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May I add one thing that I found surprisingly GOOD with Windows 10? It is the Win-X menu.


It may have been there for some longer time, but I never heard about it until now, and when I tried it, it was as if someone said, sure we did not forget you, but we couldn't say it too loud that there is a pro menu, or the people would start to do silly things with it. An honest thumbs up from a Linux advocate. :)

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OMG in an attempt to get Classic99 to work I just created a NEW LOGIN just for Classic99 on my Windows 10 and guess what happens:


Downloaded a brand new copy of Classic99 and put it in Documents folder did nothing else but started Classic99 and wrote a single line in RXB


typed: SAVE "DSK3.TEST"

typed CALL CAT(3) and it showed the XB program there.



I/0 ERROR 73


RXB can not DELETE A XB PROGRAM? All the DSK# are all READ ONLY and I can not do anything ????

What is going on with Windows 10 and Classic99?


P.S. TI99DIR will delete those files????

Edited by RXB
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OMG in an attempt to get Classic99 to work I just created a NEW LOGIN just for Classic99 on my Windows 10 and guess what happens:


Downloaded a brand new copy of Classic99 and put it in Documents folder did nothing else but started Classic99 and wrote a single line in RXB


typed: SAVE "DSK3.TEST"

typed CALL CAT(3) and it showed the XB program there.



I/0 ERROR 73


RXB can not DELETE A XB PROGRAM? All the DSK# are all READ ONLY and I can not do anything ????

What is going on with Windows 10 and Classic99?


P.S. TI99DIR will delete those files????

Using that same profile, disable indexing. See if that fixes your issue.


Also, disable the Windows preview pane.

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The enlightened path is beckoning....


I thought we ended the computer/OS/console wars when we grew up? ;)


I've been using Linux professionally for 21 years now, so if I may snark back (in all love, cause you're awesome), "enlighten this!" ;)


I just don't like it as a development platform.. I much prefer the tools available for in Windows. I'll do it at work where I have to, but for fun I like lighter systems. Or old school, where the tools suck AND the system is small enough to work it out anyway. ;)

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OMG in an attempt to get Classic99 to work I just created a NEW LOGIN just for Classic99 on my Windows 10 and guess what happens:


Downloaded a brand new copy of Classic99 and put it in Documents folder did nothing else but started Classic99 and wrote a single line in RXB


typed: SAVE "DSK3.TEST"

typed CALL CAT(3) and it showed the XB program there.



I/0 ERROR 73


RXB can not DELETE A XB PROGRAM? All the DSK# are all READ ONLY and I can not do anything ????

What is going on with Windows 10 and Classic99?


P.S. TI99DIR will delete those files????


If you are using FIAD, Classic99 does not support the DELETE opcode. My stance is that file management is the host system's job, not the emulator's.


If you are using a disk image, Classic99's default support still doesn't support disk writes. (I guess I should just do that.)




Wasn´t there something with "Type=3" for the wanted DSK#, to have write access ?

In the classic.ini


Please do not select "type 3" without knowing what you are doing and why, you can seriously corrupt your disk images. It only works for DSK1-3 and 180k max (the TI disk controller limitations.) It's a hack that patches in the TI disk controller ROM for testing against hardware layout.

Edited by Tursi
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I thought we ended the computer/OS/console wars when we grew up? ;)


I've been using Linux professionally for 21 years now, so if I may snark back (in all love, cause you're awesome), "enlighten this!" ;)


I just don't like it as a development platform.. I much prefer the tools available for in Windows. I'll do it at work where I have to, but for fun I like lighter systems. Or old school, where the tools suck AND the system is small enough to work it out anyway. ;)

Good heavens, no snark intended. 'Twas an effort to be humorous - if I failed...Well, there's a reason I'm not a stand up comedian! I will say that I've been spared the frustration you and Rich have experienced due to the change to Windows 8 and 10. (If I was on the Ubuntu bandwagon 5 or 6 years ago, then I'd have been gnashing my teeth over the change to the Unity desktop.)

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Good heavens, no snark intended. 'Twas an effort to be humorous - if I failed...Well, there's a reason I'm not a stand up comedian! I will say that I've been spared the frustration you and Rich have experienced due to the change to Windows 8 and 10. (If I was on the Ubuntu bandwagon 5 or 6 years ago, then I'd have been gnashing my teeth over the change to the Unity desktop.)


Bah, snark is humor too!! :) (And yeah... I tried Unity for a short bit on one of the images I was deploying ;) ).


8 and 10 were unpleasant upgrades, but they are the first ones for me, and 8 was only deployed on a test machine anyway. 10 actually suits my needs fine on my tablet, I just didn't like it on my development station. Since Windows 3.1 became 95 I've managed to dodge the less useful upgrades and been pretty happy. ;)


Linux as a development platform annoys me mostly because it's a moving target, especially in the kernel. I lost weekends to work because some guy decided to change a kernel interface from open license to GPL, and I couldn't open source the driver because it included code from one of our vendors. Nothing I could do about that, except work the weekends to change the code. I don't like things that cost me time for dumb reasons.


