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Challenge: Write a game in Atari Basic under 4K


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Crap... see previous comment about time since previously working in BASIC. =-) [Looks hopefully at TheRealBountyBob in case a fixed version can be done in that there ATR =-]


I can't believe that TMR has forgotten how to use his favourite command POKE! I've used POKE 82 various times since buying an Atari 65XE last May.


Anyway, so far I've run all the games from that menu disk ATR file, but I haven't yet seen the listings themselves, because the BREAK key had no effect. I hope to read the listings soon on an emulator, or by compiling all the BASIC programs into an ATR file with no boot loader menu.


I couldn't really play "Keep on Koastin' " and had problems running the skiing game, but eventually managed it.


I loved the Slovakian quiz program and have been getting high scores on it. If I can do it, then that proves anyone can do it! I think that Gury should write some more detailed learn Slovakian programs. I hope to meet up with some more Slovakian women after learning the vocabulary.

Edited by SIO99
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I can't believe that TMR has forgotten how to use his favourite command POKE!


No, i've got loads in the game i wrote for this little competition including the loop that generates the custom display list or the bits of the main loop moving the player and checking its collisions; that Atari-specific POKE was forgotten because i haven't needed it for over a quarter of a century, you've commented previously about how hard you found remembering POKE values in the short term so i'm sure i can be allowed one tiny slip after that long.

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I've met some Slovak women who I thought were amazing, as well as some Czech women, but I haven't met any Slovenian women, so I don't know what to think.

It happens very often to mix up Slovenia and Slovakia. We are not different from any other nation, if somebody think so. Do you know Tina Maze, our alpine skier, who is the best in her sport right now? More than 1000 points in just three months?




She also made a video spot. Some more pictures of her:



Slovenian girls are really beautiful. Some more pictures of our singers:


post-7301-0-03441900-1357721432.jpg post-7301-0-36460800-1357721441.jpg



SIO99 and David_P, still biased?

Edited by Gury
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I can't believe that TMR has forgotten how to use his favourite command POKE! I've used POKE 82 various times since buying an Atari 65XE last May.

That was down to the menu I used; it didn't reset the margin to default (now fixed)


Anyway, so far I've run all the games from that menu disk ATR file, but I haven't yet seen the listings themselves, because the BREAK key had no effect. I hope to read the listings soon on an emulator, or by compiling all the BASIC programs into an ATR file with no boot loader menu.

The menu does have a drop to basic but you need to press SHIFT-HELP/F6 [HELP is F6 on altirra!] - I trapped reset in the menu program (delete line 0 to clear this). Or to get to BASIC load SQ.BAS press break, type GR.0. New, POKE 580,0 Press reset/F5 and then you can load the files directly. I went for a DOS2.5 disk with a BASIC menu so people could examine and save the code. Mypicodos lets the files run and be listed but not saved back. Remember to set the disk/ATR to R/W to allow saves :)


I couldn't really play "Keep on Koastin' " and had problems running the skiing game, but eventually managed it.

Keep on Koastin should be playable providing you keep the joystick(keys) held - otherwise you can miss the joystick read and fall off. The game starts of slowly ;) Several of the games take a minute to initialise!

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That was down to the menu I used; it didn't reset the margin to default (now fixed)



The menu does have a drop to basic but you need to press SHIFT-HELP/F6 [HELP is F6 on altirra!] - I trapped reset in the menu program (delete line 0 to clear this). Or to get to BASIC load SQ.BAS press break, type GR.0. New, POKE 580,0 Press reset/F5 and then you can load the files directly. I went for a DOS2.5 disk with a BASIC menu so people could examine and save the code. Mypicodos lets the files run and be listed but not saved back. Remember to set the disk/ATR to R/W to allow saves :)



Keep on Koastin should be playable providing you keep the joystick(keys) held - otherwise you can miss the joystick read and fall off. The game starts of slowly ;) Several of the games take a minute to initialise!


I should remind you all that I usually use an Atari 65XE with an SIO MicroSD device. I haven't used an A8 emulator for several months now, but I may use one soon, because not all the programs from the Homesoft collection are compatible with it. In particular, there are "Turbovision" or "Turboversion" ATR files with a rainbow background which cause the 65XE to lock up. I'm still thinking about buying an Atari 800XL as well.

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I should remind you all that I usually use an Atari 65XE with an SIO MicroSD device. I haven't used an A8 emulator for several months now, but I may use one soon, because not all the programs from the Homesoft collection are compatible with it. In particular, there are "Turbovision" or "Turboversion" ATR files with a rainbow background which cause the 65XE to lock up. I'm still thinking about buying an Atari 800XL as well.

(I don't have experience of using a MicroSD)

Not sure if you're sorted now - If you want a different type of ATR creating let me know ;)

Is there much difference between a 65XE and an 800XL :ponder: perhaps someone can help with this; if you list a Homesoft Game Disk # someone may try it too...

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