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Astrocade Composite or Component Mod?


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Rather than necropost to the old thread from 2005, I thought I'd start a new topic.


Has anyone here modded an Astrocade to either Composite out or Component?


It looks like the modulator has R-Y, B-Y, and Y+sync. http://www.glankonian.com/~lance/Hack.html

In the previous thread, someone commented that therefore component should be easy to obtain. (Sounds too good to be true.)



Over at Bally Alley there is a schematic for RGB but the picture quality makes it very hard to read.


Edited by yell0w_lantern
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Rather than necropost to the old thread from 2005, I thought I'd start a new topic.


Has anyone here modded an Astrocade to either Composite out or Component?


It looks like the modulator has R-Y, B-Y, and Y+sync. http://www.glankonian.com/~lance/Hack.html

In the previous thread, someone commented that therefore component should be easy to obtain. (Sounds too good to be true.)



Over at Bally Alley there is a schematic for RGB but the picture quality makes it very hard to read.



I'm not sure any direct connect mod produced a usable picture, like with so many other console mods out there. If it was that easy, I'm sure more of us Bally/Astrocade owners would have attempted it.


The best mod ever was the one by 8BitDomain, simple, easy and 100% reversible if you wanted to keep the console "original". While it was designed for S-VIDEO I would think composite would still look very good, compared to the lousy RF.


I may have a composite solution available in the near future and will post a message to the forums when its ready.

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Component should be easily available, but I guess you'll need an additional chip for the sync.

Component use analog video, so that'w what we get from the Astrocade (signal strenght ajustment might be needed) but, it also use digital video sync, and this is something the Astrocade doesn't output naturally.

As far as simplucity goes, I would say composite and S-video are the best candidates.

RGB would offer the same result as component but it require a more complex circuit (tho, not a specific one; a R-Y B-Y Y to RGb circuits like in the French Colecovision would probably do the trick.

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