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The script should look something like this.


path/to/jzintv -z3 "$1"


Creating a Mac Automator-Application should be easy.



Yeah i've tried it a million times and it just never works for me. It either tells me the directory doesn't exist which it does, or it can't find grom and exec which they are in the jzintv directory so I gave up. jzintv works fine if I execute it through the terminal or using GUIntv or even the LTO Flash software.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gernot may have jzintv working through automator.


Quote below coming from here. http://atariage.com/forums/topic/272002-jzintv-osx/


The key setting might be the -p switch telling jzintv where to find exec and grom.



a very simple way to use the automator is,


select application (or program) as new project

drop "execute shell script" (or similar i work with a german osx) in the process window


enter a command string like this into "execute shell script"

applications/jzIntv/jzintv -p applications/jzintv/rom -z3 -a11025 --kbdhackfile=applications/jzintv/keyhack.txt "$1"
and save it as program (.app)


the resulting "progrämmli" will try to send any file to jzintv you drop on it or mark and doubleclick together with it.

unfortunately each with the same settings.



but well a real GUI should offer the game in a window along with it's overlays and manual.

it should offer to configure each game seperately by supporting all options.

they should run from by doubleclick on a icon or the box front-image

(while to large is as bad as to small and i don't need to know the checksum, year, developer, distributor, but i like to see what game it is).

a comfortable way to edit (and load different) keyhack file(s) would be sugar (DOS-Box offers this internally and it's really simple and good, it also just uses a keyhack file).



but as long as i don't have such i'm satisfied with my executables, but i will see what i can get out of the automator.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's a somewhat comfortable way to quick run a game.


it will find the system roms in its subfolders if jzintv is run from the folder where it resides, e.g. with a cd command in a batch.

however adding the rompath is no big deal and it would offer you the poss. to add multiple search paths (i.e. to a basic projects folder).


a basic shell command for a automator constructed application can look like this:


select "Application" (or Program) for this as Task when you start the Automator, it will generate a App where you can drop files on.




select "execute shell-script" from "service programs" (or similar, i'm using a german osx)




enter following as "arguments" in the script window

cd applications/jzintv
./jzintv "$1"

assuming the system roms are in "jzintv"

else you need the -p flag to specify the searchpath(s) (it seems it doesn't searches in subdirectories)


this will open a very small window, but just to briefly check if a rom runs it's enough.



the path for the application jzintv will change even for the flags, thus a full command can look like this

./jzintv -p rom -v1 -z960x600,8 -f0 --kbdhackfile=keyhack.txt -q "$1"

-p the search path is now to define relative to the location of jzintv

-v1 tells intvoice on, it won't harm if it's permanently on but any rom image which uses ivoice will be recognized.

-z your preferred resolution

-f0 windowed mode for a drop on application

--kbdhackfile=keyhack.txt is to define relative to the location of jzintv

-q to suppress the stdout of jzintv


if you run jzintv from the terminal with the flag -h it will output all the possible flags and a brief explanation


jzIntv v1.0

Copyright 2016, Joseph Zbiciak
Portions Tim Lindner, John Tanner, Rick Reynolds, Pedro Giffuni,
copyright: Joe Fisher, Frank Palazzolo, Kjell Breding, Daniele Moglia,
Marco Turconi, Andrea Mazzoleni (scale2x/3x/4x),
Markus Oberhumer (minilzo), Oscar Toledo (AVI),
Jean-loup Gailly (zlib), Mark Adler (zlib)

jzintv [flags] gamefile

Specifying a game image:
jzIntv supports most, if not all, known formats for Intellivision
game ROM images. When invoking jzIntv, provide the full path to
the game-image file. If you omit the file extension, jzIntv will
search for an appropriate file by trying the following extensions:
.rom, .bin, .int, and .itv. The overall ROM search process is
somewhat involved. See the jzIntv documentation for details.

If the filename ends in .bin, .int, or .itv, or if jzIntv does not
recognize the file's extension, it will assume the file is in BIN+CFG
format. In that case, jzIntv will look for a matching .cfg file.

Systems with case-sensitive file names (Linux, UNIX, etc.) need to
ensure the filename extensions are in lower-case. On all systems,
jzIntv expects to receive file names with lower-case extensions.

ROM Image Flags:
-e /path/to/exec.bin Specifies path to the EXEC ROM image.
--execimg=/path/to/exec.bin By default, jzIntv looks in current dir.

-g /path/to/grom.bin Specifies path to the GROM ROM image.
--gromimg=/path/to/grom.bin By default, jzIntv looks in current dir.

-E /path/to/ecs.bin Specifies path to the ECS ROM image
--ecsimg=/path/to/ecs.bin By default, jzIntv looks in current dir.
Only needed when ECS is enabled.

