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The Byte Before Christmas Label Contest!

Byte Knight

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  • 1 month later...

I hate to do bump this up again, but is "Byte Before Christmas" finally seeing release this year? Time's a wastin' I don't wanna wait another year... :sleep:

"When what to my wondering eyes did appear,

but Dom DeLouise atop Mt. Rainier."


Would you buy two different boxed Christmas-themed games this year? (I will.)

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Stay Frosty 2

Thanks for the tip. I didn't know this existed. It seems they made it into a full game rather than just a minigame like on Stella's Stocking:



And still waiting...

"Available Christmas 2011" :roll:

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"Available Christmas 2011" :roll:

Well, that was the original plan, and we did all we could to make it happen in 2011. The code, artwork, and manual were done prior. Unfortunately the rest was out of our hands.


Al says The Byte Before Christmas will be for sale this year. He ordered boxes for it this summer, so it looks to be happening...



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Thanks for the tip. I didn't know this existed. It seems they made it into a full game rather than just a minigame like on Stella's Stocking:



And still waiting...

"Available Christmas 2011" :roll:

I never saw this stay frosty game before, is it available anywhere it looks really cool.

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Endless Snow, Stay Frosty 2, The Byte Before Christmas are all coming out, then there's several more games, still up in the AA store, Stella's Stocking (which I already own), and then Reindeer Rescue and Toy Shop trouble, both of which I need to pick up. Albert, expect a big order from me from the AA store this Christmas! ;)


I've also got 8-bit Xmas 2013 (NES) heading my way from RetroZone as well, not to mention there are non- Christmas themed homebrews in addition to those: Star Castle Atari Homebrew, an SNES 4-in-one cart from Piko Interactive, Study Hall (new NES homebrew, hopefully available soon from RetroZone)


Sooooo many gooooodies!!! :grin:

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Endless Snow, Stay Frosty 2, The Byte Before Christmas are all coming out, then there's several more games, still up in the AA store, Stella's Stocking (which I already own), and then Reindeer Rescue and Toy Shop trouble, both of which I need to pick up. Albert, expect a big order from me from the AA store this Christmas! ;)


I've also got 8-bit Xmas 2013 (NES) heading my way from RetroZone as well, not to mention there are non- Christmas themed homebrews in addition to those: Star Castle Atari Homebrew, an SNES 4-in-one cart from Piko Interactive, Study Hall (new NES homebrew, hopefully available soon from RetroZone)


Sooooo many gooooodies!!! :grin:


Doesn't look like Stella's Stocking is currently available. No option to add to cart from what I can tell.



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Doesn't look like Stella's Stocking is currently available. No option to add to cart from what I can tell.



Awww... :sad:


Good thing I've already got Stella's Stocking in my collection though. It may be stock related as it needs a special 64k board, and I believe Zippy will use the same PCB when it is released. Toyshop Trouble and Reindeer Rescue are still up however, so I'll be grabbing those along with the Byte Before Christmas when it releases:



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  • 4 weeks later...

Any update for Byte Before Christmas? (or availabilty on Stella's Stocking) We want to give the gift of Atari this year to Jen's brother's family. We want to give them a nice "starter system lot", and get them a shiny new holiday-themed homebrew as well -to introduce them to the great games still being made :-)

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Albert, time's a wastin'. I really don't want to wait another year for this. When I got into Atari collecting last year (2012), this game was already a whole year overdue. The label contest was over in 2011. You can sit on those shiny boxes until 2014 if you want, but all that unsold inventory is probably expensive. This really needs out before next week, preferably ASAP.

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As far as I understand, Al is not the bottleneck here.

The ROM and artwork on this game have existed for two years. The boxes were printed six months ago. Unless there is a shortage of PCBs or something hardware related (which would also impact stock in the AA store), I don't see what the issue is. I could be mistaken, but I'm sure the authors of the games included gave their blessing a long time ago.

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The ROM and artwork on this game have existed for two years. The boxes were printed six months ago. Unless there is a shortage of PCBs or something hardware related (which would also impact stock in the AA store), I don't see what the issue is. I could be mistaken, but I'm sure the authors of the games included gave their blessing a long time ago.

Yes, there is a shortage of PCBs to produce this and some other games (Stay Frosty 2 and Star Castle Arcade being the others). These games either use additional RAM (in the case of The Byte Before Christmas, it's a SARA-based game), or use the DPC+ mode of the Melody. I'm waiting on A) more Melody boards and B) some software I can use in order to test a new board I can produce myself (suitable for most bankswitch games, as well as SARA-based games).


Trust me, I'd like to see this and the other games out as much as you do, but my hands are currently tied. I'm going to release all three of these games together, regardless of the holiday season, as soon as I have suitable parts.



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