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ATRONIC CPS 99 schematics


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Hi everybody,


on the TI-Treff in Eindhoven this year i had a nice talk with Jens-Eike about the Atronic CPS99.

My unit has a few modification and is missing the 32kb memory.


Last week i decided to test it and it "exploded". Take a look at the pictures.


So for now i am seeking some information - diagrams or schematics.








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I never saw schematics for that one published anywhere--though you might want to ask Harald Glaab or Juergen Stelter.


And @Willsy, the CPS99 was a sidecar device from a German hardware company (Atronic) that made a lot of RS-232, DSDD controller, and 32K cards for the PEB. The CPS99 had all of these functions integrated into a nice little sidecar that also had the floppy drives in it, and wasn't much bigger than a regular floppy case. The closest US equivalent was the Myarc MPES50, which did all the same things but was also a lot chunkier (I have an MPES50, but not a CPS99). Atronic also did some single-function sidecar devices (I've seen a 32K and an RS-232--and have both).

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It looks like you just had the typical electrolytic capacitor drying out and exploding when power was applied, now that I look at the picture. It looks like it was the bleeder cap for the voltage regulators--and those are often 100uF. I suspect that all you will need to do is replace the cap and it will work fine. . .

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It looks like you just had the typical electrolytic capacitor drying out and exploding when power was applied, now that I look at the picture. It looks like it was the bleeder cap for the voltage regulators--and those are often 100uF. I suspect that all you will need to do is replace the cap and it will work fine. . .


You are correct but there are a few modifications on the board around the serial port.

There is no ram in the unit, but two empty sockets.


I thought i could find some information about this in the schematics.


I try to replace the cap.

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" ... die Jungs aus Buxtehude und aus Lüneburg ..."


Schaltpläne habe ich nicht, aber bei einem konspirativen Treffen könnte ich Ihnen meine Kiste aushändigen, um mal einen vergleichenden Blick werfen zu können. Schwer zu koordinieren, aber nicht unmöglich.


I have no schematics, but a cps you can look at it.

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  • 2 months later...

habe hier einige Bilder; Manual zum ATRONIC -CPS 99 und auf dem Disk-Image müssten die Eproms vom Pio und
Disksystem sein, für ca. 7 Tage eingestellt.


Das Prob mit den Elkos hatte ich bei 2 TI-99/4 Netzteilen, die mir vor einiger Zeit abgeraucht sind.
Die hat ein TV-Mechaniker ganz entfernt, die Teile laufen seither problemslos.

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habe hier einige Bilder; Manual zum ATRONIC -CPS 99 und auf dem Disk-Image müssten die Eproms vom Pio und

Disksystem sein, für ca. 7 Tage eingestellt.




Das Prob mit den Elkos hatte ich bei 2 TI-99/4 Netzteilen, die mir vor einiger Zeit abgeraucht sind.

Die hat ein TV-Mechaniker ganz entfernt, die Teile laufen seither problemslos.


Thanks :)

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nee, bin nicht aus Buxtehude :D


habe aber noch das 128er Eprom V2.1 ausgelesen


liegt hier zum Download mit einigen Bildern von den 2 Huckepack, nehme an RAM's




Edited by Flottmann1
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It is somewhat disappointing to see that after decades and generations of AI researchers, we are still far from a "universal translator" like in Star Trek which instantly translates between languages.


Apart from the fact, of course, that this is not even possible if we had the computing power, just because of the different concepts in the languages.


The best results so far come from Google - using a brute-force strategy, and nothing really intelligent.

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Sorry, Jon, for the mess. I am thinking that Google Translate is not much of a help here. I was able to fool even the german users, when I ripped lyrics from a german song to point CosmicBoy to my hometown. So I am not from the town "where the dogs are barking with their tails (wo die Hunde mit dem Schwanz bellen oder Ik bün all dor to hus is)", Kal El, but the town where its boys gone have some fun like Udo Lindenberg was 'singing'.


So Jon, CosmicBoy uses (or not) my CPS-99, something like your CorComp expansion system, to fix his own. Now, Kal El needs to fix his CPS too. Flottman1 shared his manual, a newer dsr and some pictures with us.


Kal El, I do not have any repair skills, maybe CosmicBoy might be able to help you.

Von E-Reparaturen verstehe ich rein gar nichts, aber vielleicht können dir Flottmann1 oder CosmicBoy helfen.

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It is somewhat disappointing to see that after decades and generations of AI researchers, we are still far from a "universal translator" like in Star Trek which instantly translates between languages.


Apart from the fact, of course, that this is not even possible if we had the computing power, just because of the different concepts in the languages.


The best results so far come from Google - using a brute-force strategy, and nothing really intelligent.


Side bar, I did put this whole thread URL in Google Translate, and you figure it would translate it, but it just told me that it was already in English! Apparently, it is either "all" or "nothing" for Google Translate :)

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Sorry, Jon, for the mess. I am thinking that Google Translate is not much of a help here. I was able to fool even the german users, when I ripped lyrics from a german song to point CosmicBoy to my hometown. So I am not from the town "where the dogs are barking with their tails (wo die Hunde mit dem Schwanz bellen oder Ik bün all dor to hus is)", Kal El, but the town where its boys gone have some fun like Udo Lindenberg was 'singing'.


So Jon, CosmicBoy uses (or not) my CPS-99, something like your CorComp expansion system, to fix his own. Now, Kal El needs to fix his CPS too. Flottman1 shared his manual, a newer dsr and some pictures with us.


Kal El, I do not have any repair skills, maybe CosmicBoy might be able to help you.

Von E-Reparaturen verstehe ich rein gar nichts, aber vielleicht können dir Flottmann1 oder CosmicBoy helfen.


Awesome - yes, I figured it was some sort of expansion system from the first picture, but have never heard of it before. :-) As old as our equipment is, I'm surprised that it is lasting as long as it has!!

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@Kal EL

I swapped some of the electrolyte capacitors and tantalum capacitors

My system had no ram, but with ecks one i was able to fix that - see post #14 from Flottmann1

I had some problems with the wires from the transformer to the mainboard and changed them.

At last i had to copy the eprom.


Maybe i can repair your system - send me a pm


( sorry for my denglisch ).

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  • 1 year later...

These are definitely the schmatics for the CPS-99, along with a nice technical breakdown of how it works. The last document is a roll-your-own RGB modulator for the TI, based on the original from TI. All of it is in German, and some of the handwritten notes are hard to suss out, but it is a great read!

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