Intellivision Hardware Flags:
-s# --ecs=# ECS. 0: Disable, 1: Enable
-v# --voice=# Intellivoice. 0: Disable, 1: Enable
-W# --voicewindow=# Sets averaging window for voice filter.
-Vname --voicefiles=name Saves voice WAV files to name####.wav.

Video and Sound Flags:
-z --displaysize= Desired display mode:
can be a string of the form
XDIMxYDIM,DEPTH such as "320x200,8"
or a single digit specifying a built-in
resolution from the following set.
0: 320x200,8bpp
1: 640x480,8bpp
2: 320x240,16bpp
3: 1024x768,8bpp
4: 1680x1050,8bpp
5: 800x400,16bpp
6: 1600x1200,32bpp
7: 3280x1200,32bpp

--resolution= Synonym for --displaysize
-f# -x# --fullscreen=# Full screen display:
0: Windowed
1: Full screen
--prescale= Enable prescaler . Use the flag
"--prescale=-1" to print a list of the
supported prescalers.
--gfx-palette= Load alternate palette from
-G# --gramsize=# Change number of GRAM tiles
0: 64 tiles (standard)
1: 128 tiles
2: 256 tiles (INTV88)

-a# --audiorate=# Audio sampling rate. 0 disables audio.
--audio=# Synonym for --audiorate.
-Fname --audiofile=name Records all audio to specified file.
-w# --audiowindow=# Sets averaging window for audio filter.
-B# --audiobufsize=# Internal audio buffer size.
-C# --audiobufcnt=# Internal audio buffer count.
-M# --audiomintick=# Minimum Intellivision cycles between
explicit calls to snd_tick().

Input Configuration Flags:
Currently, jzIntv does not offer a flexible method to re-bind keys.
The kbdhackfile does allow you to crudely specify key bindings.

--kbdhackfile=/path/to/file Configure key bindings.

-m# --kbdmap=# Specify initial keyboard map (0-3)

Analog and USB joysticks have a rich set of configuration parameters.
Run jzIntv with an empty configuration string to find out defaults
are for your joystick and operating system. For more information on
configuring joysticks, see the file jzintv/doc/jzintv/joystick.txt

--js0="config string" Configures Joystick #0
--js1="config string" Configures Joystick #1
--js2="config string" Configures Joystick #2
--js3="config string" Configures Joystick #3

The Classic Game Controller can drive either the Master Component or
the ECS' controller inputs. The following flags associate CGCs with
controllers. They also specify the path to the CGC's device node:

--cgc0=/path/to/cgc CGC for Master Component inputs.
--cgc1=/path/to/cgc CGC for ECS inputs.

Intellicart .ROM emulation specific flags:
-c# --icartcache=# Change caching policy for Intellicart
.ROM programs:
0: Cache bankswitched memory (default)
1: Don't cache bankswitched memory
2: Only cache read-only, non-banksw.
3: Do not cache anything.

Debugger flags:
-d --debugger Enable jzIntv's debugger.
--sym-file=path Load symbol table from 'path'.
--src-map=path Load source/listing map from 'path'.
--script=path Execute debug commands from 'path'.
--rand-mem Randomize memories on startup

Misc Flags:
-r# --ratecontrol=# \_ Speed up by factor #. Setting #
--macho=# / to 0 disables rate control.

-p path --rom-path=path Append path to the ROM search path.

-q --quiet Hide jzIntv's non-error output.

--gui-mode Tells jzIntv to listen for commands from
a GUI over stdin.

-J path --jlp-savegame=path Enable JLP-style save-game support with
'path' as the save-game file.

--file-io Enable Emu-Link File-IO support
(See examples/fileio/fileio.asm)

-l --license License information
-h -? --help This usage info

JZINTV_ROM_PATH Controls ROM search path. Components of
the ROM search path should be separated
by ":" characters. jzIntv examines
dirs specified by --rom-path before
dirs specified by JZINTV_ROM_PATH.

Legal note:
Intellivision is a trademark of Intellivision Productions. Neither
Joe Zbiciak nor jzIntv are affiliated with Intellivision Productions.



if you replace the "robot" with different nice icon (open package - replace in resources "AutomatorApplet.icns") and you have a nice app to place on the desktop and run any intellivision game by dropping the rom image on it.








to be honest i forgot how to run a application from the terminal form a specific directory and had to search for this first (it's quite different as i'm used to).

the advantage is however that everything will be relative to the path of jzintv, outputs as screenshots or recordings but also files you prob. need to run jzintv.



If GUIintv would offer me to run them from icons (or boxfronts but there's a limit for a useful size) and would maybe even include to display manuals and overlays it would be a quite better solution.

Edited by Gernot
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