[N]&15];  // could be optimized in a register if available
if (N& {
 if (N) {
 } else {
   out=n[b[N]&15];  // N changed, so do it again
printf(" %c", out); 


The difference being, more comments are warranted ;)


It seems like all its doing there is deciding whether to print a board cell, or a line feed (10), so I'd probably just write the loop differently for readability. This one, of course, was an example in small source code size.

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  • 5 months later...

Update time!


It's about six months later than promised, but I haven't given up yet.


Most of that time has been putting in a ton of hours at work and beating on the GCC code to get byte operations working properly. What's in this release is the fourth or fifth overhaul of the port. In the end I had to rewrite core bits of how GCC relates byte and word quantities. I've kept those changes to a minimum, so ports to later versions should still work.


Here's what got changed in this patch:



Add optimization to remove redundant moves in int-to-char casts

Remove invalid CB compare immediate mode.

Add optimizations for byte immediate comparison

Added optimizations for shift and cast forms like (byte)X=(int)X>>N

Remove invalid compare immediate with memory

Improved support for subtract immediate

Fixed bug causing gibberish in assembly output

GCC now recognizes that bit shift operations set the comparison flags

Fixed bug causing bytewise AND to operate on the wrong byte

Add optimization for loading byte arrays into memory

Confirmed that variadic functions work properly.

Fixed the subtract instruction to handle constants

Fixed the CI instruction, it was allowing memory operands

Fixed a bug allowing the fake PC register to be used as a real register

Encourage memory-to-memory copies instead of mem-reg-mem copies

Added optimization to eliminate INV-INV-SZC sequences

Modify GCC's register allocation engine to handle TMS9900 byte values

Remove the 32 fake 8-bit registers. GCC now uses 16 16-bit registers

Modify memory addressing to handle forms like @LABEL+CONSTANT(Rn)

Clean up output assembly by vertically aligning operands

Clean up output by combining constant expressions

Optimize left shift byte quantities

Fixed a bug where SZC used the wrong register

Removed C instruction for "+=4" forms, AI is twice as fast

Added 32-bit negate

Fixed 32-bit subtract

Fixed a bug causing MUL to use the wrong register

Fixed a bug allowing shifts to use shift counts in the wrong register

Confirmed that inline assembly works correctly

Added optimization to convert "ANDI Rn, >00FF" to "SB Rn,Rn"

Optimize compare-with-zero instructions by using a temp register

Fixed a bug allowing *Rn and *Rn+ memory modes to be confused

Removed most warnings from the build process



There were also changes made to binutils, I hope this will be the last update for this.



More meaningful error messages from the assembler

DATA and BYTE constructs with no value did not allocate space

Fix core dump in tms9900-objdump during disassembly



The ELF conversion utility was also updated to allow crt0 to properly set memory before the C code executes. If it finds a "_init_data" label in the ELF file, it will fill out a record with all the information crt0 needs to do the initialization.


In light of all these changes, I've made a new "hello world" program with lots of comments, a Makefile and all supporting files. I've also included the compiled .o, .elf, and converted cart image. In addition, there's also a hello.s file which is the assembly output from the compiler.


I'm not sure if I mentioned this earlier, but the tms9900-as assembler will accept TI-syntax assembly files, but there are a number of additions:



Added "or", "orb" aliases for "soc" and "socb" (that's been a gotcha for a several people here)

Added "textz" directive - This appends a zero byte to the data.

"textz '1234'" is equivalent to "byte >31, >32, >33, >34, 0"

Added "ntext" directive - This prepends the byte count to the data.

"ntext '1234'" is equivalent to "byte 4, >31, >32, >33, >34"

Added "string" variants to all "text" directives

No length limit for label names

No limitation for constant calculations, all operations are allowed (xor, and, or, shifts, etc.)



It think thats about enough for now


I believe this is the biggest jump in usefulness yet. I've gone through and tested every instruction, and written several tests programs which did semi-interesting things from the compiler's point of view. They were, however, exceptionally dull from a user's point of view. For all the blow-by-blow details, check out my blog.


