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Topic for newbies or veterans returning to Atari


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A really dumb question, but I can't seem to find the answer to with Google.


Is an Atari DOS disk required to use the Disk Drive, or is it only needed for certain things? From what I can find, it seems that the DOS files can be written onto a disk. Would that mean most official software on disk would have DOS already written onto it?


A DOS disk (not necessarily Atari DOS) or any disk that has a DOS system written to it is usually needed for any drive functions. Games that boot automatically have the needed boot information written to it already.


I think SpartaDos X is the only DOS that doesn't need a disk to boot and use the drive as it is cartridge based, so you do not need a disk in the drive at boot time.


There are many DOS systems for the Atari, Atari DOS, MyDOS, RealDOS, SpartaDOS, etc.

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Is an Atari DOS disk required to use the Disk Drive, or is it only needed for certain things?


You only need DOS when working with a file system. When working at sector level you don't need it.


it seems that the DOS files can be written onto a disk. Would that mean most official software on disk would have DOS already written onto it?


You can write any file to a disk, so, also DOS files, but you'll have to find a way to tell the Atari what to do with that disk at boot. The fact a DOS file is on it doesn't mean it'll boot it. In DOS 2.x, using option "H" will not only write DOS/DUP to the disk but it also puts info in the boot sector about what to do at boot, which is "load and init DOS.SYS" in this case.


Sparta-Dos is using a different way. It has a "boot" command which can point to any file on a disk. Usually this will be Sparta-Dos itself but you can basically boot any file, within limits, with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

A really dumb question, but I can't seem to find the answer to with Google.


Is an Atari DOS disk required to use the Disk Drive, or is it only needed for certain things? From what I can find, it seems that the DOS files can be written onto a disk. Would that mean most official software on disk would have DOS already written onto it?

sort of... you only need a 'DOS' disk to save load files from basic, format disks, create menu disks etc. Commercial disks including games boot up directly :)



The FAQ should mention the 800 for simmultaneous 4 player action (there is a thread on this) and give the multijoy a plug for the newer kit too. Could also mention 800XL/130XE can play all the Turbo BASIC games :ponder:

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Which models have the best build quality? I like well built, sturdy computers. I consider durable to be whichever one feels better built than the C64. Are the A800XLs reliable?

Kiss of death replying to this one, but here goes... I've been using my 130XE for 25+ years pretty regularly, apart from known keboard problem dealer fixed/replaced in year 2 it's been ok ;)

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  • 3 months later...

Which models have the best build quality? I like well built, sturdy computers. I consider durable to be whichever one feels better built than the C64. Are the A800XLs reliable?

For well built and sturdy you will not be able to beat the 800, unfortunately it will not run later software that requires a 64K or larger XL/XE system. The ability to have 4 players for Mule is in its favor though. There have been discussions about a replacement OS upgrade board which allows the ability to select between 800 mode and XE mode with up to 576K, the design of which is complete and some prototypes built, but which has not been produced. There are also limited upgrades available for this machine.


My next choice would be the 1200XL, followed closely by the 800XL. The quality of the XL circuit boards is superior to those of the XE line, and the XLs can be upgraded with extra memory which was their main disadvantage in comparison to the 130XE.


The quality of the XE lines circuit board is a major disadvantage when installing mods/upgrades, it is much easier to damage when doing so.



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What I miss in this thread is the description of using audio-tape as storage. Ofcourse it is (terrible) slow and not the most reliable, but it is very easy to use.


All games I have on tape, are also available as a file or disk version. But... I personally love my Tape collection and it is a lot of fun booting a tape from time to time.


I think that a lot of newbies need to understand the difference between "CLOAD" and loading a game by holding START (and OPTION) while switching on the Atari.

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Marius, in this thread I don't explain how to use computers or emulators.

Perhaps I should add a little section.


Anyway, I added this:


If you want to use old tapes, you need a program recorder (Atari 410, 1010, XC11, and XC12): to load machine language programs, remember to turn on computer with start and option keys pressed and then press play on program recorder.


I hope it is correct. I loaded my last tape nine years ago!

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  • 1 month later...

The trouble with FAQ's (I've written a few) and pinned subjects is that as much as we would like they rarely get read, peoples eye's see 'pinned' or 'sticky' and instantly their head says boring and they look for the new subjects.


Sadly, they often aren't maintained & aren't as useful as newer topics might be. ONE good solid FAQ for this forum would probably be beneficial, though. I know I'd have at least looked at the initial post in one, if there were one.


My C64 FAQ that I created many years ago for a C64 newsgroup was maintained solidly by me and also by the guy that took it over (I think its still in the wild even now) but we still got the same level of same questions. I'm not against the idea at all, I love it but if anyone is hoping to see less traffic question wise then you may be disappointed.


The problem is information overload. I'm not talking about FAQ's, I'm talking about the average internet site, there is so much info in text and icons and links and on and on that the average person skims quickly and if they don't see what they are looking for it's easier to post and ask. How many people have filled out long online forms and finally hit return, then the site blinks back to the form, telling you that it wasn't completely filled out, you must fill in the highlighted spots? Information overload. I ignore about 50% or more of what's on a web page becuase of all the ads and lists and icons. I think most people are the same. FAQs are great, unless you miss seeing the link to them...

AtariAge is great, but I 99% of the time I go straight to one specific forum and ignore the rest. Why? Information overload. There's too much to take in and no one has the time to go through every forum and read everything. Too many seperate forums to keep track of.

