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M.U.L.E. Post your scores here!

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Long time (almost 19 months), no M.U.L.E. and I was in the mood for playing a round. It didn't go particularly well, partly due to I'm misjudging my round times and didn't get those top notch crystite plots right away.


Carlsson (Red Humanoid, 2nd place) - 28655 pts

Colony Total - 108213 pts


Rd Land Auction       Event              Smit Crys Food Ener  Order
 1 632VC 608BC        Pest Attack GC       57   --   15   10  BC VC GC RH
 2 548NS              Planetquake          57   --   15   10  VC GC RH BC
 3 266RH              Sunspot Activity     43   80   15   10  RH VC GC BC
 4 206RH 178RH        Planetquake          57  112   15   10  RH VC GC BC
 5 342GC 418VC 358NS  Acid Rain Storm      50  100   15   13  RH VC GC BC
 6 835GC 791VC        Pest Attack RH       50  140   15   24  RH GC VC BC
 7 --                 Pirate Ship          50   --   15   77  RH VC GC BC
 8 731NS              Sunspot Activity     43  136   19   32  RH GC BC VC
 9 --                 Acid Rain Storm      50  116   22   10  GC RH VC BC
10 --                 Crazy Mule GC        50  108   15   12  GC RH VC BC
11 --                 Sunspot Activity     50   84   39   10  GC RH VC BC
12 --                 Transport Ship       57  132   62   10  GC RH BC VC



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Here we go again... In tonight's game, there were a few attractive mountain complexes that made me want to go for smithore for a change. However of course I wasn't alone in this task, so I never could dominate the market. Remarkable is that in round 2, a total of four plots with High Crystite were assayed but neither yet assigned to a player so they all lie there as ripe cherries to pick in the next round. In round 5, I was in desperate need for a river plot which explains why I overpaid $1000+ for one. Why I paid almost $1100 for a standard plain plot in round 8 is due to the computer tricked me, nothing important about that plot.


In the rounds 6, 10 and 11 I had so little to do that I waited out the Wampus and caught him thrice, something I very rarely have time for. In the end, I didn't even last to remain in second place and scored even worse than yesterday, which I at first thought was a rather mediocre score but upon closer look was rather decent even if nowhere a record.


Rd Land Auction       Event              Smit Crys Food Ener  Order
 1 --                 Meteorite Strike     50   --   15   10  BC VC GC RH
 2 --                 Pirate Ship          43   --   15   10  BC VC GC RH
 3 440BC 412VC 360GC  Pest Attack BC       50   88   15   10  VC GC BC RH
 4 --                 Pest Attack VC       43  132   15   24  VC BC RH GC
 5 1004RH (river)     Fire in Store        43   56   39   63  VC BC RH GC
 6 944VC (high crys)  Acid Rain Storm      89  140  158   83  VC BC RH GC
 7 --                 Meteorite Strike VC  50   52  173  126  VC RH BC GC
 8 1096RH 1036NS      Acid Rain Storm      50  112  148  212  VC RH BC GC
 9 --                 Acid Rain Storm      43  104   77  210  VC RH BC GC
10 -- (map full)      Sunspot Activity     50  112   35   83  VC RH BC GC
11 --                 Crazy Mule RH MedCry 43  124   33   20  VC BC RH GC
12 --                 Transport Ship       57   84   65   10  VC BC RH GC


Carlsson (Red Humanoid, 3rd place) - 26177 pts

Colony Total - 101843 pts


Note how the winning computer scored more than 35000 pts. As noted before, it is not common for computer players to reach that high.



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8 hours ago, therealbountybob said:

carlsson do you want to take over running this thread re the tables? I can send you what I have - excel file?


8 hours ago, carlsson said:

Sure. It probably involves some moderator action if I should be able to edit your post.

Good point, I've made the request, so stay tuned :!:

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  • 8 months later...

Since I didn't fancy any more burgers, I determined it was M.U.L.E. time.


One noteworthy event was in round 8 when the blue computer played traded in 90++ units of crystite at $64 each, without even being close to financial trouble. At first I thought he knew something that the rest of us didn't. In the following round, the price increased to $136 without any pirates in sight so the blue player essentially lost $6500 by selling prematurely and dropped two positions in the overall standings, just like I did.