As a final test of the byte handling code, I built that chess program posted back in December. No problems were seen and no hinky-looking code was generated. In addition, it was about 5% smaller.


The build instructions are listed in post #43, and haven't changed since.


So, let me know what you think,





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Very very cool stuff. I remember when the SAMS came out and many were wondering if a 10Meg verion of the AMS was possible.


My Intel MacPro has 6Gig of RAM now so Classic99 using 100Meg would not be even a dent in that memory.



Would be so cool to have a 100Meg SAMS so we could finally run a little more current C pograms. Then we could at least take a stab at that chess program.

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Fastastic! I saw your update on your blog before I got here. I will definately try to play with this sometime this week. Thanks for your effort!


RXB: I've thought about the expanded AMS concepts (Thierry posted a nice 16MB schematic), but I've decided that Classic99 probably will not support larger memory expansions than 1MB, or other paging systems. At least till there's a notable body of software that uses it. ;)


AMS itself I kind of like, and hope to do something with. But projects are all behind.

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So, let me know what you think.


I tried all day to compile this GCC stuff under Windows.


At first, I tried with "mingw". I had to download and compile "gmp" and "mpfr". Stopped with some "gmp.h" error. I arrived here GCC Specs. Lots of trouble, "patch -p1 < gcc-4.4.0-tms9900-1.3.patch" didn't work really good.


Then, I tried with Cygwin. "patch -p1 < gcc-4.4.0-tms9900-1.3.patch" worked perfectly. Here's the output of "make all-gcc" or "make install", I don't remember. "./configure --prefix gcc --target=tms9900 --enable-languages=c" was not so bad, I think.