But I'm allowed to like the OS I like... it's kind of annoying to always see the "use the better one instead" type comments. I don't take it personally, but there's an embedded assumption that I don't know better, and trust me, I do. But if you really want to hear me rant, get a beer into me and ask me about OSX. ;)

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If you are using FIAD, Classic99 does not support the DELETE opcode. My stance is that file management is the host system's job, not the emulator's.


If you are using a disk image, Classic99's default support still doesn't support disk writes. (I guess I should just do that.)





Please do not select "type 3" without knowing what you are doing and why, you can seriously corrupt your disk images. It only works for DSK1-3 and 180k max (the TI disk controller limitations.) It's a hack that patches in the TI disk controller ROM for testing against hardware layout.

I never use DISK IMAGE in Classic99, if you have ever watched any of my Youtube video's you know I use TI File created by TI99Dir from Disk Image files from PC99.

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Okay. So at some point Classic99 changed the color values. That threw me for a second. While testing, I get an all white TI screen. - Well, it struck me that it compared a bit odd to the Debugger (and other desktop applications running).

Debugger do say VDP7: >0F. Color inspection says white in Debugger is >FFFFFF, and gray in Debugger is >F0F0F0. And white in TI is >F0F0F0. Oh my.

All TI colors have second nibble at >0. Guess that's for a bit of convenience related to the newer F18A. Now I wonder if F18A actually outputs "dark white" for white, or if there's an exception there (like turning >FFF into >FFFFFF).

Not terribly important, just that white used to be white ...


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What does the debugger say, Rich? Any time you have disk issues, please copy and paste the debug log - it usually states exactly what was tried, instead of the translated TI error.


Sometimes99er - I did change the palette on October 1st. The F18A uses 4 bits per gun, and I just shifted it up.... so, it's true, it would be slightly darker. That's probably incorrect, I should probably stick a >0F in those unused bits. ;)

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When I try to change that option 6, Rich, I don't see any disk activity at all -- is there a key I need to press to make it save the changes?


It saves the values into VDP RAM and does not work?

I put the values in VDP RAM at >0F00


>0F00 DSK#.EDIT1 (Editor path)

>OF28 DSK#.ASSM! (Assembler path)

>0F50 DSK#.SOURCE (Source path)

>0F78 DSK#.OBJECT (Object path)

>0FA0 DSK#.LIST (List path)

>0FC8 L (Assembler Options)


When you put a key like 6 and type LCSFPF or LCS and hit enter it should put the value at >0FC8 in VDP RAM.

Really strange some keys work like 3 works but 4, 5 and 6 do not work?



Setup values:

* Set up configure paths       
       BS    SOLDEA           Yes
       ST    >99,V@>0EFF      No, SET PREVIOUS RUN FLAG
       CLR   V@>0F00      
       MOVE  >FF,V@>0F00,V@>0F01
       MOVE  11,G@C1,V@>0F00  DSK1.EDIT1
       MOVE  11,G@C2,V@>0F28  DSK1.ASSM1
       MOVE  12,G@C3,V@>0F50  DSK1.SOURCE 
       MOVE  12,G@C4,V@>0F78  DSK1.OBJECT
       MOVE  10,G@C5,V@>0FA0  DSK1.LIST
       MOVE  2,G@C6,V@>0FC8   L

Here is main routine:

       CLR   @XTOKEN
       ALL   SPACE
       COL   6
       ST    49,V@65            1
       MOVE  40,V@>0F00,V@67    DSK1.EDIT1
       ST    50,V@161           2
       MOVE  40,V@>0F28,V@163   DSK1.ASSM1
       ST    51,V@257           3
       MOVE  40,V@>0F50,V@259   DSK1.SOURCE
       ST    52,V@353 
       MOVE  40,V@>0F78,V@355   DSK1.OBJECT
       ST    53,V@449           5
       MOVE  40,V@>0FA0,V@451   DSK1.LIST
       ROW   17
       COL   1
       HTEX  '6  OPTIONS:'
       ROW   21
       COL   4
       ROW   23
       COL   4
       MOVE  40,V@>0FC8,V@556   OPTIONS: L
       BR    CONFIH 
       CHE   '7',@KEY        <7?
       BS    CONFIL          Exit out
       CHE   '1',@KEY        1 to 6 only valid
       BR    CLREA           Exit out
       DST   65,@CURADD      Cursor Location 
       CHE   >30,@KEY        KEY>48?
       BR    CONFIH
       SUB   >30,@KEY        KEY-48
       ST    @KEY,@TMP       Save key 0-5
       ST    @KEY,@TMP8      Save key 1-6
       DEC   @TMP            -1
       MUL   96,@TMP         Add 64 Cursor Address
       DADD  @TMP,@CURADD    Cursor address   
       ST    130,V*CURADD    Left Arrow
       DADD  35,@CURADD      Cursor
       DST   @CURADD,@TMP4   Save address 
CONFIJ CALL  GETINP          Get input
       DCZ   @FAC6           Length 0?
       BS    CONFIG
       CHE   39,@FAC         <39?
       BS    CONFIG
       DCLR  @TMP6           Index
CONFIK DADD  40,@TMP6        Index+40 
       DEC   @TMP8           Copy of KEY
       BR    CONFIK
       ST    @FAC7,V@>0ED8(@TMP6)  Length
       MOVE  39,V*TMP4,V@>0ED9(@TMP6) String
       BR    CONFIG
MMMENU ST    >EA,@XTOKEN     Set flag
       BR    MMENU           Exit
* CTRL keys ***************************************
CONFIL CHE   182,@KEY        CTRL 5?
       BS    CONFIG
       CHE   177,@KEY
       BR    CONFIG
       CALL  ACCTON          ACCEPT TONE
       ST    @KEY,@TMP4      SAVE KEY
       SUB   176,@TMP4       CTRL=1 to 5
       DCLR  @ARG
       DST   -25,@TMP        SCREEN ADDRESS
CONFLP DADD  40,@ARG         40*VALUE
       DADD  96,@TMP         96*VALUE 
       DEC   @TMP4
       BR    CONFLP 
       ST    30,@TMP6
       BS    CONDST 
       DDEC  @TMP2           COUNTER-1
       BR    CONDEV
       EX    V*TMP,@TMP6     SWAP
       B     CONDEU
       ST    @KEY,V*TMP      SCREEN ADDRESS #
       ST    @KEY,V*ARG      MEMORY ADDRESS #  
       BR    CONFIG      