It all comes down to information overload, so people throw up their hands and just post a quizitive thread.

Edited by Gunstar
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  • 4 months later...

If you want to run all existing software you have two solutions:


1 If you have and want a PC always near to your Atari you can

- buy SIO2PC (AtariAge user classics, $60) and use it with APE Windows application (SIO2PC USB/serial version) or SIO2OSX Mac application (SIO2PC serial version)

- buy SIO2PC-USB (AtariAge user sloopy, $30-45) and use it with AspeQt Windows application



Philsan you have forgotten me, I am so deeply sad now :_(. Seriously though, I have so far built and sold around 50 SIO2PC / 10502PC hardware. So far only RS232 versions, but check out my announcement soon for a USB edition.... I build these individually so I am not a volume seller, after all it's all for the hobby and I am glad I have the time and means to do it.

Edited by atari8warez
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If you want to run all existing software you have two solutions:


1 If you have and want a PC always near to your Atari you can

- buy SIO2PC (AtariAge user classics, $60) and use it with APE Windows application (SIO2PC USB/serial version) or SIO2OSX Mac application (SIO2PC serial version)

- buy SIO2PC-USB (AtariAge user sloopy, $30-45) and use it with AspeQt Windows application



Philsan you have forgotten me, I am so deeply sad now :_(. Seriously though, I have so far built and sold around 50 SIO2PC / 10502PC hardware. So far only RS232 versions, but check out my announcement soon for a USB edition.... I build these individually so I am not a volume seller, after all it's all for the hobby and I am glad I have the time and means to do it.

I am so sorry. :dunce:

First post updated!

BTW, very nice your lifetime warranty.

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If you want to run all existing software you have two solutions:


1 If you have and want a PC always near to your Atari you can

- buy SIO2PC (AtariAge user classics, $60) and use it with APE Windows application (SIO2PC USB/serial version) or SIO2OSX Mac application (SIO2PC serial version)

- buy SIO2PC-USB (AtariAge user sloopy, $30-45) and use it with AspeQt Windows application



Philsan you have forgotten me, I am so deeply sad now :_(. Seriously though, I have so far built and sold around 50 SIO2PC / 10502PC hardware. So far only RS232 versions, but check out my announcement soon for a USB edition.... I build these individually so I am not a volume seller, after all it's all for the hobby and I am glad I have the time and means to do it.

I am so sorry. :dunce:

First post updated!

BTW, very nice your lifetime warranty.


Thanks Phil, haven't had to honor one so far and hope that's a good sign!.....(and I am crossing my fingers here he he)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Ray.


I followed your nice device in this thread


and the ordering in this thread


but I tought it was a limited run only, perhaps available in the future.

In your website I don't see a page dedicated to that device.

Will you make it so I can link it?

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Hi Ray.


I followed your nice device in this thread


and the ordering in this thread


but I tought it was a limited run only, perhaps available in the future.

In your website I don't see a page dedicated to that device.

Will you make it so I can link it?


Hi Phil,


The first 10 (ended-up being 13) was a special AA run, and I will continue making it, so it's here to stay. I will also re-design my original RS232 version to be also a dual (SIO2PC and 10502PC) device. The web pages do not reflect that yet, but the USB version will hit ebay as soon as I finish shipping those 1st 13 (which is pretty soon).


Anyhow, I will let you know when I update my webpages, thank you.


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  • 1 month later...

Which models have the best build quality? I like well built, sturdy computers. I consider durable to be whichever one feels better built than the C64. Are the A800XLs reliable?

For well built and sturdy you will not be able to beat the 800, unfortunately it will not run later software that requires a 64K or larger XL/XE system. The ability to have 4 players for Mule is in its favor though. There have been discussions about a replacement OS upgrade board which allows the ability to select between 800 mode and XE mode with up to 576K, the design of which is complete and some prototypes built, but which has not been produced. There are also limited upgrades available for this machine.


My next choice would be the 1200XL, followed closely by the 800XL. The quality of the XL circuit boards is superior to those of the XE line, and the XLs can be upgraded with extra memory which was their main disadvantage in comparison to the 130XE.


The quality of the XE lines circuit board is a major disadvantage when installing mods/upgrades, it is much easier to damage when doing so.




For PAL territories (PAL/NTSC only availability should be mentioned in first post really) the 1200XL is not an option is it? If so get an 800XL for 64kb games and 800 if 48kb is enough as it has a lovely keyboard I think and 4 joystick ports. 65 n 130XE/XEGS keyboard is worse than C64 one so be aware of that if you plan on typing.

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  • 1 month later...



Thanks for this thread.

I currently have a 800XL PAL.


What I miss is the description of what all the main hardware projects are about.

I got it for the incognito board, the various SIO2XXXX, but VBXE ?

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  • 1 month later...



the URL for the webpage of mega-hz (SIO2SD and other A8 hardware) has changed, it is now:


please update the URL in the first post...


And err, regarding tapes (for dummies) its not enough holding down start+option on the computer and presing play on the device, one must press RETURN key to start loading (afaik, there was a topic at AA where one could not load any tapes, since he forgot to press the Return key to start the tape)... maybe one should also mention that one can save+load under Basic with CLOAD/CSAVE...


greetings, Andreas Koch.

Edited by CharlieChaplin
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