       gcc  -g -O2 -DIN_GCC -DCROSS_DIRECTORY_STRUCTURE  -W -Wall -Wwrite-strin
gs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual -Wold-style-definition -
Wc++-compat -Wmissing-format-attribute -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wno-variadic-ma
cros -Wno-overlength-strings   -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.././gcc -I../.././g
cc/. -I../.././gcc/../include -I../.././gcc/../libcpp/include  -I../.././gcc/../
libdecnumber -I../.././gcc/../libdecnumber/dpd -I../libdecnumber    \
/\" -DTOOLDIR_BASE_PREFIX=\"../../../../\"  `test "X${SHLIB_LINK}" = "X" || test
"yes" != "yes" || echo "-DENABLE_SHARED_LIBGCC"` \
 -c ../.././gcc/gccspec.c -o gccspec.o)
gcc  -g -O2 -DIN_GCC -DCROSS_DIRECTORY_STRUCTURE  -W -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wstr
ict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual -Wold-style-definition -Wc++-com
pat -Wmissing-format-attribute -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wno-variadic-macros -Wn
o-overlength-strings   -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -Wl,--stack,8388608 -o xgcc.exe gcc.o opt
s-common.o gcc-options.o gccspec.o \
         intl.o prefix.o version.o  ../libcpp/libcpp.a -lintl  ../libiberty/lib
iberty.a ../libdecnumber/libdecnumber.a
cp xgcc.exe gcc-cross.exe
gcc -c  -g -O2 -DIN_GCC -DCROSS_DIRECTORY_STRUCTURE  -W -Wall -Wwrite-strings -W
strict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual -Wold-style-definition -Wc++-
compat -Wmissing-format-attribute -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wno-variadic-macros
-Wno-overlength-strings   -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.././gcc -I../.././gcc/.
-I../.././gcc/../include -I../.././gcc/../libcpp/include  -I../.././gcc/../libde
cnumber -I../.././gcc/../libdecnumber/dpd -I../libdecnumber    ../.././gcc/cppsp
ec.c -o cppspec.o
gcc  -g -O2 -DIN_GCC -DCROSS_DIRECTORY_STRUCTURE  -W -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wstr
ict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual -Wold-style-definition -Wc++-com
pat -Wmissing-format-attribute -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wno-variadic-macros -Wn
o-overlength-strings   -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -Wl,--stack,8388608 -o cpp.exe gcc.o opts
-common.o gcc-options.o cppspec.o \
         intl.o prefix.o version.o  ../libcpp/libcpp.a -lintl  ../libiberty/lib
iberty.a ../libdecnumber/libdecnumber.a
/home/-/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-cygwin/gcc/xgcc -B/home/-/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-
cygwin/gcc/ -B/gcc/tms9900/bin/ -B/gcc/tms9900/lib/ -isystem /gcc/tms9900/includ
e -isystem /gcc/tms9900/sys-include -dumpspecs > tmp-specs
mv tmp-specs specs
: > tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIB1ASMFUNCS = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIB1ASMSRC = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIB2FUNCS_ST = '_eprintf __gcc_bcmp' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIB2FUNCS_EXCLUDE = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIBGCOV = '_gcov _gcov_merge_add _gcov_merge_single _gcov_merge_delta _gcov
_fork _gcov_execl _gcov_execlp _gcov_execle _gcov_execv _gcov_execvp _gcov_execv
e _gcov_interval_profiler _gcov_pow2_profiler _gcov_one_value_profiler _gcov_ind
irect_call_profiler _gcov_average_profiler _gcov_ior_profiler _gcov_merge_ior' >
> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIB2ADD = ' ' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIB2ADD_ST = ' ' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIB2ADDEH = '$(gcc_srcdir)/unwind-dw2.c $(gcc_srcdir)/unwind-dw2-fde.c $(gc
c_srcdir)/unwind-sjlj.c $(gcc_srcdir)/gthr-gnat.c $(gcc_srcdir)/unwind-c.c $(gcc
_srcdir)/emutls.c ' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIB2ADDEHSTATIC = '$(gcc_srcdir)/unwind-dw2.c $(gcc_srcdir)/unwind-dw2-fde.
c $(gcc_srcdir)/unwind-sjlj.c $(gcc_srcdir)/gthr-gnat.c $(gcc_srcdir)/unwind-c.c
$(gcc_srcdir)/emutls.c ' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIB2ADDEHSHARED = '$(gcc_srcdir)/unwind-dw2.c $(gcc_srcdir)/unwind-dw2-fde.
c $(gcc_srcdir)/unwind-sjlj.c $(gcc_srcdir)/gthr-gnat.c $(gcc_srcdir)/unwind-c.c