Edited by RXB
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Sometimes99er - I did change the palette on October 1st. The F18A uses 4 bits per gun, and I just shifted it up.... so, it's true, it would be slightly darker. That's probably incorrect, I should probably stick a >0F in those unused bits. ;)


To preserve black as >000000 and get white as >FFFFFF, you could simply duplicate the first nibble for each color element (RGB). That "trick" would distribute the intensity of "guns" somewhat evenly. For example, cyan, >40E0F0, would become >44EEFF.



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I dunno.. it works for me. Not that I actually know what 'works' means? Are you using the built-in RXB2015 or your own? Can you just show me a short video of what is not working? I suspect I don't actually know what I'm testing.

Yea using RXB 2015 E you have in Classic99.

So why when I load this into XP on my 300 Mhz IBM PC behind me does the same thing happen?????


Do you have something loaded that i do not? Silver light? Some library I do not have?


Yea I will post a video and get back to you on this.....

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To preserve black as >000000 and get white as >FFFFFF, you could simply duplicate the first nibble for each color element (RGB). That "trick" would distribute the intensity of "guns" somewhat evenly. For example, cyan, >40E0F0, would become >44EEFF.



I like that idea, thanks!

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Well I have no clue why I only have 1 working copy of Classic99 but every so often it will not allow me to write to VDP >0F00 as it should as I showed previously.


I have learned to fix this is shut down Classic99 and start it up and it works fine after that????


Whenever I use Classic99 I have to got to Set up and try to change Option 6 and if it does not work I have to restart Classic99 and it works after that.

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Rich, that is a weird thing. There's no difference in the code between a write to VDP >0F00 and a write to any other VDP address, except the GPU addresses >4000->41FF (and only the GPU can do those).


I'm still not clear what happens when you say it doesn't work... I would appreciate a video of that case. I can change option 6 but I'm just guessing, I've no idea what I should be seeing so I don't know if it's right or wrong.


Also try it under MESS or JS99er (MESS is a better test since it uses a different CPU core).. let's try to narrow down if it's an emulation issue.

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Rich, that is a weird thing. There's no difference in the code between a write to VDP >0F00 and a write to any other VDP address, except the GPU addresses >4000->41FF (and only the GPU can do those).


I'm still not clear what happens when you say it doesn't work... I would appreciate a video of that case. I can change option 6 but I'm just guessing, I've no idea what I should be seeing so I don't know if it's right or wrong.


Also try it under MESS or JS99er (MESS is a better test since it uses a different CPU core).. let's try to narrow down if it's an emulation issue.

I select 4 for REA, go to set up with S, and push 6 for Options, and type in values, nothing happens and nothing changes.

I have the debugger shows I pushed the keys LCSFPF but nothing is written to VDP and it does the same thing for 4, 5 and 6 but 1 to 3 do work fine?


So I shut down Classic99 and restart it then it works fine?

Something is stopping it from writing to VDP in these areas and I have no idea what?

Shutting down and restarting fixes it?


P.S. It also crashes GPL Assembler too. Is Edit Assembler preloaded before I load the GPL Assembler?

It occurred to me that maybe there is a conflict there in VDP?

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The issues you are asking about there sound more like software issues than emulation issues. Classic99 doesn't know what software you are running, it just loads to VDP what the CPU code tells it to. If there's a VDP conflict, it's not related to the emulation.


Again, a video, please. I can press those keys but I don't know what it is SUPPOSED to do, so I can't tell if it's working for me. Show me both working and broken so I have somewhere to start.

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