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Sega Genesis/Mega Drive HSC Season 2, Round 10:Multi-Game I Road Trip


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Here's my driving story

One day I was traveling down US 1 in Southern Pines NC. I was on my way to school when I saw this other driver tried to pass me. I decided that I would be an ass and speed up and match his speed. (about 65) I then veered off at my exit. He was supposed to take that exit too. My assness caused him to miss said exit. I never heard from the driver. Remarkably, he didn't flip me the bird either. This happened about 15 years ago. I just remember it when I scream at other asses on the road because I once was one.

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Bonus: Interesting Road Tale.


A few years ago I was coming back home from visiting my folks up north for a couple weeks during the Summer. 99% of the 650 mile drive is on interstate highway routs. From legal speed limits ranging from 65 to 75 you get people zipping along at 80 - 90 or more. I drove through a couple of rather nasty storms on the way home, one in West Virginia with torrential rain and a multitude of lightning. The other was in Virginia, heading into Tennessee. This one wasn't as bad but still rotten enough to make things hazardous. In both cases the majority of people were sensible and slowed down accordingly but you always have a few dumb ass morons that think that they are immune to the laws of physics. Fairly close to the TN border, with the rain still coming down hard some assclown goes blowing past me like it's a bright, dry sunny day. At this point there are two lanes of traffic going west and two in the opposite with a median in between containing elevated ground due to mountainous area. At the moment this dullard rips by I think he's just begging to start hydroplaning and cause a wreck. It wasn't two or three miles westward that said idiot was firmly planted against the grass covered rocky material in the median. He's standing there, saturated, gazing at his mangled sports car, as if wondering "how did this happen"?

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