$(gcc_srcdir)/emutls.c ' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIB2_SIDITI_CONV_FUNCS = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIBUNWIND = ' ' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo SHLIBUNWIND_LINK = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo SHLIBUNWIND_INSTALL = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo FPBIT = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo FPBIT_FUNCS = '_pack_sf _unpack_sf _addsub_sf _mul_sf _div_sf _fpcmp_parts_
sf _compare_sf _eq_sf _ne_sf _gt_sf _ge_sf _lt_sf _le_sf _unord_sf _si_to_sf _sf
_to_si _negate_sf _make_sf _sf_to_df _sf_to_tf _thenan_sf _sf_to_usi _usi_to_sf'
>> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIB2_DIVMOD_FUNCS = '_divdi3 _moddi3 _udivdi3 _umoddi3 _udiv_w_sdiv _udivmo
ddi4' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo DPBIT = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo DPBIT_FUNCS = '_pack_df _unpack_df _addsub_df _mul_df _div_df _fpcmp_parts_
df _compare_df _eq_df _ne_df _gt_df _ge_df _lt_df _le_df _unord_df _si_to_df _df
_to_si _negate_df _make_df _df_to_sf _df_to_tf _thenan_df _df_to_usi _usi_to_df'
>> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo TPBIT = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo TPBIT_FUNCS = '_pack_tf _unpack_tf _addsub_tf _mul_tf _div_tf _fpcmp_parts_
tf _compare_tf _eq_tf _ne_tf _gt_tf _ge_tf _lt_tf _le_tf _unord_tf _si_to_tf _tf
_to_si _negate_tf _make_tf _tf_to_df _tf_to_sf _thenan_tf _tf_to_usi _usi_to_tf'
>> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo DFP_ENABLE = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo DFP_CFLAGS='' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo D32PBIT='' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo D32PBIT_FUNCS='_addsub_sd _div_sd _mul_sd _plus_sd _minus_sd _eq_sd _ne_sd
_lt_sd _gt_sd _le_sd _ge_sd _sd_to_si _sd_to_di _sd_to_usi _sd_to_udi _si_to_sd
_di_to_sd _usi_to_sd _udi_to_sd _sd_to_sf _sd_to_df _sd_to_xf _sd_to_tf _sf_to_s
d _df_to_sd _xf_to_sd _tf_to_sd _sd_to_dd _sd_to_td _unord_sd _conv_sd' >> tmp-l
echo D64PBIT='' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo D64PBIT_FUNCS='_addsub_dd _div_dd _mul_dd _plus_dd _minus_dd _eq_dd _ne_dd
_lt_dd _gt_dd _le_dd _ge_dd _dd_to_si _dd_to_di _dd_to_usi _dd_to_udi _si_to_dd
_di_to_dd _usi_to_dd _udi_to_dd _dd_to_sf _dd_to_df _dd_to_xf _dd_to_tf _sf_to_d
d _df_to_dd _xf_to_dd _tf_to_dd _dd_to_sd _dd_to_td _unord_dd _conv_dd' >> tmp-l
echo D128PBIT='' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo D128PBIT_FUNCS='_addsub_td _div_td _mul_td _plus_td _minus_td _eq_td _ne_td
_lt_td _gt_td _le_td _ge_td _td_to_si _td_to_di _td_to_usi _td_to_udi _si_to_td
_di_to_td _usi_to_td _udi_to_td _td_to_sf _td_to_df _td_to_xf _td_to_tf _sf_to_
td _df_to_td _xf_to_td _tf_to_td _td_to_sd _td_to_dd _unord_td _conv_td' >> tmp-
echo GCC_EXTRA_PARTS = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo SHLIB_LINK = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo SHLIB_INSTALL = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo SHLIB_EXT = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo SHLIB_MKMAP = ' ' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo SHLIB_MKMAP_OPTS = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo SHLIB_MAPFILES = ' ' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo SHLIB_NM_FLAGS = '-pg' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
l -Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual -Wold-sty
le-definition  -isystem ./include   -g  -DIN_LIBGCC2 -D__GCC_FLOAT_NOT_NEEDED -D
inhibit_libc' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIBGCC_SYNC = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo LIBGCC_SYNC_CFLAGS = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
l -Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual -Wold-sty
le-definition  -isystem ./include  -I. -I. -I../.././gcc -I../.././gcc/. -I../..
/./gcc/../include -I../.././gcc/../libcpp/include  -I../.././gcc/../libdecnumber
-I../.././gcc/../libdecnumber/dpd -I../libdecnumber    -g0 -finhibit-size-direc
tive -fno-inline-functions -fno-exceptions -fno-zero-initialized-in-bss -fno-top
