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SPACEPONG - new game

Blue Azure

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OK fans, here we go again. Yet another game variation, blah blah blah. But I just had to do it. This is Bob's SPACE DUEL stuck in bouncy-bounce mode. I made it just bad enough that you'd have to buy the real thing to retain sanity. The concept is you start in the box and you never leave it. Your shots rebound off the sides of the box and your ship shots don't actually kill your ship. You can face the walls and shoot the walls and the rebound actually passes through your ship and kills the unsuspecting space rocks behind you. And the double rebounds in the corner are kind of fun as well. Haven't seen "balls" bouncing off walls like this since PONG. Hence the name of the game. The game is a bit glitchy and if I had found an easy way to fix it, I would have. I traced most of the problem to the positioning of the space rocks within the game. If I could move them 1 pixel to the left and 1 pixel up, then this would have been a much better game. Try it today, if you must...



The title screen has been slightly altered to add to the amusement. With 16 lines available for graphics, this is what I was able to do. All that's left to do is to animate the boxes by spinning them on their center axis (horizontal or vertical, I'm not sure which).



If you like ASTEROIDS-style games and bouncing off walls, this game is for you.

SPACEPONG available only here at Atariage.com











If you like REAL games that actually do something, go here:




Enjoy it! And happy holidays to all. Now back to the next game... and the next game... and the next game.




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