Carlsson (Green Humanoid in 2nd place) - 30269 pts

Colony Total - 115769 pts


Rd Land Auction       Event              Smit Crys Food Ener  Order
 1 608RC 608BC 608VC  Pirate Ship          43   --   15   10  BC RC VC GH
 2 548NS              Pest Attack BC       57  136   15   12  RC BC VC GH
 3 --                 Fire in Store        36   60   24   25  BC VC RC GH
 4 266NS              Sunspot Activity     57  144   15   10  BC RC VC GH
 5 857RC              Meteorite Strike     50  132   30   10  BC RC VC GH
 6 1481BC             Planetquake          57   84   69   33  BC RC GH VC
 7 --                 Nothing!             50   64   69   76  BC GH RC VC
 8 --                 Crazy Mule GH       105   64   56   76  BC GH RC VC
 9 1421NS             Sunspot Activity     57  136   70   71  RC VC BC GH
10 --                 Pest Attack RC       50  108   69   36  RC BC VC GH
11 --                 Fire in Store        50   92   91   60  RC BC VC GH
12 --                 Transport Ship       50   48  190  218  RC GH BC VC



Edited by carlsson
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@CapitanClassic and @Rybags might be interested in the game I played above, there was one round where seemingly no event happened. There sure were food to destroy, mules to crazify, crystite to steal etc so while according to the spec something ought to happen every time, once in a blue moon the effect is that nothing changes.

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1 hour ago, carlsson said:

@CapitanClassic and @Rybags might be interested in the game I played above, there was one round where seemingly no event happened. There sure were food to destroy, mules to crazify, crystite to steal etc so while according to the spec something ought to happen every time, once in a blue moon the effect is that nothing changes.

@carlsson, A random event is always chosen, but it might be the case that nothing could happen. for that random event. The most likely event with Nothing happening are Pest Attack, since that events requires a player in 1st/2nd place to have a Food Plot. (Most other events would be difficult/impossible to not satisfy the necessary requirements)




Pest Attack

A random Food exploitation owned by one of the two first players and having produced at least 1 unit of Food lose all its production.



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  • 6 months later...
55 minutes ago, reifsnyderb said:

March 5, 2022, as a Mechtron.  First place with a score of 45,407.  (I always play as blue.)



52 minutes ago, reifsnyderb said:

Doesn't count for much as a Flapper is pretty easy to play.  But, last night I figured I'd play an easy game as a Flapper for a change.  


:thumbsup: Welcome reifsynderb!

Not played MULE for a while but will do again soon. Will get the tables here updated at some point too :)

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50 minutes ago, therealbountybob said:


:thumbsup: Welcome reifsynderb!

Not played MULE for a while but will do again soon. Will get the tables here updated at some point too :)

We did have a MULE competition here a couple years back, maybe time to do that again?

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I thought this evergreen thread /was/ the M.U.L.E. competition of AtariAge. But yes, we had a time limited tournament within it.


As for tables, I picked up an Excel file from therealbountybob before but haven't got to digest through it and add the latest scores for easier publishing of the top lists. One day I'll get around doing it, and complete my duties as a HSC moderator.

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  • 1 month later...

Today marks 39 years since M.U.L.E. was released for Atari 8-bit (the C64 version came out in October 1983). I don't quite have the time to play a round this late, but may celebrate it later in the week.


Of course it means that Tuesday May 23, 2023 is the 40th anniversary of the game, so start planning!

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On 4/8/2022 at 9:29 PM, zzip said:

We did have a MULE competition here a couple years back, maybe time to do that again?

:thumbsup: carlsson is forgetting ;-) yes we had The Month of M*U*L*E Tourney. Give me a couple of months and we'll do a follow up, I had a few ideas from last time :grin:

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23 hours ago, therealbountybob said:

:thumbsup: carlsson is forgetting ;-) yes we had The Month of M*U*L*E Tourney. Give me a couple of months and we'll do a follow up, I had a few ideas from last time :grin:

That would have been fun - I've definitely never played with all of the characters (I am typically a Bonzoid).


Looking forward to what you come up with this time out ;)

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Has anyone else ever done a "real-estate" strategy?   Where instead of producing goods, your goal is to snag the most promising plots free or cheap.    Then you wait for the right moment to sell them to other players at super high prices.   You don't develop any of them except maybe a single food plot to sustain you.


I do this sometimes and have won the game using this strategy. 

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1 minute ago, carlsson said:

How much is super high? $1500, $3000, more? It would take a cutthroat game with pirates, pests and fires in the right moments to win that way, I feel like.

Definitely in the thousands.   It depends on the plot of course,  and how much you need money that round.     But if the other players aren't able to offer as much as I want,  I will refuse to sell and try again next round.    As they make more money,  and grow so that your plot touches theirs and has good 'mineral' deposits, they will pay a lot to take it off your hands!

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