level-reorder -fno-tree-vectorize -Dinhibit_libc' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo CRTSTUFF_T_CFLAGS = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
echo CRTSTUFF_T_CFLAGS_S = '' >> tmp-libgcc.mvars
mv tmp-libgcc.mvars libgcc.mvars
echo | /home/-/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-cygwin/gcc/xgcc -B/home/-/gcc-4.4.0/host-i
686-pc-cygwin/gcc/ -B/gcc/tms9900/bin/ -B/gcc/tms9900/lib/ -isystem /gcc/tms9900
/include -isystem /gcc/tms9900/sys-include -E -dM - | \
         sed -n -e 's/^#define \([^_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\).*/\1/p' \
                -e 's/^#define \(_[^_A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\).*/\1/p' | \
         sort -u > tmp-macro_list
/bin/sh ../.././gcc/../move-if-change tmp-macro_list macro_list
echo timestamp > s-macro_list
if /home/-/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-cygwin/gcc/xgcc -B/home/-/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-
pc-cygwin/gcc/ -B/gcc/tms9900/bin/ -B/gcc/tms9900/lib/ -isystem /gcc/tms9900/inc
lude -isystem /gcc/tms9900/sys-include -print-sysroot-headers-suffix > /dev/null
2>&1; then \
         set -e; for ml in `/home/-/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-cygwin/gcc/xgcc -B/h
ome/-/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-cygwin/gcc/ -B/gcc/tms9900/bin/ -B/gcc/tms9900/lib/
-isystem /gcc/tms9900/include -isystem /gcc/tms9900/sys-include -print-multi-li
b`; do \
           multi_dir=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/;.*$//'`; \
           flags=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/^[^;]*;//' -e 's/@/ -/g'`; \
           sfx=`/home/-/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-cygwin/gcc/xgcc -B/home/-/gcc-4.
4.0/host-i686-pc-cygwin/gcc/ -B/gcc/tms9900/bin/ -B/gcc/tms9900/lib/ -isystem /g
cc/tms9900/include -isystem /gcc/tms9900/sys-include ${flags} -print-sysroot-hea
ders-suffix`; \
           if [ "${multi_dir}" = "." ]; \
             then multi_dir=""; \
           else \
             multi_dir=/${multi_dir}; \
           fi; \
           echo "${sfx};${multi_dir}"; \
         done; \
       else \
         echo ";"; \
       fi > tmp-fixinc_list
/bin/sh ../.././gcc/../move-if-change tmp-fixinc_list fixinc_list
echo timestamp > s-fixinc_list
rm -rf include-fixed; mkdir include-fixed
chmod a+rx include-fixed
if [ -d ../prev-gcc ]; then \
         cd ../prev-gcc && \
         make real-install-headers-tar DESTDIR=`pwd`/../gcc/ \
           libsubdir=. ; \
       else \
         set -e; for ml in `cat fixinc_list`; do \
           sysroot_headers_suffix=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/;.*$//'`; \
           multi_dir=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/^[^;]*;//'`; \
           fix_dir=include-fixed${multi_dir}; \
           if ! true && test ! -d `echo /gcc/lib/gcc/tms9900/4.4.0/../../../../
tms9900/sys-include | sed -e :a -e 's,[^/]*/\.\.\/,,' -e ta`; then \
             echo The directory that should contain system headers does not exi
st: >&2 ; \
             echo "  `echo /gcc/lib/gcc/tms9900/4.4.0/../../../../tms9900/sys-i
nclude | sed -e :a -e 's,[^/]*/\.\.\/,,' -e ta`" >&2 ; \
             tooldir_sysinc=`echo "/gcc/lib/gcc/tms9900/4.4.0/../../../../tms99
00/sys-include" | sed -e :a -e "s,[^/]*/\.\.\/,," -e ta`; \
             if test "x`echo /gcc/lib/gcc/tms9900/4.4.0/../../../../tms9900/sys
-include | sed -e :a -e 's,[^/]*/\.\.\/,,' -e ta`" = "x${tooldir_sysinc}"; \
             then sleep 1; else exit 1; fi; \
           fi; \
           /bin/sh ../.././gcc/../mkinstalldirs ${fix_dir}; \
           chmod a+rx ${fix_dir} || true; \
           (TARGET_MACHINE='tms9900-unknown-none'; srcdir=`cd ../.././gcc; ${PW
DCMD-pwd}`; \
             SHELL='/bin/sh'; MACRO_LIST=`${PWDCMD-pwd}`/macro_list ; \
             export TARGET_MACHINE srcdir SHELL MACRO_LIST && \
             cd ../../build-i686-pc-cygwin/fixincludes && \
             /bin/sh ./fixinc.sh ../../gcc/${fix_dir} \
               `echo /gcc/lib/gcc/tms9900/4.4.0/../../../../tms9900/sys-include
| sed -e :a -e 's,[^/]*/\.\.\/,,' -e ta`  ); \
           rm -f ${fix_dir}/syslimits.h; \
           if [ -f ${fix_dir}/limits.h ]; then \
             mv ${fix_dir}/limits.h ${fix_dir}/syslimits.h; \
