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Connection between Below The Root and CD-i Zelda games

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Apologies if I'm on the wrong forum. This is also related to Classic Computing, so...


I have reason to believe that a modified version of the engine for Windham Classics' C64 and Apple II games Below The Root and Alice in Wonderland was used in the CD-i Zelda games.


At the risk of sounding like a crazy conspiracy theorist, allow me to explain: American Laser Games made a game for CD-i called Alice In Wonderland, which looks and plays very similarly to the Windham Classics game of the same name. It is probably a remake.


Before that, the same company made a game called Laser Lords using a very similar engine. Some of the programmers of Laser Lords and Alice in Wonderland went on the make the CD-i Zelda games. It's possible that the awkward and clunky controls of that game were a result of trying to modify the engine to support a sidescrolling action game.


In short, this:



led to this:



I just thought this was interesting.

Edited by Segataritensoftii
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yes, same programmer (Del DeSharone).


there's s an article in an issue of Retro Gamer (can't remember which issue) about him, CDi, Spinnaker and the problems about progamming for the CDi

Yes the problem with the CD-i controls are part of Philips decision that any program running on the CD-i should be controllable with every controller available for the system.

Thus you can control a car using the CD-i peacekeeper gun, or a platform game using a mouse. The downside of this is that the controls lack a bit in response.

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