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2013 Meetup

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I'm thinking when the time comes I could bring some goodies. I'd love to see a proper game room.


All I can think of is bringing an unreleased game like Dead of Knight that was shown at PRGE (with permission from Joe Grisaffi of course)


Maybe handing out a Starpath Supercharger release of Stranglehand to everyone?

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Maybe we can all meet a Pete's then the next time I can have it at my place. My wife doesn't want strangers over at the house, but once I meet everyone they're not really strangers anymore. My game room isn't very large though, so more than 6 or 7 people would be a crowd.

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Maybe we can all meet a Pete's then the next time I can have it at my place. My wife doesn't want strangers over at the house, but once I meet everyone they're not really strangers anymore. My game room isn't very large though, so more than 6 or 7 people would be a crowd.


Sounds like packing a harmony cart is out. Maybe I can hide Stranglehand cassettes out from my jacket like its high school and I'm a bootlegging entrepreneur bootlegger. :)

Pssst.. hey. hey buddy! Want an unlicensed video game or two?

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