           else \
             cp ../.././gcc/gsyslimits.h ${fix_dir}/syslimits.h; \
           fi; \
           chmod a+r ${fix_dir}/syslimits.h; \
         done; \
Fixing headers into /home/-/gcc-4.4.0/gcc/include-fixed for tms9900-unknown-none
Forbidden identifiers: tms9900
echo timestamp > stmp-fixinc
if [ -d include ] ; then true; else mkdir include; chmod a+rx include; fi
if [ -d include-fixed ] ; then true; else mkdir include-fixed; chmod a+rx includ
e-fixed; fi
for file in .. ../.././gcc/ginclude/float.h ../.././gcc/ginclude/iso646.h ../../
./gcc/ginclude/stdarg.h ../.././gcc/ginclude/stdbool.h ../.././gcc/ginclude/stdd
ef.h ../.././gcc/ginclude/varargs.h ../.././gcc/ginclude/stdfix.h ../.././gcc/gi
nclude/tgmath.h; do \
         if [ X$file != X.. ]; then \
           realfile=`echo $file | sed -e 's|.*/\([^/]*\)$|\1|'`; \
           echo timestamp > include/$realfile; \
           rm -f include/$realfile; \
           cp $file include; \
           chmod a+r include/$realfile; \
         fi; \
rm -f include/unwind.h
cp ../.././gcc/unwind-generic.h include/unwind.h
set -e; for ml in `cat fixinc_list`; do \
         sysroot_headers_suffix=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/;.*$//'`; \
         multi_dir=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/^[^;]*;//'`; \
         fix_dir=include-fixed${multi_dir}; \
         if [ -f `echo /gcc/lib/gcc/tms9900/4.4.0/../../../../tms9900/sys-inclu
de | sed -e :a -e 's,[^/]*/\.\.\/,,' -e ta`/limits.h ] ; then \
           cat ../.././gcc/limitx.h ../.././gcc/glimits.h ../.././gcc/limity.h
> tmp-xlimits.h; \
         else \
           cat ../.././gcc/glimits.h > tmp-xlimits.h; \
         fi; \
         /bin/sh ../.././gcc/../mkinstalldirs ${fix_dir}; \
         chmod a+rx ${fix_dir} || true; \
         rm -f ${fix_dir}/limits.h; \
         mv tmp-xlimits.h ${fix_dir}/limits.h; \
         chmod a+r ${fix_dir}/limits.h; \
rm -f include-fixed/README
cp ../.././gcc/../fixincludes/README-fixinc include-fixed/README
chmod a+r include-fixed/README
echo timestamp > stmp-int-hdrs
       HEADERS="auto-host.h ansidecl.h" DEFINES="USED_FOR_TARGET " \
       /bin/sh ../.././gcc/mkconfig.sh tconfig.h
(echo "@set version-GCC 4.4.0"; \
        if [ "" = "experimental" ]; \
        then echo "@set DEVELOPMENT"; \
        else echo "@clear DEVELOPMENT"; \
        fi) > gcc-vers.texiT
echo @set srcdir /home/-/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-cygwin/gcc/../.././gcc >> gcc-ve
if [ -n "(GCC) " ]; then \
         echo "@set VERSION_PACKAGE (GCC) " >> gcc-vers.texiT; \
echo "@set BUGURL @uref{http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html}" >> gcc-vers.texiT; \
       mv -f gcc-vers.texiT gcc-vers.texi
if [ xinfo = xinfo ]; then \
               makeinfo --split-size=5000000 --no-split -I . -I ../.././gcc/doc
                       -I ../.././gcc/doc/include -o doc/cpp.info ../.././gcc/d
oc/cpp.texi; \
if [ xinfo = xinfo ]; then \
               makeinfo --split-size=5000000 --no-split -I . -I ../.././gcc/doc
                       -I ../.././gcc/doc/include -o doc/gcc.info ../.././gcc/d
oc/gcc.texi; \
if [ xinfo = xinfo ]; then \
               makeinfo --split-size=5000000 --no-split -I . -I ../.././gcc/doc
                       -I ../.././gcc/doc/include -o doc/gccint.info ../.././gc
c/doc/gccint.texi; \
if [ xinfo = xinfo ]; then \
               makeinfo --split-size=5000000 --no-split -I ../.././gcc/doc \
                       -I ../.././gcc/doc/include -o doc/gccinstall.info ../../
./gcc/doc/install.texi; \
if [ xinfo = xinfo ]; then \
               makeinfo --split-size=5000000 --no-split -I . -I ../.././gcc/doc
                       -I ../.././gcc/doc/include -o doc/cppinternals.info ../.
././gcc/doc/cppinternals.texi; \
echo timestamp > gpl.pod
perl ../.././gcc/../contrib/texi2pod.pl ../.././gcc/doc/include/gpl_v3.texi > gp
echo timestamp > doc/gpl.7
(pod2man --center="GNU" --release="gcc-4.4.0" --section=7 gpl.pod > doc/gpl.7.T$
$ && \
               mv -f doc/gpl.7.T$$ doc/gpl.7) || \
               (rm -f doc/gpl.7.T$$ && exit 1)
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/-/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-cygwin/gcc'

