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Uppa Creek!


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Uppa Creek! by TheLoon from Lakavision Limited


You're up a creek - thank goodness you've got your trusty paddle! Steer clear of logs, lemon sharks and broken branches! Bonus points are awarded for catching the golden paddle. Take too much damage and it's a watery grave for you..


Sorry for the lack of screenshots :P



* Sometimes sprites goof up if too close to the edges.

* Still messy coding. Getting a tad better though.

yuppicide: Enemies can push you down out of screen for near invincibility



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Here are some screenshots:

post-9364-127816634786_thumb.png post-9364-127816637035_thumb.png post-9364-127816639301_thumb.png


Not including them in your post is a good way to get a paddle used on you by other members. ;)

Feel free to edit your first post and add these if you want.


Nice game. Keep up the good work.

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Next game gets screenshots before post. Thanks for the feedback and gentle hint :)


I tried a few new things with this game. The log flips itself around every frame and mostly overlaps - leaving a little flicker around the edges to simulate a different color using the TV phosphor effect.


I haven't seen this documented but when the playfield is symmetrical and you use pfscroll left or right it creates the water parting effect. I never made a call to make the playfield symmetrical and the title screen seems alright. Somehow in-game the playfield reverts to symmetrical. I had to work around this in the end game screen by keeping "THE END" and the hand on separate sides as the right half of the playfield gets reversed.


High score so far is 5000 something. Still don't have the chops to store and compare the score yet. Comparing the score is documented but I'm not sure about storing it to another variable (or variables).

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Just let the log push you off the screen and you can sit there forever. :) Bug!


Hey! Any bug you don't plan on dealing with is a feature! It's, ehh, my PAUSE feature! Yeeeeah.. No START button on an 2600 so I had to do something *cough*


Sigh.. added to the known issues list. Thanks :)


As a side during development I tried using a constant called "coin" and compiling barfed. Changed that sucker to "bonus" and all was good. I never got a reply from beoran about his experiences with constants bugs in Ature. He actually resorted to using a C preprocessor apparently.

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As a side during development I tried using a constant called "coin" and compiling barfed. Changed that sucker to "bonus" and all was good. I never got a reply from beoran about his experiences with constants bugs in Ature. He actually resorted to using a C preprocessor apparently.


Yes, I experienced similar problems with constants. I'm using Linux, and I know my C, so I'm comfortable in suing the C preprocessor on non C programs to simulate constants. Tell me if you need some help there.


Kind Regards,


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