-@aspire ~/gcc-4.4.0


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I use Linux for all my development and testing, and I don't have Cygwin installed on my Windows box, but I'll see what I can do for you right now.


From your logs, it looks like you are building from:



Seems an odd location..


I also see lines referencing /home/-/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-cygwin/gcc/xgcc, which seems like you are using user "-", which doesn't seem right either. These things might be messing up the build or install process if you don't have write or execute permissions in these directories for some reason.


But it looks like GCC was built properly, and the GCC docs we built as well. You can confirm that by looking for a file named cc1 at:




You can check to see that it works by going to that directory and doing this:


$ echo "void test() {}" > test.c
$ ./cc1 test.c
Analyzing compilation unit
Performing interprocedural optimizations
<visibility> <early_local_cleanups> <summary generate> <inline>Assembling functions:
Execution times (seconds)
parser                :   0.00 ( 0%) usr   0.00 ( 0%) sys   0.01 (100%) wall      34 kB ( 7%) ggc
TOTAL                 :   0.00             0.00             0.01                498 kB
$cat test.s 

       def     test
       ai   r10, >0
       mov  r10, r8
       b    *r11


If cc1 is working, you may be having an installation problem, I'd recommend running "make distclean" and re-running the build process again (configure, make-all, make install)


If it helps, I've included a copy of the output on my machine for these steps. For these logs, I've followed the directions posted above in a new directory. I'm using /home/eric/dev/tios/toolchain/WORKSPACE/temp/gcc-4.4.0 for my build location, and the /home/eric/dev/tios/toolchain/WORKSPACE/temp/bin for my install location.


If you're still having problems, make similar copies of your output for these steps and send it my way.




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Oops, cc1 was generated in /home/-/gcc-4.4.0/host-i686-pc-cygwin/gcc (yes, "-" is my user name :D ). I didn't look there.


I tried "cc1 test.c" and it works.


The output that I posted was for "make all-gcc". I was waiting for something like "compilation OK" or some output in the "/gcc" directory (the install location).


I just tried "make install", and it worked. Now, I have "tms9900-cpp.exe", "tms9900-gcc-4.4.0.exe", "tms9900-gcc.exe" and "tms9900-gcov.exe" in "/gcc/bin".


Looks good enough for today, thanks. (It's 3AM here)

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OK, now I have this problem when I compile the "hello world" exemple:



It uses "as" and not "tms9900-as" to assemble the temporary "main.s" file. I replaced "as" in "/bin" with "tms9900-as" and it worked!


Here are the log files from building GCC:





I installed Cygwin with these options:

Devel / gcc-core

Devel / libiconv

Devel / make

Devel / patchutils

Libs / libgmp-devel

Libs / libmpfr-devel

Interpreters / m4

Edited by lucien2
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Sorry, but I already found a bug in the code generation.


With this main.c:

#define VDP_READ_DATA_REG	(*(volatile char*)0x8800)
#define VDP_WRITE_DATA_REG	(*(volatile char*)0x8C00)
#define VDP_ADDRESS_REG		(*(volatile char*)0x8C02)
#define VDP_READ_FLAG		0x00
#define VDP_WRITE_FLAG		0x40
#define VDP_REG_FLAG		0x80

void main() {


With "cc1 main.c", it sets VDP register 7 to 0x0D


def	main
ai   r10, >0
mov  r10, r8
li   r1, >8C02
li   r2, >D00
movb r2, *r1
li   r1, >8C02
li   r2, >8700
movb r2, *r1
b    *r11


but with "cc1 -O2 main.c", it sets VDP register 7 to 0xFF...


def	main
li   r1, >8C02
li   r2, >FF87
movb r2, *r1
swpb r2
movb r2, *r1
b    *r11

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Thanks for the bug report, and keep 'em coming.


It is embarrassing have my mistakes up where everyone can see them, but each bug found and fixed makes for a more capable tool for everyone. So again, thanks.


I made an optimization pattern to convert a sequence like:

li   r2, >AA00
movb r2, *r1
li   r2, >BB00
movb r2, *r1


to one like this:

li   r1, >AABB
movb r2, *r1
swpb r2
movb r2, *r1


but I forgot to mask off the sign-extended bits of the constant in the lower byte. As a result, when the two values are ORed together, the byte stored in the upper byte is lost.

>FFBB | >AA00 = >FFBB


He also found another problem using -O0, which I don't usually use. The register I chose for the frame pointer, R8, is volatile. That means that it can be destroyed over a function call. The frame pointer is used as the base to locate local variables which live on the stack. If this is destroyed after a function call, the code following that call can behave unpredictably.


This was just a dumb mistake. In order to preserve the ABI interface, I've moved the frame pointer to R9, which is preserved across function calls. The resulting code looks much safer now.


I'll include these fixes in the next patch, but for the impatient here's how to fix these problems now:


Change gcc-4.4.0/gcc/config/tms9900.md, line 2423 (near "*movhi_combine_consts") to look like this:


   operands[1] = GEN_INT(((INTVAL(operands[1]) & 0xFF) <<  |
                          (INTVAL(operands[3]) & 0xFF));


Change gcc-4.4.0/gcc/config/tms9900.h, line 517 to look like this:




And gcc-4.4.0/gcc/config/tms9900.h, line 523 to look like this:




By the way, I think there's a problem where the stack frame is improperly sized when using -O0. This seems to be the result of the order of operations in GCC. The size of the frame is not yet known when the code to build the function prologue is called. That's on my todo list.

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Thanks for the bug report, and keep 'em coming.


Here's one :)


int i;

void main() {




def	main
mov  @i, r1
li   r3, >1234
mpy  r1, r1         // must be mpy r3,r1
mov  r2, @i
b    *r11
def i
bss 2


O0 crash:

$ cc1 -O0 main.c
Analyzing compilation unit
Performing interprocedural optimizations
<visibility> <early_local_cleanups> <summary generate> <inline>Assembling funct
main.c: In function 'main':
main.c:5: internal compiler error: in refers_to_regno_for_reload_p, at reload.c:
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See <http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html> for instructions.

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